Marina Hemshnyuk - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Ukrainian actress Marina Hendeshnyuk, rarely appearing on the screen, became known to Russian-speaking spectators on the comedy TV series "Svati". Now the girl strive to get into the number of cinema stars and does everything from her dependent for the fulfillment of the dream.

Childhood and youth

Marina was born in Kiev on March 4, 1996, grew and brought up in an ordinary working family. It is not known whether the girls had a blood brothers and sisters.

From an early age, Hendeshnyuk had a talented actress departed, she was a constant participant in the Matinists held in kindergarten. In the family who lived in a compact apartment, the warm atmosphere, father and mother were fencing the daughter from harmful influences from the outside, and nothing distracted by the rehearsal of the future young movie designer.

Viewing comedian feature films imparted a mark on the character of Marina, who became a cheerful and laughing child by the time of arrival in the first class. Hearing music, the girl squeezed his beloved pop artists, and when the dance compositions sounded, immediately started to dance.

He studied Hendeshnyuk with pleasure, to the joy of teachers and relatives, and no one noticed how she matured and addicted to fashionable things. Modern dresses like lighted looked on a fragile and elegant Marina, which, with a height of 170 cm weighed about 53 kg.

Nature did not sentence a girl with a bright and memorable appearance, so school girlfriends said that she was destined to film. The Kiev woman wondered over these words, turning in front of the mirror in a swimsuit, and once the prophecy came true.

Personal life

Unlike many actresses of cinema and theater, Marina does not boast love love, so do not know anything about her connections and personal life. In "Instagram" sometimes appear photos on which the guy is present, and what he hugs the girl will inspires optimism follovers.

In addition to certificates of romantic relations, Hendeshnik publishes snapshots in social networks, according to which it becomes clear that it is fond of art and has already visited a number of countries. Visits abroad helped actress to gain internal freedom and get acquainted with the views of Hindus, Christians and Muslims.

Photos open to view, illustrate other marina hobbies - dancing, music, model business, drawing and sport. Of the modern flows, the girl prefers street culture - graffiti, unusual installations and acrobatic hip-hop.


The creative biography of Ukrainian beauty began with minor roles in the crowd, where they took almost all the girls from the cities near Kiev. To get out of one-grade mass and declare themselves in the full voice of a talented and ambitious marina cost great works.

On dozens of castings to the films and TV shows, Hendeshnik received refusals, because the directors had dozens of similar professional actresses. But a slender brunette did not stop attempts to get on the set, although a person with a different character would have long left and Raskin.

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Finally, the director Andrei Yakovlev, who was engaged in creating a comedy series, drew attention to a bare girl and said that she was suitable for the role. Marina carefully prepared for the meeting, worked over the facial expressions and gestures, made makeup, which corresponded, and picked up the wardrobe.

After reading the dialogue with Anna Noshmal, who played the role of Zhenya Kovaleva, Hello without additional selections fell into the Ukrainian comedy "Shatta". It has become a very worthy of the beginning of the individual filmography, and the girl overcame the abyss that separated her from the dream.

For the first time the heroine Katya Berkovic appeared in the fifth season of the show. Marina from the very beginning of the shooting process joined the talented team. She repainted brown hair and became a natural blonde, sought every proposed stage to show abilities and creative.

Familiarity with Fedor Dobronravov, Tatiana Kravchenko and Alexander Feklistov began to benefit the beginner actress and added her creative forces. Marina carefully listened to the advice of an experienced, famous director and tried to fulfill everything, what he asked her.

True, at first, the character of the character did not like the performer, because, unlike Kati, Headshnyuk did not know the intrigue. But when Kyivanka presented a partner Evgeny Karorin, there was a positive shift in its attitude to the shooting process.

In the series, where Berkovic and Zhenya decided to become the best friends, Hendeshnuk finally exhaled and felt like a fish in the water. This was helped by real attachment, which arose between the young performers who brought to each other about fashion and beauty for a long time.

Code Work on the project came to a logical conclusion, girls with longing in the heart broke up and drove home. I had to wait for a few months before Andrei Yakovlev again gathered actors together and began the next season of "Shatov".

Until the last moment, Marina did not know whether her heroine appears in the film, and the authors thought as the image of Kati to enter into a developing plot. As a result, they decided not to deprive Alexander Fekloves of the on-screen daughter, and the news about the approved acting was immediately leaked in the press and the Internet.

In 2017, the authors worked on the 7th season and filmed a significant part of the material with Anna Noshmal and Marina Hendeshnuk. But then the project was covered for a while because of the internal problems, and it served as a sad reason for the new separation of the best girlfriends.

The Kiev woman took up modern dances, attended open castings, in the military drama "on the line of life" played an episodic role of nurses. History of Anton Goyda with the participation of Ahtem Seitablaeva a few weeks carried away the girl and delighted the Handra.

Marina Hemishenka now

In 2020, Andrei Yakovlev and the creative team are planning to continue to work on the "wits" and release a new season. Marina will continue to play the heroine Katya Berkovich, who has loved to the viewers, and there is confidence that its contribution to the picture will be appreciated.


  • 2011-2020 - "Shatta"
  • 2016 - "On Life"
  • 2017 - "Border of Faith"

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