Anna Starobinets - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Writer 2021



Anna Starobinets is a writer, a journalist and screenwriter, laureate of literary awards and the author of the dramatic basis for kinocartin. She chose Non-Fickshen genre for himself, in which not every Russian writer is driving away to work. In addition to fantastic works and plenty thrillers, Anna also writes children's detectives.

Childhood and youth

Anna Starobinets was born in Moscow on October 25, 1978. The girl's father worked as a researcher at the All-Russian Geological Oil Research Institute, where he was headed by search engines in the methodology sector. Ani's family was intelligent, and it became a prerequisite for writing activities. She liked to read, and over time, the girl began to try forces in the field of literature, creating small author's sketches.

Starobinets graduated from an oriental lyceum, and then received a diploma of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University. It was obvious that a student would prefer to associate life with creativity. In parallel with learning, she worked as a synchronist translator, gave the lessons of the English language and even was a waitress and advertisement. Becoming a certified specialist, Anna received a correspondent in the newspaper "News Time", and this event turned out to be a turning point in the smooth course of her life.

Personal life

Anna was married to the writer Alexander Garros. The spouse died from the oncological disease in 2017. In the absence of her husband, the Starobets independently brought up two children, son and daughter.

Now the writer prefers not to share the details of his personal life, considering that everything completely described the experience in the book "Look at him." The author has a personal page in Facebook, where Anna will post a photo and is divided by news with follovers. In "Instagram" there is an account of Anna Starobinets workshop.


Choosing for self-realization the scope of journalism, Starobets collaborated with different publications. Articles and materials of the publicist produced "arguments and facts", "beep", "Gazeta.Ru". Starting his career as a regular specialist, gradually Anna Doroslla before the post of editor of the culture department.

The activities of the Starobets turned out to be successful in the literary region. Her bibliography is not so great yet, but the works were sought after critics and the public. The debut of the author took place in 2005, when the light saw a collection of mystical stories and leads entitled "Transitional age." In 2013, Starobinets became the winner of the NOCT Prize from the Spanish Association of Horror Authors. The work was recognized as the best overseas work.

Already a year later, Roman-horror "Asylum 3/9" appeared on the shelves of bookstores. Not wanting to be the hostage of one genre, Anna tried herself in different formats. Its authorship is the children's book "Country of Good Girls", published in 2009.

Deciding to implement ambitions and expand the profile, the Starobets began to write scripts. A successful material was a dramatic basis for the full-length tape "Book of Masters", the premiere of which was held in 2009.

2011 was marked by the publication of the novel "Living", in the same period the author presented the fairy tale "Kotlantida". Skillfully combining work on works for a multi-year public, Anna Starobinets found the key to the hearts of the audience of any segment. For the "living" she was awarded the "Portal" award. After 2 years, the light saw a collection of the ages and stories "Ikarov Iron. Metamorphosis book. This work was nominated for the Literary Competition "National Bestseller" in the nomination "National Beginning". The book was among the debutants of the direction. Anna's rivals were the authors in the age category under 35 years old.

Alternating work with adult genres and the creation of literature for children, in 2016, Starobets published a "brutal detective", a book for the younger and senior school age. The work marked the beginning of the series, which became a bestseller.

In parallel, Anna was engaged in work on the autobiographical novel "Look at him." The book about the experiences of a woman who collided with the loss of a child became the revelation of the author. In it, the writer described its own experiences, the harsh realities of Russian medicine and the possibility of foreign practitioners with a focus on psychological background. The writer convinced that, regardless of nationality, a woman had an right to help and support in a difficult situation.

In 2018, Anna Starobinets recognized the best writer according to the expert council of the European Society of Science Fiction. Most Occupations are translated into a foreign language and are available to a reader audience abroad. The work of the writer participated in international competitions and literary premiums.

Anna Starobinets now

Continuing to engage in creativity, the writer collaborates with the Russian Reporter magazine, creates scenarios for television and cinema, continues literary activities.

In 2020, a regular basis operates the workshop of Anna Starobinets, where novice authors teach to create independent works. The second teacher of courses was the writer, screenwriter and director of Seva Brodsky.


  • 2005 - "Transition Age"
  • 2006 - "Refuge 3/9"
  • 2008 - "Sharp cooling"
  • 2009 - "Country of good girls"
  • 2010 - "First detachment. True"
  • 2011 - "Living"
  • 2011 - "Kotlantida"
  • 2013 - "Ikarov Iron. Metamorphosis book
  • 2016 - "Brutal Detective"
  • 2017 - "Look at him"

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