Lunar calendar for September 2020: haircuts, gardery, gardener, sowing, weddings


The lunar calendar for September 2020 will be accompanied by the beginning of the retrograde Mars, which is inhibited by the undertak of any fields. However, if you have time to continue to concentrate on the planning of events, you will be able to bring the accomplishment of wishes in your personal life and business.

The exact forecast of the behavior of the Moon in September 2020 is in the material 24cm.

Moon phases

September 2 - full moon . Dedote the lunar day planning business, spend the evening with children. However, show vigilance if a desire arises to make the topics on abstract topics. The Earth's satellite loves specifics, and abstract fantasies will lead to the depletion of the nervous system.

1, 18-30 - Waxing Crescent . Time for self-analysis, strengthening authority in society, the development of hidden talents. The lunar phase can attract conflicts and traumatic situations.

3-16 - waning moon . The period is favorable for the development of spiritual forces, and fresh ideas will appear in the head. Nevertheless, you should not go on the phase of the lunar month and break relationships.

September 17 - new moon . The lunar days are favorable for painstaking work, studies and financial activities that will make a profit.

Lunar calendar of health and beauty

Favorable for haircuts and staining is considered: 15, 19, 24. The change will hairstyle will bring good luck to life, and the manicure will speak well on well-being.

It is not necessary to experiment with appearance, but you can preserve the same shape of a haircut or nails 1, 6, 8,18-20, 25, 27, 29-30. It will be properly planned for these dates leaving hair treatments.

5 ways to make hair thick

5 ways to make hair thick

Refuse to visit the wizard of the nail service and the hairdresser 3, 16, 26, 28. Manipulations with hair can bring skin diseases of the scalp, and the hairstyle will disappoint. However, in these dates it is recommended to remove hairs in the ears and in the nose, so they will quickly thin and will not interfere.

The first numbers of September will be favorable for radical cosmetic procedures and plastic operations. But after the 10th, the situation will become unstable. 16-17, 24 and 29 should postpone planned operations.

18-21 - time favorably for interventions on internal organs, 26-28 - for heart operations. However, these days should be abandoned by interrupting pregnancy.

For maxillofacial operations and treatment of dental channels are favorable: 1-3, 29-30. And 6-7, 15-16, 19-25 is better to refuse prosthetics and cleaning stones.

3, 7, 12, 19, 27 Take care of health. Magnetic storms are expected.

Gardener Calendar and Gardener

Lunar calendar for September 2020 September 24 and September 30 permits to transplant capricious plants. Possessing these days will be sowing.

3, 6-8, 11-13, 20-21, 29-30 - time for sowing cucumbers, tomatoes, greenery and cabbage. 3, 6-8, 11-13, 19 - it's time to sow radishes and carrots. And for those gardeners who plant garlic favorable will be 20-25.

Flowers can plant perennial cultures for the winter 6-8, 20-21, 24-25, 29-30.

The gardeners came to go to the transplant of seedlings. For gooseberries and currants are favorable 3, 6-8, 11-13, 19-25, 29-30. And the raspberry and blackberry bushes should be treated 11-13, 19-21, 29-30.

Dedicate the time to read special literature and give up landing, weeding and other work on a plot 2, 16-18. These days, the plants are vulnerable, and the root system may not withstand transplants.

Cash calendar

The monetary calendar for September 2020 recommends making large purchases on September 18 and 25. However, if you are limited in the means, these days you can buy and useful little things that will have a favorable mood.

Make shopping in the shopping center recommended 4-5, 7-8, 19, 21-24, 27. However, specify the reviews about the goods so as not to throw money on the wind.

Do not let me in debt on September 2 and 29. Refuse financial transactions and acquisitions 1, 11, 14, 20, 26, 30, otherwise the hasty decisions will have to regret.

And do not forget to recalculate money in the wallet and on the accounts of September 20. The magic ritual will prevent moral satisfaction and will concentrate on the multiplication of existing funds.

Wedding calendar

Favorable days for wedding and magnificent celebrations will be: 1-2, 18-19, 23, 27-30. The main in the relationship will be trust. The family will be hospitable and open to others. And the emergence of joint children will only strengthen the feelings.

In general, quite good days for a modest wedding will be: 3-8, 10-13, 20-22, 24-26. The Union of People will be based on joint interests. The life of the consisted and self-sufficient spouses will be calm and measured.

Transfer the date of the celebration from 9, 14-17. The passion in the relationship will interfere with self-realization, and negative emotions and resentment will remain in memory. Avoiding conflicts will help the sense of humor, but constant swelling will interfere with joint happiness.

Favorable and unfavorable days

Favorable days in September 2020 will be: 1, 17, 22, 24-25, 27, 30. Time for bold steps in both personal life and business. The vital energy received from the Earth's satellite will be an ally these days.

The lunar calendar for September 2020 warns from rampant actions on September 7 and 11 - these are unfavorable days that provoke quarrels and erroneous actions.

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