Films Georgy Deltera: Best, List, Director, Kin-Dza-Dza, Passport


On August 25, 2020, the 90th anniversary of the Soviet director Georgiy Deliay, who presented the country of cult filmmakers, which remain popular and in the new millennium, could be celebrated. In honor of the birthday of the Great Artist of Arts, the editorial office of 24cmi recalls the best films of Georgy Dellai.

"I'm walking in Moscow" (1963)

Movies, Georgy Deltera, made cinematographic breakthroughs: for example, the optimistic project "I step in Moscow" became the founder of the new comedy genre. This happened by chance: the employees of Goskino were surprised to notice that the picture is unbearable, and the director skillfully parried: "Because it is a lyrical comedy!" - So subsequently signed the project. The ideological idea of ​​the film Gennady Schapalikov formed from a single episode, in which a bare-eyed girl swinging her shoes, goes during the rain, and it should be wetted cyclist.

However, all the shooting was held on the same light wave, not counting the conflict of the director with Nikita Mikhalkov, who in the middle of the work asked for a salary, but having received an argued refusal, nevertheless remained in the frame.

"Gentlemen of Good luck" (1971)

The life quotes of the heroes of the film "Gentlemen of Good luck" - Chmury, Associate Professor and Kosovo - became immortal. George Delteius described his participation in the project as an "artistic director", allowing its friend to his friend Alexander Gray, who freed from the places of imprisonment.

Such an unpleasant, but life experience came in handy on the set: the whole "blessed" jargon was proposed with gray, and later approved by Leonid Brezhnev himself with the words: "These expressions know any Soviet boy." However, the term "padla" in the meaning of the "bad person" was still replaced by neutral, but no less funny "radish".

"Afonya" (1975)

At the role of the main character, Athanasius Borshov, Vladimir Vysotsky, Polish artist Daniel Olbrykh, and Leonid Kuravlev were claimed to the film "Afony". The creators noted that he was not at all mistaken, choosing the last: "There is something black in it, some kind of secret," said the Writer Alexander Brodiansky.

The character Fedul became no less beloved, the masterks played by Borislav Bronduukov. The actor was so organic that during the filming of the episode in the Moscow restaurant, the Swiss refused to let a man after a swift inside, saying: "Many of you here are such artists! I am now a police call! "

Mimino (1977)

The List of the best films, Georgy Dellai, is entitled to the Mimino project, initially carrying the working name "nothing special." Goskino did not approve the idea of ​​renaming, since "the word stupid", but the Chair came, noting some intrigue in the proposed version, which is exactly suitable for the presentation at the Moscow Film Festival.

In addition, some episodes from the film were taken from real life. For example, a scene with a lawyer Svetlana Georgievna correlates with the history of daughters of daughters, which at the dawn career had to talk with a recidivist. He suggested a frightened girl how to build a dialogue and what questions to ask.

"Autumn Marathon" (1979)

Georgy Delteius appreciated the scenario to the film "Autumn Marathon", written by Alexander Volodyin, but did not plan to remove him, having commissioned the work first in inexperienced directors (the one was upset by the challenger on the main role of Alexander Kalyagin), and then Paul Arsenov (but also unsuccessful - he was accused of disinterested project).

Thus, Georgy Delhelia began to work on the picture. It is noteworthy that the final of the film did not match the rules of Goskino, because the key character runs away to Sweden, but it did not change anything from the director, and the administration did not notice that editing in the final did not contribute.

"Kin-Dza-Dza" (1986)

Kinokarttina in the genre of fantastic parachopia conquered the hearts of Soviet spectators not only by charming characters, but also the "Chatlano-Patsaki dictionary", the terms of which were firmly burned in the conversational Russian language. It is noteworthy that Kin-Dza-Dza Georgy Deltera was on the verge of shooting filming because of problems with decorations. The project operator Pavel Lebeshev even suggested that it was "aliens packed. They do not want to know the truth on Earth. "

"Passport" (1990)

The tragicomedy "Passport" also entered the list of the best films Georgy Dellai. With this project a curious case of director's career is connected. The condition of sponsors from France was to be attracted to the main role of a world-wide celebrity, such as Tom Cruise or Nicholas Cage. The latter even agreed, but Gerard Dermon was a compromise solution for both sides of the creators, for which the role of Merab became one of the best in his career.

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