Ralph (Character) - Pictures, Photo, Cartoon, "Ralph Against Internet", Vanillop, Princess


Character History

Ralph is the protagonist of the full-length animation cartoon "Ralph" and Sicvel 2018. The game character has a row forced on the scenario to be a villain and laughing at home, but after 30 years later, it is tired of being bad.

History of character creation

The idea of ​​creating a large animation project, in which game characters would be involved, Vitala in the Walt Disney studio for about 14 years. The main problem was in the absence of an interesting story. After all, each game is enclosed in the framework of the program, which means that the plot is limited.

Richard Moore became the inspiration of Ralph, who was also an avid gamer. The director suggested that if you combine several games through the central station, then a chance to talk about the development of the plot and volumetric history will appear.

The Cartoon Creators faced the Copyright Problem, therefore, developing a script, met with the management of the Games Developing Companies. Producers managed to interest manufacturers, moreover, this communication made it possible to make the heroes of the animation project realistically. And much closer for the viewer.

In the early concept of Ralph thought as a shaggy creature, which was like appearance on a pig or beaver. However, in further development, human traits and friendly character began to prevail in the description. So, the hero was reincarnated in the giant, which, however, is similar to the familiar images of antagonists and dressed in ordinary clothes.

The project received 5 Anni Awards, and was also nominated for Oscar, Golden Globe and Saturn. The success of the cartoon was marked and critics, the feedback of which expressed admiration for the entertainment of pictures, plot and high-quality animation.

In 2016, it was officially announced that Sikvel was preparing for the exit. The premiere was appointed for 2018, promising fans that the main characters will remain in the continuation. The second part of the franchise "Ralph against the Internet", except for already familiar characters, gathered the princesses of Disney in the plot.

In general, Sicvel was also perceived by the audience perfectly, the cartoon received 88% of positive feedback. Richard Moore, placing heroes into the digital world of the Internet, has already expressed the idea that if it turns out to be counted another series, he will send Ralph and his girlfriend to Vanofu in space.

Actor John Riley voiced the rulley in both parts, the role in Russian duplicated Stanislav Madznikov.

Like other popular characters, such as stych, Ralph is a villain. However, this is just a job, in the soul he is kind and needs a friendly shoulder. An awesome appearance, the role of the destroyer - this was presented by the authors of the project, so that in the contrast to demonstrate the inner world of the hero. Thus, he became interested in the audience and caused sympathy, empathy and even admiration.

Image and Biography Ralph

How rumor speaks at the beginning of the cartoon - it is height under 3 meters and weighing 300 kilograms. Works together with another character - Master Felix Jr. in Game Boxing. From morning to evening, his task is to make a built house. Felix, operating with a magic hammer, repair the building. At the end of the game, the Ralph raise the residents of apartments and throw off the height in the dirt.

The script is repeated from day to day unchanged. When the game club closes, the time comes to relax. The masters praise and bring the cake for the work perfectly done, and they try not to notice how to notice. He rises to a dump with bricks, puts his head on a stump and falls asleep. From the height of his "dwelling" he observes how the other characters are having fun in the evening together.

The graceful loneliness and the desire to change the purpose caused the haul to visit the club of villains, where he shares the experiences. The remaining antagonists of games, among whom Dr. Eggman, Zombies, Devil Third, support him. Meanwhile, they try to convince that it is impossible to throw the work of the destroyer.

But the protagonist is not going to put up more with such a position, he wants his merit to be also recognized. Therefore, he leaves his box and goes to other games to find a gold medal. In the journey meets a character from the "Debt of the Hero", which is tired to work. He agrees to give up his place in buldle.

Ralph manages to get a medal, but infected with a virus that transfers the "Sweet Fasting" to the game. Here meets the desperate Vanofoy racer. This girl is "glitch", because of which she can't come to the first to finish. She stealing a medal in return, in return, demanding help in the race.

Ralph agrees, but everything is not on the script. King Caramel himself draws to him, explaining that Vanillop is "glitch", and if she wins, it will be erased from the game. Rushed breaks the car to save her. And then voluntarily gives the rider to Saltry.

At this time, Felix junior sends in search of "colleagues", because without the destroyer, the machine does not work. He also gets into a front associated with King Caramel, who actually turns out to be the main antagonist of Turbo. In dangerous adventures, Sergeant Calhun is found. This heroine subsequently becomes the wife of Felix.

Ralph, returning to his box, begins to understand that it circled around the finger. Therefore, decides to return to the "Sweet Forsage" and sort out the place. There he managed to get to the truth, solving the person of King Caramel. Thanks to courage, courage and dedication thumbtail causes Vanofu. The girl, finding the gift instantly move, even through the walls, returns the status of the first rider game.

She offers rumbling to stay with her, but he feels that he wants to return to work. Only now he grinds at home with joy, and friends bring him every night cake. In addition, the destroyer called in boxing characters of remote games, thereby expanding the plot and increasing popularity among gamers.

In Sicvel, the main characters are connected to the worldwide network. The adventures begin with the fact that Vanillop was bored with a monotonous route, and the new path hollowed over her. However, the intentions of the rider went against the gamier control. Vanillop broke the steering wheel, and the "sweet foresage" was closed.

In the search for a new steering wheel, the girl and the Ralph goes online. They find the desired detail at the EBay auction, but requires real money. Therefore, friends begin to look for ways to earn, moving along the World Wide Web. They are offered a suitable vacancy associated with the passage of games - from here and incredible adventures begin.

At the end of the film Vanillop remains forever in the "slaughter races", and Ralph returns to his game "Master Felix Jr.".

Interesting Facts

  • Favorite quote Combat: "I'll break everything!"
  • The character appears in the Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed video game. He has a jeep, which is modified and turns into either a helicopter or a boat.
  • Initially, the chief hero of the cartoon was planned to make Felix Jr.
  • The prototype of the romance was the congregion of the Kong from the 1981 game of the eponymous game.
  • The slogan of the first part of the cartoon was the phrase "good friend should be a lot."


It is not easy to love your work when no one loves you because of it. You, judging by the crown, - "Napoleon" cake! I will bring such a medal that you are all envy! Hi, my name is Ralph. I'm a bad guy. Eh ... Well, what else? Height three meters, weigh under three hundred kilo. Character also, in general, not from the lungs.


  • 2012 - "Ralph"
  • 2018 - "Ralph against the Internet"

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