Vladimir Migulya: biography, personal life, death, songs, grass at the house, Popourry


Education prescribed him to create symphonic music - he tried, and after joked that he was infected with the song Bacillus. " During the years of his life, the composer wrote hundreds of compositions: Patrick from his songs, such as "Cascaders", "Days fly", "do not cool your heart, son", "Blue Bird", and now pick up the halls.

On August 18, 2020, Vladimir Migulya would meet his 75th anniversary if it were not for death in 1996. On the curious details of his biography and personal life - in the material 24cm.

1. Give two!

At the insistence of Mother, Vladimir Migulya entered the Medical Institute in Volgograd and to gain practical experience, combined through the year of study with the work of Feldscher.

However, the music pulled the young man too much. Already in the second year, Migulya created Via Allegro, who gave concerts for students and performed at institutional events. And on the third year, Vladimir's training entered the Music School in absentia, now called Serebryakov's Volgograd Conservatory.

Thanks to the combination of education, medical and musical educational institutions, the future artist finished simultaneously, having received diplomas in the specialties "Instrumental Contractor" and Maxillofacial Surgeon.

2. DIY

In the conservatory, Vladimir Migulya facultively engaged in the vocal department - for this there was an entertaining reason. The composer turned, according to him, attention to the following - people best perceive the works created by him when the author himself performs.

3. Hundreds of names

Among those performers who wrote songs, Yuri Gogatikov, Joseph Kobzon, Mikhail Boyarsky, Sofia Rotaru, Earthlings group, Valery Ozodzinsky and the mass of others. Moreover, and the author himself did not hesitate to go on stage, as a result of which she quickly gained popularity in the territory of the entire Soviet Union not only as a composer, but also a singer.

Larisa Rubalaskaya, too, with great gratitude recalled Vladimir Migul. According to poetess, if not for their random meeting, then no one would ever heard about her - there would be no fame nor songs on her poems. The career of the famous composer Igor Cool also began with cooperation with Migulya - the future Matcher of the Russian stage worked as a keyboard player.

4. "And there is no rocus of the cosmodrome ..."

Initially, the song "The grass at the house" on the words Anatoly transverse did not have anything with the space theme. It was a composition of the longing of the native home, the central images in which the "eyes of a cow" and "Sarai" performed.

However, Vladimir Migulya grabbed another bright image present in the text, which perfectly fit into an up-to-date theme of the conquest of interstellar space and was able to fully reflect the feelings of the astronauts who left the land of astronauts, the same "grass at home".

After the first executions, the public did not pay attention to the public. Then Migulya attracted a youth ensemble from Leningrad to cooperate with whom he collaborated before. So the repertoire of VIA "Earthlings" was replenished with one of the main hits.

Interestingly, first the arrangement proposed by young guys, inspired by the rhythm of Cliff Music Richard, did not really like the author. He feared that in this form the composition would simply not miss censorship. However, the fears turned out to be in vain - "the grass at the house" turned into a nonetable hit.

5. Recent years

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Migula organized the production center, which was engaged in supporting novice performers. However, dashing times did not allow the composer to stay in this business for a long time - in 1994, an attempt was made to the musician, as a result of which his driver died.

After what happened against the background of stress, the celebrity began to rapidly progress the lateral amyotrophic sclerosis revealed earlier, two years later in the grave of the artist. However, during the time to death, the composer managed to write two more dozen songs.

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6. First thing

In order to enroll in the Leningrad Conservatory named after Rimsky-Korsakov, Vladimir broke up with a girl's man. After a hint of the latter on the fact that her people - and she left the German family - it is decided to decide with marriage under 22 years old, the young man told his passion, which has other plans and is not ready to marry.

7. Favorite

During the years of his life, the composer exchanged rings three times. With Anna Yershova, who born his daughter Julia, Vladimir lived five years. Marina Leonova became the second chief Chief of Miguli - fan of the talent of the musician. However, these relationships can also be called long-term - a couple soon broke up.

With the last wife of Marina Simonia, acquaintance with which was held in 1986, Vladimir Migulya lived before death. Moreover, the new elect for the sake of the beloved left the family, taking with her daughter Catherine from the first marriage, for which the artist became a real father. Also in this union, Liana appeared on the world, which was footing in the footsteps of the parent and who had chosen the Musician.

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