Series "Storiz" (2020): Release date, actors, roles, STS


It is necessary to live having fun and trustly, so that boredom and sadness did not borrow. And to help in this TV viewers once again decided at the CTC - the channel presented his regular audience the series "Storiz", the date of the outlet of which was August 10, 2020. The director of the project, shot in the sketchcom format, spoke Alexander Potapov, who used to worked on Sashahatany show.

The plot of the new series related to it is curious facts, as well as about the actors and their roles - in the material 24cm.


Jokes, humor and fun instead of tragedy and dramatic collisions. Briefness and simplicity instead of confusing scene intrigue. Ease of clip format Instead of weightly slowness of the total meter and the measured narrative series. So they decided to create a new project by the authors of a comic show, hoping to attract their own work, first of all, a youth audience.

The series "Storm" is a sketch. So, beyond the name, fully reflective the essence of the idea, the mass of original entertaining characters is hidden and countless situations that are not predicting situations. In which it is prepared to get to the main characters so that every viewer during the viewing has received a lot of pleasure and dressed up.


Artists on the project site of the project had to try on diverse images, because the heroes of numerous sketches were diverse and atypical characters. Sociable fan of alcohol, oxidized eco -activist, minor coach, an elderly blogger or a health worker with a calligraphic handwriting is a far from a complete list of existing persons who participants will submit to the Spectator Court.

And to find the listed and many other roles will have to be the following stars:

  • Yulia Mikhalkov is a Russian celebrity, the fame of which came through long-term participation in the humorous show "Ural Pelmeni", a good ten years of the funny of the domestic spectator. In October 2019, Julia left Ekaterinburg team due to the desire to do an independent career. The series "Storiz" became one of the first projects in which the artist took part after leaving the team of former Cavencens.
  • Anton Lirnik - managed to express himself not only in the format of humorist and TV presenter, but also as an actor, director, producer, screenwriter, musician and writer multi-faceted talent from Ukrainian Kirovograd. In Russia, artist know primarily as a resident of Comedy Club - a member of the Duet named after Chekhov. In 2018, the film "Zomboyel" with the participation of the artist was released on the screens.
  • Olga Kuzmina - Russian actress of cinema and dubbing, which has achieved popularity and recognition thanks to comedy roles, first of all - the embodiment of the image of Nastya Fomina's waitress in the TV series. By the way, the last time on the screen the artist appeared in 2019 precisely in the continuation of the franchise to the millions of Russians - "Kitchen. War for the hotel. "

Also, the projects of the project were: Daniel Vakhrushev, Igor Chekhov, Valeria Shkyrando, Oleg Vereshchagin, Dmitry Kolchin and many others.

Interesting Facts

1. The series "Storiz" is a collection of funny sketches presented in the format of short videos popular in social networks. Accordingly, the artists participating in the show have to be constantly changed. For example, Igor Chekhov shared with fans in an interview with information about what was sometimes made to change the costumes 15 times a day, because cinematographers worked in tense.

2. Costume artists who worked on the project, noted that among numerous outfits, which had to have actors on the set, the greatest difficulties caused historical clothing of the end of the XIX century. Significantly looking for women's dresses and men's costumes of that period and find it difficult, and this wardrobe demanded a fairious.

3. According to Anton Lirnik, the series "Storiz" gave rise to a unklassy competition between actors - artists sought to improve the scenes as much as possible in which they participated. The episodes were finalized, the expressions of individuals, gestures, words and intonation in such a way that the pronounced joke "pierced right into the goal", causing the audience to laugh at the audience.

Series "Storiz" - Trailer:

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