Kiara (character) - pictures, "king lion", daughter Simba, Lioness


Character History

Kiara is a cartoon character that appeared in the animation film "King Lion: Simba Pride" and in the TV series "Lion Guardel" Walt Disney. Princess played a big role in the life of Pride, putting an end to the war.

History of character creation

"King Lion" is a cult cartoon that collected a record amount of cash collecting. The creators of the sequel faced the main problem - how to show the audience a story worth become one level with the first part.

Development of the plot took Darrel Rooney. The director understood that loved characters should be developed in the continuation. Of course, first of all it was about Simba. Lionok grew up and returned home to become the king. The story ended with a happy scene of the birth of the heir of Flaffi.

What happened further - it was interested in all young fans of the Disney cartoon. Darrel Rooney in an interview noted that the king is hard to reconcile with the past, with events that caused the death of his father for the wine scar. And he still has fear. To help the chief hero cope with this, Kiara was introduced into the plot. Simba's daughter demonstrates father's character, she is his copy, only more string and independent.

The king sees himself in his daughter, and the irrational fear is released that the heir will go the same way. The situation is escalated by the appearance of the projection of the scar. The story seemingly repeated. But Darrel Rooney did not allow a familiar plot to the new manner.

The inspiration of the sequel "King Lion: Simba's pride" was the Shakespeare tragedy "Romeo and Juliet". Kiara and Kovua are children of two warring communities that canon must hate each other. However, love not only erases conventions and prejudices, but also destroys many years of enmity.

Thus, the character of the princess successfully fits in the already familiar viewers a picture and served as a motive for rethinking the nature and behavior of Simba. As in the first part, the value of the family (Pride) is great. At the same time, the king has to let in her a stranger in order not to lose his daughter.

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According to tradition, almost all names in the Disney cartoon about lions are taken from the language of African peoples - Swahili. So, raffiki translates as "friend", Sarabi - "Mirage". As for the name Kiara, his meaning is controversial.

In some fan sources, it is argued that it translates as a "princess". True, reliable references proving the truthfulness of such judgment is not given. This name is present in many languages ​​of the world. For example, in India is interpreted as the "gift of God."

Animators working on Sixel, sought the audience to meet the same heroes against the background of familiar decorations. Artists portrayed the main characters, as well as the Praid's terrain in full accordance with the pictures of the first part.

The emergence of new actors is an equally labor-intensive process. The appearance of Kiara collected the features of the father, mother and even grandmother. However, this is an original character with its own character, a manner of moving and a history that causes admiration.

He voiced the little Kiara Michel Horn, having matured - Niv Campbell. In Russian, the speech duplicated the actress Ksenia Brzzovskaya.

In the animated series "Guardian Lev", the daughter of Simba performed a secondary character. The brother - Kayon came to the fore. What is interesting, the heroine in this project is demonstrated by another, more adult. From the point of view of character - careful and serious.

Image and biography of Kiara

The heir in the cartoon is depicted with cream-gold colorful wool, rounded face and big reddish eyes with yellow glare. The body is flexible and elastic with long legs. Princess Grazroom, like her mother - Nala. The artists showed the heroine of the smallest among other lions, but she quickly runs and quite prompt.

At the beginning of the film, the princess is represented by a carefree lionke, which, as usual, adores playing and looking for an adventure. In comparison with the Father, the heiress is not inferior in nature, also refuses and disrupts the prohibitions. The desire for freedom, the search for new sensations leads a character to dangerous situations.

At a matured Kiara, some character traits were only intensified. She still remained a cheerful lioness, but became more stubborn. Dreaming of independence, the heroine comes against the pride adopted laws and even opposes the will of the king.

Another one of her feature is a lioness capable of noticing good in any situation. It does not think templates, but is guided by intuition. At the same time, she has a fierce temper and an exacerbated sense of justice. Therefore, the daughter of the king, believing himself right, opposes his father. Nevertheless, the princess is not ready to turn away from the family, even protecting its own values.

In the "Guardian Lev" heroine changes the progress and rebellious character in caution and seriousness. Even as a teenager, capable of self-organization. Simba sees the potential in his daughter and even leaves the lands of Praid in her absence.

In the cartoon "King Lion: Simba's pride" for heroines look after "Nanniki" - Timon, Pumba and Zazza. This is a deterrent that prevents Kiara to go to adventure. Once she managed to escape from under control, then she meets with the top.

Kovu, son Zira, a member of the so-called renegades - spent with the land of Praid Lviv. But Kiaar Nevdomek political prejudices. The perplexity of the heroine is expressed in the quote: "Look - they are us. What do we differ from each other? ".

She likes a new friend, and she tries to make friends with him. However, young parents lion bred children on different directions. Heroes occur again much later, and then romantic relationships are tied between them. Differences in the upbringing causes the CUG to think about whether his mother is convincing that King Simba needs to kill.

Kiara showed a new friend that there is not only hatred in the world. She taught him to have fun and smile, and then the fact that the lion before this meeting was never met - disinterested love.

When the king again expelled the carpet due to the attempts of the deples to commit murder, then Kiara did not immediately return the arguments of the Father. The lioness decided to leave the Pryda lands to find the beloved and convince him to return.

The power of her love changed the attitude towards the mother. The young lion realized that he performed a puppet in vengeful plans. The heroes managed not only to overcome well-established barriers, but also to change the course of history - to try on the once warring clans and finish the war that lasted for several years.


"A mighty hunter drove the victim into an angle (about the butterfly)." "We often look into the sky. He says, there are all the great kings of the past. "" Pope spoke, the scar in the soul was a darkness, from which he could not be saved. "

Interesting Facts

  • In the full-length film, Kiara has no girlfriends. In the "Guardian Lion" there are companions in the form of a lioness Zuri and Tifu. They help heroine when she remains the main in the kingdom.
  • Character songs performed Liz Callauja and Charita Sano.
  • In the draft variants of the Sicvel Sicvel "King Lion" young lioness called Shani. Translated from Swahili name means "curiosity".
  • Kiara did not include in the Disney Princess Group. From the cartoon this fate was only a bed.


  • 1998 - "King Lion: Simba Pride"
  • 2015-2019 - "Guardian Lev"

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