Yana Guryanova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



At the end of 2019, several Russian Internet publications decided to remind readers about the medical series "Interns", which won the Golden Rhinoceros and Teffi award, and tell about how his actors are now engaged. One Byron, who played by Phila Richards, works in Gogol Center, Christina Asmus (Varvara Chernius) serves in the theater named after Maria Yermolova, and Jan Guryanova (Polina Ulyanova) raises the younger daughter Alexander.

Childhood and youth

At the end of the second autumn month of 1987, October 21, in the capital of Tatarstan, a daughter appeared in an absolutely not acting family of Guryanov, who subsequently conquered Russian cinema. Anatoly's father was engaged in business, his spouse worked by the manager of the manager in a major Kazan company. If you believe the publications posted in the media, then the girl has lost her parents early. They were not when Yane was six years old, and therefore grandma answered for the child's upbringing.

According to celebrities, since childhood she was distinguished by hyperactivity, could not sit on the spot and always stayed in motion, observing the next crazy idea. At first, Guryanova dreamed of becoming a figure skater - imitating athletes, tied to the legs toy cars and rode them around the house.

Then he would passionately walked in the ballet, for which he even diligently attended a special educational institution. Despite the fact that the relationship with dance art did not work out, the teenager did not lose and plunged on his head to music, intending to continue their studies in the appropriate school.

"It was gathered in the nobody, but at some point I understood very clearly that this is not mine. I'm still that fidget, and there it is necessary to sit and teach all these works for a long time. At the last moment I wilt and entered the Theater School in Kazan. Having studied there for two years, I decided to go further and capture guitis, "said the star" Interns ".

The university has submitted the first time, and the student was on the course of the director Oleg Kudryashov, the winner of the premium named after Konstantin Stanislavsky 2007.

Personal life

With a personal life, a woman is all right. In 2013, she presented to his beloved spouse Alexander, realized in the field of finance, Daughter Sasha. Pictures of the girls periodically flashed in the "instagram" of the mother.

Remembering the beginning of the novel with a future husband, the actress said that one day he leaned her to theater, and she invited him to the performance in response. A year later, friendly relations turned into mutual love, led to the wedding celebration. According to the artist, a man is always on her side and supports in any endeavors.

After giving birth to Janu pinched into questions about how she managed to lose weight so quickly and lead himself into shape. It (height 167 cm with a weight about 50-55 kg) to hide the secret of a slim figure did not and admitted that he was not lazy and often visited the gym and pool, and also refused nanny services for a single child.

At one time, the media appeared in the media that Guryanov agreed to a frank photo session in the magazine "Maxim", but it is hard to believe in it. First, because no confirmation follows it, and secondly, it does not even find publications in its social networks even in a swimsuit.


2010 turned out to be a sign for Yana. First, she graduated from learning in Gitis, having received a cherished diploma of higher education, and secondly, she took place a cinematographic debut. A talented actress was invited to the 9th series of "mother-in-law as a phenomenon" of comedy "garages" and in the episode "What men" "Quartet and" say. By the way, and in the continuation of the film, she also participated, reincarnating into the saleswoman.

Before getting a major role in the "Interns", the girl managed to light up in the "idlers", "my crazy family", "Support" and "emergency".

"I do not believe rumors and someone who said that Okhlobystin is pretty impulsive during filming. I was perfectly working with Ivan Ivanovich - he was the smartest, the raised person. I can't say anything about impulsion. Uncle Vanya love all the soul, he is a wonderful partner and artist, "she divided into an interview.
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Continuing the conversation with journalists about one of the successful Russian Sitcomov, Guryanov gave the exact definition of his character, calling him Lobanov (hero Alexander Ilyin) in the skirt. And she explained that she had nothing to do with the arrogant and rude polyna Ulyanovoy, and in reality she was afraid of hospitals to horror and everything connected with them.

The viewers did not have time to get used to the new Intern, as it disappeared from TNT screens. As it turned out, Yana went to the shooting area, not one month to carry under the heart of the child, and later, deciding not to break between family and work, left the rating project.

In the future, the filmography was replenished with new movie castors - the multi-sieuled "dad to grow", the "power of circumstances", "the reverse side of love", "how to get married. Instructions, "biographic drama" Margarita Nazarova ", full-length" Dominica ", etc.

Also, the artist succeeded on the theater field. Over her shoulders, various productions and performances, including the rapid theater Justo ("Bald singer" and "Red Cap") and "Practices".

Yana Guryanova now

In 2019, the premieres of the two-seater melodrama "Moscow Romance", comedy "How to get married. Instruction "and criminal" kopa ", in which Jan Guryanova played. At the 2020, with her participation, the exit of the "Sun Circle" was planned, the detective series about the era of the USSR. In the same year, the actresses played in the melodraman "Alien Sister".

In addition, it is occupied and in two performances of the native theater "Practice" - "Grandmothers" Svetlana Zemlyakhov, posed according to the book "Russian village in the stories of its inhabitants", and Cinderella, who won the prestigious Prize "Golden Mask" in 2015.

The forces of the Russian celebrity are enough and on the development of the NOT Fragile's own brand. He offers women dresses for all occasions - mini and midi lengths, silk and viscose, monophonic, polka dot or in a large flower.


  • 2010 - "Garages"
  • 2010 - "What are men talking about"
  • 2011 - "What men still say"
  • 2012 - "Store"
  • 2012-2013 - "Interns"
  • 2013 - "Soldiers. Again in the ranks "
  • 2015 - "Dad to Growth"
  • 2016 - "Margarita Nazarova"
  • 2018 - "Ahead day"
  • 2018 - Dominica
  • 2018 - "Reverse Side of Love"
  • 2018 - "Power of the circumstances"
  • 2019 - "How to get married. Instruction "
  • 2019 - "Cop"
  • 2019 - "Moscow Romance"
  • 2020 - "Alien sister"

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