Maui (character) - photo, pictures, cartoon, moan, heroes, demigod


Character History

Maui is the protagonist of the animation full-length film "Moana", published in 2016. The demigod along with the daughter of the leader crosses the ocean, trying to correct the mistakes of the past and save people from the eternal darkness and hunger.

History of character creation

"Moana" is the original draft Walt Disney, the 56th full-length film that introduces the audience with the culture of the people of Maori. The characters of a colorful cartoon, one way or another, give reference to the Polynesian legend. And the most brightly demonstrates Maui.

Interestingly, in the first script, the scenario of the demigod was given to the main role in the narration. Moan was planned to make an assistant. Love was present in the plot - on the idea of ​​the director, the daughter of the leader is launched in swimming to find her groom. But afterwards the creators of the cartoon Ron Clements and John Maskener refused the romantic line, and Maui went to the background.

The start of the project was preceded by a trip to the Islands of Polynesia. Local residents shared with the team of screenwriters and animators legends and legends. This information was embodied in pictures, images and a plot of the cartoon.

So, in the Polynesian mythology, Maui is one of the most important deities. In some sources, the character was born ordinary person. According to other information, it was born of sea shell. He was taken to her spirits, which were given divine power.

Using the gifts of the highest strength, the cultural hero acted for the benefit of people. Researchers compare his image with Hercules, but this is rooted incorrectly. The exploits of the first are concentrated in the aspect of the creation of the world. So, the Polynesian demigod carries all signs of the demiurge.

According to legends, he gives people fire and knowledge of crafts, teaches to cultivate land. At the same time, it does not forget to guard the inhabitants of the islands from the mounds. Death overtakes the hero in the fight with the Mountain of the Sea. And the defender of the people turns into a star.

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Maui from "Moana" retained the main features of the mythological prototype, including assigned the history of exploits. But external features are facial expressions and physique - the creators of the cartoon borrowed Duene Johnson, American actor of Polynesian origin.

He also voiced the character in the cartoon, and also performed the famous composition "Thank you". In Russian box office sings Gregory Siyatvind. And from the words in the composition, the audience learned important facts from the biography of the demigod.

In general, vocal parties in the animated picture deserve separate attention. In Russian dubbing, they were performed by such popular singers like Julianna Karaulova, Ilya Lagutenko, Denis Klyaver and Zinaida Kupriyanovich. The cartoon earned positive feedback from the incredibly beautiful animation, an abundance of humorous quotes and bright characters.

Image and Biography Maui

In the cartoon "Moana", Maui is not a man, but not God. He was born in an ordinary family, however, caused his parental displeasure, so they threw him into the sea to the right death. The higher forces saved the boy, and after the real hero was brought up in him.
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The gods gave a guy a magical fishing hook, thanks to which he was reincarnated into any animal. More often a man became a huge bird capable of overcome long distances. This technique also used in the fights with monsters, avoiding the counterdad.

The main character has a very colorful appearance. Male's growth is more than 2 meters, and the abundance of muscles and broad shoulders make it a frightening warrior. According to traditional ideas, it is depicted in a classic skirt made of wood leaf. As usual, his neck decorates the "necklace" from the legs, fangs and teeth.

Long black hair, dark skin and many tattoos - so saw the audience the main character of the cartoon. Images on the body, as he himself admits, appear by itself, after the feats.

In general, Maui is pretty boastful and waiting for thanks to people for their acts. Sometimes in the character there is egoism, stubbornness and self-confidence, but such negative qualities are perceived as the weaknesses of the demigod caused by the fact that his parents threw it.

This fact influenced the formation and fate of the character. Becoming superville, Maui decided to help mankind. How it becomes known from the song, he raised the islands, pulled the sun, created the wind and presented the fire to people.

In the desire to deserve love, the hero stole the heart of those fitness. So the demigod wanted to make residents of the islands of the immortal. But in a fight with a demon of Lava, a stone lost, and with him a magic hook.

He himself was sent to the bogin link for thousands of years. According to the legend, a chosen one, which will cause Maui, and will come back with him with him. They turned out to be a fearless daughter of the leader, which, being another child, found this amulet on the beach.

However, the appearance of the Girl in the demigod perceived as a chance to escape from imprisonment. He tried to steal her boat, but he did not come out. A major role in the adoption of the right decision was played by mini-Maui. This is a Men's Living Tattoo, which, in essence, is identified with his conscience or inner voice.

A small hand drawn copy of a man often comes into breakdown with their "master", which they quarrel. Nevertheless, Maui listens to "inner voice." Moan managed to convince the forced hermit that the life of people depends on him. And after the sensitive heir, the leader reconciled the demigod with himself, eliminating the consequences of child injury.

The description of the adventures of the heroes across the ocean includes a meeting with a dangerous underwater monster - Tamatoa. The giant crab-kleptoman found a magic hook and placed it on the top of his "brilliant" collection. But without this artifact, Maui remained virtually powerless. Not without the help of a selfless daughter, the leader managed to pick up the hook and remain unharmed.

Having gained strength, and most importantly, wanting to help people, this duo coped with the task. The girl realized that those ka - nothing but the very fit. She returned the goddess stolen heart and thus saved the life of his people.

The commercial success of the animation film causes rumors about the sequel. Today it became known that Spin-Off is preparing dedicated to Maui's character. Duane Johnson agrees to continue participation in this project.

According to the information provided from the We Got This Covered portal, the viewers will be able to learn more about the prehistory of the funny demigod. On the events in childhood, life in Polynesia and the transformation of oceania in the defender. Actions will be unfolded by millennia earlier than the events already shown, so Moan's participation in Spin-Off is not expected.

Interesting Facts

  • The name of the demigod was called the island (the second in size in Hawaii) and the volcano on Io (Jupiter satellite).
  • Magic fishing hook The creators of the film "saw" in the constellation of Scorpio. Interestingly, it is called this celestial group on the islands - Maui hook.
  • The only hand-drawn element in the cartoon is a live tattoo, or "conscience" of the demigod.
  • The Eagle Haast is so called a giant bird, which turns into the protagonist with a fishing hook. This view from the family of hawk is extinct in the XV century.


More precisely, "Maui Muscinite, the great demigod of the winds and the seas, the hero of young people." I interrupted, sorry. Continue. Forward. These are the stars, and not Mashaty the sky with my palm. If the ocean is so smart, why he himself will not return the heart those fit? Or will you not give me a hook? Ocean is the most plane joker! I am a navigator, princess. It's not just a sail and knots, it is the ability to see in my head, know where to go, remember how to go.


  • 2016 - "Moana"

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