Plato Vitorgan Sobchak - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Son Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan 2021



Ksenia Sobchak is the identity of the booty and contradictory, which disassembled in detail and rigidly ridiculously, under the sights of the TV cameer Ilya Sobolev and the participants of the "Frozhaars" on TNT4 on the last day of the retail of 2019. And the comedians were not so right: the spouse of Konstantin Bogomolov, famous for the scandalous statements about children, who called not otherwise as "Gadnahs and Rats", with the advent of the son of Plato, changed the anger to mercy and appreciated the beauty of motherhood.


At the end of the autumn of 2016, November 18, in the personal lives of the famous TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak and an equally well-known actor of the theater and film Maxim Vitorgan there was a joyful event. Three years after the wedding celebration, the son of Plato appeared on the world, about which the woman hurried to tell the subscribers of its multi-million dollar "Instagram." By the way, the namesake of the ancient Greek philosopher was already after the "meeting" with his father and mother, throwing the possible options for Mark, Matvey and Andrei.

The secular lioness became the mother for the first time, but her spouse took congratulations to replenish the family for the third time: July 26, 1996 Victoria Verberg presented him with Polina, and on September 19, 2000 - Daniel.

As I managed to find out to be omniscient to journalists, the birth was held without complications in the clinical hospital "Mother and Child" in Lapino near Moscow, where the daughter of Helena Dameman Alexandra also came to this world, the younger heiress Ivan Urganta Valeria and Gemini Alla Pugacheva Elizabeth and Harry. Stay in a medical facility, equipped with a transforming bed, a jacuzzi, meal, as in a 5-star hotel and other comfort-contained components, it cost almost 1 million rubles.

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In 2018, Maxim Emmanuilovich came to the program of Irina Shikhman "and talk?", Where explained why the spouse made a kid with a frequent guest of his account on a social network, literally torn by photographs and videos with him:

"Do you see what happens to her? Do you see that she is crazy milf? I tell her: "Finish". But she can not stop. It is overwhelmed with emotions, it is an absolutely irrational thing. She just turned out to be crazy mother and that's it. But I, honestly, always said that it would be so. "

The child did not close the relationship between his parents, and in two years they divorced, but, despite this, they continued to bring up a boy together.

Plato Vitorgan Sobchak now

The only daughter of Anatoly Sobchak surprised the public with a touching and responsible approach to motherhood. Despite numerous projects, the presidential race and a loud divorce, which was allegedly preceded by a fight between the former and current spouses, she constantly paid a lot of time to his beloved son.

Plato from birth arrived at the sport, immediately cast into swims, and then added to it and mountain skiing. And they did not forget about foreign languages ​​(English and Chinese), first of all, of course, having attacked him the love of great and mighty. The boy continues to die Follovier Mother to the declamination of all sorts of poems.

As for the formation, changing plans for the future, Ksenia explained that he would give the heir only in a good private school. Now, parents with grandparents are trying to develop and pour a child in every way, trying not to deny anything to him. It is water in the museums of entertaining sciences (and not only), bathe in love and regularly carry on abroad. Only at the beginning of the 2020, the baby managed to visit Courchevel and soaring on the white sand in the Maldives.

TV presenter does not cease to share in the "Instagram" account of the news about the "main man" and events from life - visits to children's holidays, creating crafts from the leaves of his father's birthday.

"If I had tent years ago, they said that I would buzz in the child's birthday, as yesterday, I would spit off the offender. But today I am a thrill! Life is Beautiful! And yes, I can tell with horror that the children's rest is a buzz, "she reported in the social network.
Plato Vitorgan-Sobchak and Anatoly Sobchak (similar)

By the way, in a resonant "root", which took a couple of hours to the new year 2020 and climbed on Youtube for three days almost 3 million views, slightly "got" and the son of Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan.

A resident of Novosibirsk Zoya Yarovitsyn, who made his hand for a couple with Irina Soft to enter the show on TNT "Women's Standap", expressed a humorous assumption that the Soskaya Lioness called Son Plato, "so that he looked at all philosophically." The comedian also joked that she had so many advertising in the "instagram" that when she posted photos of the boy, people tried to buy it.

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