Training of children's children: Russian, Hollywood, 2020, how much costs


Most domestic celebrities strive to turn their own children in a Hollywood fairy tale. And ready to provide offspring with everything necessary - from toys to decent education. And ordinary Russian schools, kindergartens and universities of their criteria do not correspond - it is necessary to add Chad to the institution where prices for services are far from publicly available.

About who from the celebrity offices is learn and how much the training of children's children stands - in the material 24cm.

Alla Pugacheva

The children of the famous humorist Maxim Galkin and the Primateonna Russian pop Alla Pugacheva are still too small in order to attend school. However, the parents of the initial education of Harry and Lisa were disturbed seriously, arranged guys in the first country three-tailed kindergarten Le Chat Botte, located in the suburban forest lapino.

So far, celebrities are out of 200 thousand rubles per month. However, 2020 will be for Lisa and Harry the last in kindergarten - in September next year, children will become first-graders. Parents decided to give heirs to the first Moscow gymnasium, where the year of study for one student costs about 1.6 million rubles.

Sergey Zhukov

Continues the article on how much the training of children's children is, information about the educational institution of the Trinity of the Kids, born in the family of the leader of the group "Hands up!" Sergey Zhukova and ex-vocalists of the "Cream" team Regina Bourge. Nick, Angel and Miron receive secondary education in the Cambridge International School.

The institution is noteworthy that at its end, graduates receive not only a diploma of the Russian sample, but also the Cambridge International Certificate. This opens up ample opportunities for incubation in foreign universities. For the year, parents have to spread 1.6-1.7 million rubles per child.


For the formation of their children hurried to take care and singer Jasmine. The eldest son of the pop performer Mikhail studied in MGIMO, on a paid department. According to the celebrity, when he arrived, he persuaded the mother to pay training - the family of the stars this opportunity has, and the place on the "budget" will remain unoccupied.

And the daughter of Margarita is studying in the Lomonosov Private School, which before this ended her elder brother. It is possible that 4-year-old Miron in the future will sit here for the desk. About 1.5 million rubles a year - this is so much gaining education in this school.

Alexander Malinin

But often the training of children of Russian show-business stars is not at all in his native land. Thus, the daughter of the famous artist of Roman Dance Alexander Malinina Ustinya entered the Royal Academy of Music in the capital of Great Britain. This university ended at one time Sir Elton John, Annie Lennox and Arthur Sullivan. The cost of the year of study in the conservatory - 1.5 million rubles.

Vera Brezhneva

The daughter of Faith Brezhnev Sonya Kiperman at the age of 16 moved closer to the Hollywood "Dream Factory", going to study at Ojai Valley School, which is 110 km from Los Angeles. And after graduation, the Whittier College entered Whittier College, where art and humanitarian science comprehends 1.6 million rubles annually.


For study, I decided to go in the footsteps of the famous Mother and at least Star Schifami, Artemia Shulgin Valery and Joseph Prigogin spend about 4 million rubles a year. Nothing amazing, because the young man receives education at Berkeley's Music College, located in Boston. Among the graduates of this elite educational institution, such glorified individuals, as Steve Wai, Queens Jones, John Petrucci and Albert Laurence Dimaole.

Tatyana Navka

However, not always training children's stars is poured into serious spending. For example, Alexander Zhulin, the daughter of the figure of Tatiana Navka from the first husband, proved that it was possible to make his own mind in life. The girl at the young age began to earn as a singer under the alexia pseudonym. However, to associate his own life with Alexander's music - she entered the Faculty of Economics in MGIMO. And to the budget department.

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