Strange outfits Anastasia Volochkova: 2020, Instagram, Swimwear, Dress


In 2019, a journalist Ksenia Sobchak visited Anastasia Volochkova. In the release "Carefully, Sobchak!" I went about the strange wardrobe ballerina. Fashionable designer offered a woman a few options for the winning image, however, the celebrity preferred to remain faithful to his booty style. The strangest outfits of Anastasia Volochkova - in the material 24cm.

1. Dress in combination with fur coat

Fur coast has become for the ballerina with a basic foundation of wardrobe. In the list of "Strange Outfits Anastasia Volochkova", this detail fell because the star prefers to wear raccoon coats and in winter, and in summer, and at home, and in unusual locations (stable, greenhouse). So in July 2020, the actress appeared in the BambooBar restaurant in the ultra-shock dress, on top of which there was an indispensable piece of wardrobe.

2. Sweatshirts with jeans and flip-flops

It is not surprised with a sweatshirt with classic jeans, but if you add flip-flops with an ornament of artificial colors, then an extravagant image is obtained. Anastasia Volochkova does not silek brands, and therefore it is to repeat such a brave combination for any fashionista.

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3. Cardigan with a print "Gzhel"

Strange outfits of Anastasia Volochkova sometimes become only because they have an ambiguous print. However, the deep neckline is a kind of "chip" of the ballerina, which, according to stylists, always spoil the image. So, in 2015, the former participant "House-2" Irina Agibalova uttered a meaningful "UPS", seeing similar to his dress in the style of "Gzhel" on Anastasia Volochkova. No less strangely, a cardigan of such a color in combination with jeans looks.

4. training form

Special attention deserves a fashionable approach of the artist to the selection of form for classes. Ballerina prefers to wear sports pants glue, on top of them - baggy "bikes". The upper part of the dress, as a rule, includes a conventional tangle or t-shirt.

5. Transparent dresses

In the piggy bank of strange outfits, the Volley and transparent dresses. Ballerina is often published in the form of extravagant lioness, which attracts the attention of media and heyters. It is worth noting that this elegant black wardrobe object is one of the most modest.
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6. Multicolored Tunic

Universal types of clothing occupy an honorable place in the wardrobe of the Russian celebrity. Anastasia Volochkova prefers tunics - bagged elongated t-shirts. This object of the wardrobe is customary to wear in combination with leggings, but the ballerina clearly ignores this rule.

7. Short hood overalls

Tunics, dresses and t-shirts with a hood have lost their popularity, but Anastasia Volochkova is confident that such outfits in combination with the animal print give the image gracefulness. In May 2020, the ballerina in "Instagram" demonstrated a transverse twine, and the media drew attention to its strange mini-jumpsuit with a tiger pattern.

8. Swimwear

While the dancer rested in January 2020 on Phuket Island, fans and media discussed the beach outfit of the Russian celebrity. Bathing suits, apparently, the passion of the artist, so the daily change of images did not surprise anyone. To rest on the sea, the ballerina stopped the choice of bright models of swimsuits, concentrating on intriguing bikini.

9. Unputs and Fur Park

The amazing combination of the fur vest and the "lush" CNT (a malicious commentator called shoes "boots with eggs") received a flurry of ambiguous criticism from the media and fans. The figure of the Russian show business does not think so, and therefore on several publications in Instagram demonstrated such a unique image.

10. Felt hat for wage and birch broom

Swimming in the ice font, showing the twine on the birch barrel and the subsequent worship in the bath is a favorite and winter, and summer fun extravagant blonde. In addition, the elegant ballerina prefers intriguing to hide behind in the steam room with a birch broom, allowing fans to guess, if there is clothing behind him.

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