Star Parents of Girls: Russian, Hollywood, 2020


The belief that the firstborn must be a son, breaks about the happiness that the star parents of girls are experiencing. On celebrities, which was lucky to bring up the little princesses - in the material 24cm.

1. Bruce Willis

Hollywood actor Bruce Willis is considered an experienced father. He was lucky to bring up five daughters. After the divorce with Demi Moore, the "strong nut" forgot about the offenses and for the sake of girls helped the former in raising children. And while Demi converged and divorced with Ashton Kutcher, Dad accompanied the "babies" on the debutant and graduation ball.

In a reward for warm relationships with daughters, the second spouse Emma Hemingn gave birth to him two more girls. In an interview on the birth of the fifth daughter, the actor admitted that he was happy that there were so many women in his life, and also gave tribute to the beautiful floor, which is smarter than men. And only at the end of Bruce interviewed, it continues to dream about the Son.

2. Alexander Revva

Russian comedian and showman Alexander Revva raises two daughters: Alice and Amelie. Star dad tries to devote free time to upbringing kids. The humorist notes that it is unable to prohibit girls something.

And in June 2020, Alexander in "Instagram" laid out a photo with daughters on the rollers and added a signature: "How fast they grow". The actor admitted that she hoped that the wife would give the third heiress, and he was already wondering how another girl in the family would look like.

3. Igor Nikolaev

He was on the list "Star Parents of Girls" and the musician Igor Nikolaev. The singer has two daughters with a difference between the ages of 37. Igor is convinced that the main principle of raising children is a personal example. By the way, the eldest daughter Julia grew by a self-sufficient person, and the artist is confident that Veronica, the youngest daughter, will not be susceptible to bad influences.

The star family was dissolved in a young princess and still suggests that Veronica is enough to communicate with an older sister. However, the young spouse of Nikolaev, Julia Proskuryakova, does not exclude the appearance of another kid of the year after 3-4.

4. Ryan Reynolds.

The actor who fulfilled the soldier with superpowers, Ryan Reynolds, like the Hollywood colleague Bruce Willis, becomes dad girls. With his wife, Blake Lively, they are happy to bring up three daughters, sometimes in a joking form commenting on the events of personal life.

A caring father emphasizes that with three children it is difficult, "But when you have some daughters - this is the greatest blessing." It is not yet known whether the couple is ready to continue trying to give birth to a son. However, three years ago, the star family was seriously thoughtful to adopt a boy who would restore the balance in the "female kingdom."

5. Vera Brezhnev

It seems that the singer Vera Brezhnev knows the landmark and moves in a given direction, giving the world of charming girls, the same smiling as a star mother.

The celebrity emphasizes that he was born in a large family and even in the absence of financial opportunities felt comfortable surrounded by close people. Therefore, in plans to become a large mother and give her husband to Konstantin Meladze more children.

6. Adam Sandler

Such a different and always attractive Hollywood actor of the comedy genre Adam Sandler is a dad of two daughters. Girls are like a star father, rarely appear in secular events and do not instagram accounts.

In an interview, the actor admits that it becomes nervous when he sees like girls communicate with boys. It seems that the closer the age of "on the issuance", the harder it is necessary to star Father.

7. Anna Khilkevich

Closes the selection of "star parents of girls" Anna Hilkevich, who has two daughters. It does not prevent your mother to continue to act in films and manage a manicure interior.

The actress enjoys motherhood and believes that the child chooses those parents that are most suitable for solving karmic tasks. Anna recognizes on the wave of emotions, it does not exclude the appearance of the Brunette Son, which will be similar to the Father.

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