Film "School Waltz" (1977): Actors, Fate, Roles, then


In 1979, thanks to the efforts of the creators, the "School Waltz" film was released on Soviet screens, called critics of the worst picture of 1977. Nevertheless, the social drama on the forbidden love of schoolchildren, which ended with early pregnancy and the sad finals, liked the audience.

Directed by Pavel Lyubimov captured Moscow in the frame of those years. The audience saw the area of ​​pure ponds, the surroundings of the Patriarch and the Northern Boulevard in Otradnaya, where they filmed the film at the time of development. The visual series supplemented the song "Love - like a red rose" on the words of Robert Burns. After the premiere, the number of abortions decreased in the country, and the actress, who performed the role of Zosi, thanked for a convincing image.

How was the fate of actors films - in the material 24cm.

Elena Tsyplakov (1958)

Actress Elena Tsplakova during filming in the film and now

Zosya Knushevitsky performed actress Elena Tsyplakov. Then the performer studied at the 2nd course of Gitis, where the shooting was forbidden. Elena chose participation in the film, for which it was expelled, and later invited to the 3rd rate of Vgika.

Creative fate actresses and producer has developed safely. The star is known for directorial multiserious projects, such as "Carmelita. Gypsy passion, "" While the village is sleeping "," First Love. " In 2020, the multi-sized social drama "Coal" with the participation of celebrities is preparing to show.

Sergey Nasibov (1958)

Actor Sergey Nasibov during filming in the film and now

The actor Sergey Nasibov starred in the role of Goosh Coaber. The film "School Waltz" is the debut job of the artist. Then the audience were confident that the main characters love and in life. However, the performer soon married Catherine Durov, who played the nurse's project.

In the 90s, Nasibov emigrated to the United States, where he worked as a realtor and re-married American. In 2010, the artist returned to Moscow and continued his creative career. Now the audience can see the work of the artist in such multi-seater films as the "Mistress of the Big City", "House by the River", "Diamonds Stalin".

Evgenia Simonova (1955)

Actress Evgeny Simonova during filming in the film and now

Dina Solovyov, who is in love with Gosh and is ready to lead the guy from the beloved, executed Evgeny Simonov. At the time of filming, the actress was already married, but was able to reincarnate to the high school.

The creative fate of the actress developed well, and the audience remembered such Soviet projects as "ordinary miracle", "French", "Balamut". In the new century, the star is in demand in the series, among which you can allocate "Children of Arbat", "Osin's nest", "Lancet". In 2020, there is a continuation of the "Method" series and a new multi-manner film with the participation of the performer in production.

Natalia Vilkina (1945-1991)

Actress Natalia Vilkin during filming in the film and in recent years

Mother Zosi, Ella Knushevitsky, who forced her daughter to make an abortion, performed Natalia Vilkina. Then the performer was 32 years old and in the plot she played the mother of the high school. The actress made his debut in the films of central television - "Babia Summer 1918" and "Lena Kostytsky". Last work in the cinema dated 1991 in the project "Love".

Early and unexpected care actresses associate with a detrimental addiction to cigarettes. She came to negotiate the formulation of monospectacle on the stage of the theater on a small armor, went out of the door and fell. The official cause of the death of Natalia Mikhailovna is a heart disease. Buried on Pyatnitsky Cemetery.

Yuri Solomin (1935)

Actor Yuri Solomin during filming in the film and now

The role of Father Zosi, who pulled back from the situation, and later divorced his wife, executed Yuri Solomin. Initially, the actor wanted to refuse to participate in the "Nonvesta film", but the script liked so much that he answered agreement.

The films "Sleeping Night", "Bat Mouse" and "Adjutant His Excellency" were marked in the career of theatrical actor. Now the actor continues to work, proud of grandchildren and devotes himself to the family.

Nina Menshikova (1928-2007)

Actress Nina Menshikova during filming in the film and in recent years of life

The role of Mom Dina played Nina Menshikova. The actress is known for heroins in the film "Girl", "We will live to Monday," "Visit to Minotaur".

Among the works in "zero" can be distinguished TV series "divorced bridges", "Opera. Chronicles of the slaughter department "," Evlampia Romanova. The investigation leads an amateur. " Having survived the death of Musha Stanislav Rostotsky and Son Andrei Rostotsky, Nina Evgenievna left his life on December 26, 2007. He was buried on the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Ekaterina Durova (1959-2019)

Actress Ekaterina Durov during filming in the film and in recent years

The role of student orphans, which worked in the hospital, performed Ekaterina Durov. The film "School Waltz" became debut for the performer. Later in the career of the artist, there was a memorable job in "Fickyov's fantasies" and the series "Green van. A completely different story, "" Mistress of my destiny. "

Catherine Lvovna did not work on December 13, 2019. The cause of death is called an oncological disease. He was buried next to his father at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

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