Lenny Belardo (character) - photo, series, "young dad", actor Jude Law


Character History

Lenny Belardo is a complex and controversial character of the dramatic television series Paolo Sorrentino "Young Dad" and its continuation of 2020 "New Dad". The ultra-conservator, not devoid of compassion to the weak and poor, he behaves not only eccentric, but also frightening.

History of character creation

Situation of the series - Vatican. Naturally, the film crew was not given permission to work on the territory of the residence of Pope. The decorations of the film, including the Sicastine Chapel, appeared due to the efforts of the artists team.

The image of the Supreme Ruler of the Holy See calls the Association with the Sedovlasm Stratz, although the story knows young carriers of the title. In the TV series, the main character was chosen by a man of 47 years old, and played the role of FIR XIII American actor Jude Law.

Events occur in the present time, but the years of the Board of the XIII board are not specified. The word "young" in the title of the film is not only a definition relating to the extraordinary phateter, but also commemorate the beginning of the new era. Hard reforms and non-trivial reflections on religion make confusion into the life of a small state.

The first season consists of 10 episodes broadcast on HBO TV channel. In Italy, Paolo Sorrentino received high ratings, overtaking by the number of views "The game of the Thrones".

Despite the expected condemnation by the papacy, in the official publishing of the Vatican L'Osservatore Romano, the browser wrote a laudatory review of the series. Juan Manuel de Prada noticed that all episodes of the picture were filled with the "admiration of the Catholic Church."

Other editions did not share the opinion of Juan and converted that Paolo Sorrentino showed a caricature presentation.

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Piy XIII is a fictional character, although in many official sources it is called Earla Lucian Pulvermmer, proclaimed by Peii XIII in the "True Catholic Church" sect. In an interview, Sorrentino said that the idea was originally considered to create the main character on the basis of the book of the Italian historian Sergio Lutzzato about Padre Pio.

Subsequently, the producers of the television series decided to adhere to the original concept and show the world to the head of the Catholic Church other than others. The director shared that he had an idea to portray Pontifica against the background of a bright opposition with Pope Francis, which was famous for a liberal attitude towards people.

As a result, a person appeared, which is deeply connected with Catholic rituals. He is not going to convince and ask believers to stick to strict canons. Lenny Belardo enjoys the right of riding sinners from the church, demanding from the flock of blind faith.

Jude Low, according to Sorrentino, organically fit into the image of the reformer. Charisma, age, physique and even gait - a lot of points of contact between actor and a fictional character influenced the approval of the actor to a major role.

Half of the "New Dad" season, Piy XIII spent in a coma. After he woke up, he took death on the hands of the crowd of his fans. Despite the fact that John Paul III comes to the forehead in the film, Belardo, even being in an insensitive state, holds focus of attention.

The 2nd season was awarded the positive reaction of viewers and film critics. The latching of the Vatican, the alignment of the strength under the hanging shadow of the predecessor - all this organically fit into the main idea of ​​the director about the approval of fundamental Catholicism.

Image and biography of Lenny Belardo

Lenny Belardo is a native of Brooklyn, who became Xiii, after he was chosen. In the reality of such a Pope did not exist.

As a child, their own parents turned away from the child, preferring a hedonistic lifestyle. The boy brought up the nun Mary, and she became the only man he trusted. The moral injuries obtained in youth became one of the reasons for the eccentric pontiff behavior.

The young man is trying to find her father and mother, but unsuccessfully. I have not been able to close this gestalt early biography, the teenager will dip in spiritual life. From under the guardianship of Mary, the rustling Lenny moves into the hands of Cardinal Michael Spencer.

Spencer is a candidate for the position of new Pope. However, this post is elected young Belardo. Secretary of State Angelo Wimenelo, who contributed to the appointment, planned to lead the inexperienced pontiff and offered that a profitable deal.

Lenny agreed, thereby rejecting Spencer, but at the same time reheat and his protege. Hope Wizhlo to become a gray cardinal was dispelled from the first day of the reign of a new dad. It turned out that pee XIII will be tricky, proud and independent. Such a transformation found the surprise of everyone, including Mary.

Attempts to correct the situation, persuasion, blackmail and even threats did not cause the expected reaction. As a result, the environment has come and adopted a new dad.

Lenny Belardo - a contradictory image. The inflated ego, a selective attitude to the dogma and the rules established by the prohibitions, which are also very much - the motives of the actions are not amenable to logical explanations.

The ruler of the Holy See smokes on the territory of the Church, prefers the cherry cola, turns Kangaroo. And at the same time requires the priests of adherence to the vole of celibacy, despises homosexuals, does not accept the familiarity in relation to himself.

Plans and reforms are accepted alone alone. Looking at several episodes, the viewer understands what the main character seeks. His goal is the revival of the greatness of the church, and on this path he will not go anything. Belardo is prolocably and coolly straighten with ideological rivals, sending unwanted on Alaska.

In reasoning the character is guided by the idea of ​​unconditional faith. In his opinion, the parishioners began to think too much about themselves, and only ultra-conservative reforms are able to change the consciousness of people. Even the opinions of the best friend Andrew Dyusoli, the nearest unsatisfied ally of Sofia and the guardian of Mary are not able to enable the main character.

It submits a personal example: refuses personal souvenir products, dismisses papal photographers, and during public speech remains in the shadow or back to parishioners. Such behavior of Lenny explains one quote: "No one. There is only Jesus Christ. "

Under the ban and marriage relationships for clergy. In his life, Belardo fell in love only once, and then felt the Platonic feelings for Married Esther.

In the last series of the 1st season, Piy XIII during the sermon decides to show the face of parishioners. In the crowd, notes his parents, loses consciousness and falls on the hands of Gutierres.

In the middle of the 2nd season, the Pontiff came out of the coma. While he, being in forgetting, walks in white floors on the paradise beach, the setting in the Vatican is heating. One of the schools are captured by terrorists, and the acting Pope John Paul III, who gave the death of the priest, rebels from the throne.

Lenny puts on the vestment and comes to school. Terrorists - idolaters are rejoicing the return of the idol. The crowd lifts him up, and after a few moments, Belardo dies.


"I know. I'm incredibly beautiful. But let's try to forget about it. "" Your words asslined me for one thought. What good, deprived of imagination, risks to become pure prudes. "The priest does not grow, because he will never be a father. He is forever son. That is why the 13th centuries ago we accepted the vows of celibacy. To be the children of the Lord, without daring to take his place. "" I do not need a believing weekend. I want the story of the Great Love. "

Interesting Facts

  • The papal robe of the main character sewed the same studio, which is engaged in the manufacture of costumes for cardinals, priests and pontiffs.
  • In the plot of the film Lenny returns from the museum in Washington Papade Tiara, which was stopped worn in 1965.
  • All 12 Roman dads, who after the election chose the name of Pei, were conservatives.


  • 2016 - "Young Dad"
  • 2020 - "New Dad"

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