Jesse (character) - photos, pictures, "Toy story", doll


Character History

Jesse is a fictional cartoon character from the franchise "Toy Story", produced by Pixar Animation Studios together with the Walt Disney studio. An enterprising and perky cowboy girl fell in love with little viewers, and after the release of a full-length cartoon became the best-selling toy for Christmas.

History of character creation

Larger attention to this character is paid in the sequel "History of Toys 2", which describes a meeting of Woody with her and a horse Bulzay. Together with them, he has long been participating in the TV show Woody's Roundup, however, did not remember this.

4 characters - Jesse, Sheriff Woody, Bulzay and prospector participated in the television. Once these heroes were popular, but with the advent of cosmic heroes were overboard. Subsequently began to be of interest exclusively for collectors. By the way, the transfer of Woody's Roundup is written off from such a show, which went on American TV channels in the era of romanticization of Westerns. The main thought of Sicvel franchise was to demonstrate the feelings of toys that ceased to be the right children.

The idea belonged to the creative producer of Studio Pixar John Lasser. He himself collected rare specimens of toys in the office, realizing the value of each of them. Therefore, when his children tried to play with them, he was in confusion. After all, all these dolls are collectible, and on the other hand - designed for children. So the main idea of ​​the sequel was the reflection of the emotions of collectible specimens, which are forced to dust in the boxes, and are deprived of the joy of communication with children. Jesse in this aspect is a bright example of this.

After the release of the "Toy Story 2", the popularity of the Cowboy doll took off sharply. Distribution and uncounting energy - all this had to taste with small spectators. As a result, the figure appeared on the shelves of children's stores, and the cagurg images began to apply on clothes, wallets and other accessories for girls. Also, this character was seen in other Pixar projects. Jesse turned out to be a loved one in the cartoon "Monsters Corporation" and received an episodic role in "Ralph against the Internet."

The main fears of the Cowboy girl are demonstrated in the "Toy Stories 3: Big Escape" in a situation where she again felt abandoned, unnecessary and locked. In the fourth part, Jesse was "overboard", since the main attention was focused on her Woody colleague.

Another heroine is seen in a number of short films dedicated to the franchise. In the "Hawaiian Vacation", she with Basz and Woody participates in the preparation of a romantic weekend for Barbie and Ken.

Character voiced American actress Joan Cusac. But to fulfill the songs of the heroine entrusted the Canadian rock star Sara McLaklan.

Jesse image and biography

The image of the doll even demonstrates its belonging to Western. Especially indicative traditional outfit. She wears spotted jeans pants (similar print in the form of cow spots noticed on Woody vest), cowboy boots, white shirt with yellow cuffs and brown belt. On a head-rain hat.

Plastic doll is drawn in detail - small nose, large green eyes, red hair tied with yellow ribbon. But in the description, there is still no charming appearance in the first place in the first place, and the character is the one that has developed "thanks to" testing and betting. And this is the case when the beautiful picture is not easy fate.

This viewer does not know immediately. Acquaintance with the heroine takes place rapidly - Woody, hitting Ella's estate, turns out to be shot down from the legs "jumping out of his pants" from Jesie's joy. The doll with delight broadcasts Sherifa, as happy that he finally appeared. After all, now the collection has developed, and all 4 characters of the television show together. But Woody does not share this euphoria. He has the owner of Andy, what he resembles a rapidly fun girl.

Jesse in response is angry, but only because her own history of friendship with the child ended sadly. At the very beginning, the doll was Emily's mistress. The girl planted a toy on a horse and shook on the tire. However, over time, Emily was increasingly distinguished from his beloved Korvgerl, and after and at all forgot her under the bed for years. When I discovered the loss, it was lucky somewhere. To the horror of the latter, the matured hostess left an unnecessary doll in the donation box.

Being in a closed space, she survived a whole range of emotions due to the betrayal of Emily. In addition, due to a long stay in the box, the doll developed claustrophobia. This period imposed a print on the character of the Cowger. She, although she wanted to be again in the family with children, was afraid to survive the same feelings when it was unnecessary. In a frank conversation, the girl-cowboy assured Woody that Andy would grow up and put him in the "Far Box", forgetting about the existence. But he managed to convince the rejected Jesse that this will not happen.

However, plans return home rapidly. El has time to grab the team of Woody's Roundup characters and close in a suitcase to send the aircraft to the Japanese Museum. Woody with a browse manifests free. Together with the Basz saves a captive before the takeoff.

After arriving at Andy Jesse's house, I am very worried about, but the boy happily accepts guests. Moreover, there is a spark between it and the base liteter. Before the titers, the audience see how happy the main characters with the shepherd Bo Pip listen to the song "You have a friend in me."

In the third part of the "stories of toys" the most important fear of the heroine is embodied in reality. Andy for 17 years already, the guy entered the college and leaves, so decides to collect and postpone the "memories" from childhood. He places them in the box to attribute to the attic. Jesse begins to panic that again will be in a closed space, but in a ridiculous coincidence of the circumstances of the heroes send to kindergarten.

At first it makes them happy, but the children in the group are too small to play carefully. As a result, friends make a decision to escape what Woody helps them. Adventures are dangerous, but everything ends in the best way. At the end of the cartoon, the team returns home, and Andy decides to give toys the second life. And instead of sending them to the attic, gives the neighbor Boni.

Jesse had to survive a lot of fear in the short filth of the story of toys and horror. In the plot, she did not even be closed in the box. And all because her, together with friends, stole the hotel manager, in which Boni stopped with mom. As a result, the girl-cowboy manages to overcome claustrophobia, get out and save others.

The character also appears in one short film "The story of toys, forgotten by time" and in a number of video games dedicated to the franchise.


"It's you! You, you, you, you, you! This is really you! "" Cat? Erunda, it's not scary. "" I don't care where to spend the night. If only not one in the black box. "

Interesting Facts

  • In the theme park of California in April 2019, an attraction was opened - Critter Jesse carousel.
  • In 2000, Jesse received Patsy Montana's musical award (American Country Singer).
  • The full name of the character - Jesse Jodinger Cowger.


  • 1999 - "Toy History 2"
  • 2010 - "Toy History 3: Big Escape"
  • 2011 - "Toy History: Hawaiian Vacations"
  • 2013 - "History of toys and horror"
  • 2019 - "Toy Story 4"

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