TV series "Balabol" (2013): 2020, release date, actors, roles, NTV


Ironic detective is such a sign of a film project, the main character of which conquers the hearts of the audience since the prime minister in 2014. The series "Balabol" presented to the attention of the day of the employee of the criminal investigation department, during which his family affairs are solved, the transformation of the character and "steel" occurs. The editorial office of 24cmi prepared the material in which he would tell about the plot and what actors were involved in the shooting.


The plot is built around the charismatic and enterprising Sanya Balabina, the personal life and whose work was mixed together. The inexhaustible sense of humor helps a man to cope with any, even hopeless, situations. For the help of a talented operator, able to deal with the deaf deeds, colleagues of the grasshopper and Nicholson are always coming.


The key role was performed:

  • Konstantin Yushkevich - Sanya Balabin, Provincial employee of the operational department. In his competence, the disclosure of hopeless "hanging". However, instead of cold-blooded and calculating investigations and arrests, the viewer will see a small performance, since the criminal investigation inspector even in critical moments will insert a relevant joke or bite the spinning of acute. Spices adds the Sanya agent network: prostitutes, bums, street musicians and fraudsters. The man also recently divorced his wife because of work and tries to correct.

The roles of the second plan were distributed as follows:

  • Vadim Andreev - Nikolai Nikolaevich Gribanov, Police Captain. Colleague and buddy Sanya are informed of the latest news. Mushrooms (nicknamed Nicholson) accidentally hit the police and dreams of retirement rather to pay a family all the time;
  • Maria Pirogova - Masha Balabina, daughter Sani. The girl feels that parents broke up because of the work of the Pope, and therefore it tries to fill the lack of attention to the help of the father for work. There also takes the courting of a young trainee;
  • Irina Nizina - Lena Balabina, former Balabola spouse. The woman still loves to Sanya, but he suffers from the fact that he is almost "married" at work;
  • Andrei Lebedev - Tolik;
  • Vadim Dorofeev - Vasily Karandyshev, an intern of nicknamed grasshopper. At first, Vasya is perceived as "Mamienecian Son", which inexperienced can fill out any business. However, a modest, but successful grasshopper in his eyes becomes a professional, so that Sanya is easily trusting to him. Vasily Washere to fall in love with the daughter of the mastery of Masha;
  • Inga Obold - Varvara Semenovna Posyssheva, Police Lieutenant Colonel, Chief Sani. Instead of a harsh woman in the pursuit, the audience will see a caring teacher: strict, but merciful, she forgives Opera's antics;
  • Ivan Agapov - Sergey Yanovich Brumber;
  • Gosh Kutsenko - Valentin Bystritsky, a former classmate Sani.

Interesting Facts

1. The premiere of the series "Balabol" took place on May 19, 2014 on the first channel. In 2020, NTV television channel again showed 3 seasons of a detective picture. Spectators watched the events in the life of Sani Balabin daily from August 17, 2020. On September 21, 2020, a new season of a multi-sized film started.

2. On July 1, 2019, the shooting of the 4th season of a popular detective series started shooting in Moscow. The release date is not yet appointed, but the director Vladimir Melnik expressed confidence that the show starts in October 2020. Konstantin Yushkevich gave an interview with the press service of the NTV television channel, in which he noted why this filmwork was loved by: "This is more entertaining TV series, because there is a shark, and a face, and love, and some ridiculous situations, and funny jokes. And I always liked the irony in people, and not just jokes. "

3. For Vadima Dorofeyev, the role of the grasshopper became the second main out of 10 filmmakers. However, in the 2nd season, the actor changed Ilya Hang. Having worked in the 1st season of the project, Vadim accepted Islam and unexpectedly left for everyone in 2013 to fight in Syria on the side of ISH (prohibited in the Russian Federation), leaving the wife of Alane and two children in Moscow: Vasilina and Ilya. On December 20, 2014, the actor's spouse received a message with photocouplers that Dorofeev died. Death details are unknown so far.

4. 144 actors took part in the shooting of the three seasons of the series "Balabol".

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