Son of Victor Tsoi: photos, now, songs, instagram, as it looks like, what does


On August 15, 1990, the leader of the "Cinema Group" was killed in the automotive accident. His creative heritage continues to worry fans, which can be guessing on an eloquent inscription "Tsoi alive!" and the popularity of clips on Yutiube with the participation of the departed legend. Many fans are interested in the fate of Alexander Tsoi, the only heir of celebrity. What looks like and what the son of Viktor Tsoi does - in the material 24cm.

After the death of the Father

Viktor Tsoi did not become when his son Alexander was 5 years old. Only in a happy chance he did not find himself on August 15 in the car with his father. According to the memoirs of Mother Maryana Tsoi, the child could not accept a loss for a long time and looked through the speeches of the father on television with the phrase "this is my dad".

At this age, Alexander Tsoi's creative debut took place. He began to write poems, and the rhymes pressed him Babik Rock - a mythical creature from the Galaxy, where his father lives.

After Victor's death, his wife and mother Valentina Vasilyevna became close. Grandma told how the son brought up. This experience adopted Mom Alexander. Mariana was able to protect the child from obsessive journalists and achieved the transfer of copyright of the songs of the "Cinema" group to the heir.

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In childhood, Alexander was meant that, according to Robert Tsoi, the Father of the celebrity was transformed on the blood. The same idol was the same in the years of becoming a person. The heir to the star graduated from school external, and at age 15 asked the mother to buy a guitar. Mariana dissuaded, but the genes were stronger than concerns to remain in the shadow of the Great Father.

In 2005, Viktor Tsoi's spouse, Mariaan Rodovanskaya, died from the oncological disease. But the independence of Tsoi Jr. showed before, in 2001. At 16, he moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow and took up a web design and English.


Viktor Natalia Razlogova's second wife helped a young man to get on the first channel by the editor. Metropolitan life quickly bored, and Alexander moved to St. Petersburg, where she took up the design.

It is rumored that Alexander's mother took a promise from him not to give an interview. However, Tsoi Jr. still interrupted silence and performed to tell the truth. According to the heir, he asked himself a high bar in his life. "So, as a father, I can not do. And worse - I do not want! " - Alexander admitted, who only realized that he was also a personality with the right to a separate life. And with the "Star" part of the biography, he learned to live.

Taking the pseudonym of the Molchanov, Alexander first performed as a guitarist Para Bellvm group. Then created his own project "Ronin" and already in 2017 released a mini-album.

What is the Son of the Legend of the 90s now, it is unambiguous to say difficult. In the life of a man there is a place for music and songs that writes alone. He organized concerts and became a co-founder of a nightclub, worries in the direction of commercial design, developing the graphic appearance of albums. And he is a freelance Columnist of the RT Information Channel in Russian.

In the list of hobbies "Rock-Child" passion for motorcycles. And, judging by the photo in "Instagram", the body of a high layer handsome is decorated with tattoos. By 35 years, Alexander, it seems, and believes that "Tsoi is alive." In early August, the Star Heir made a statement, according to which the Caver Groups are prohibited from performing the compositions of the legendary father. It does not indicate the exact reason.

However, according to unconfirmed data, it may be associated with a new project that revives the "Cinema" group. According to rumors, the son of Viktor Tsoi supports the project "Symphony Cinema", where the musician Yuri Kasparyan plays the instrumental compositions of the group.

The son of Tsoi offered to digitiate the voice of the father and play a concert in 2020, accompanying his drawings of the legend of the 90s. Alexander's motivation turned out to be nostalgic. As a child, he could not get to the father's concert, and now Tsoi Jr. is trying to catch up. Modern versions of the hits of the "Cinema" group can already be found on Yutubeub.

And Alexander Tsoi's personal life carefully protects from the press. On the page in "Instagram" there is not even a family mention. It is known that in 2010, the son of Viktor Tsoi married Elena Okokina, and in 2012 a daughter appeared in the couple.

Relationship with Robert Tsoem

Grandmother Alexander Valentina Vasilyevna left life in 2009. Robert Maksimovich did not inform the dates of the funeral grandson. Since then, the grandson with grandfather do not speak. About the life of the heir Robert Maksimovich finds out of the press. About what has become a great-grandfather knows, but believes with difficulty. The abilities of Alexander Tsoi refers skeptically and does not believe that the heir took the talent from the father at least to some extent.

By the way, the scale of the popularity of the cumira 90s managed to evaluate only after his death and considers the appearance of fans who met the work of the "Cinema" group already in the new millennium. But the son of Viktor Tsoi about his father speaks with an oblivion, and about the grandfather I am in an interview, more touching the musical art.

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