Ann Golon - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



They say the only way that a woman can achieve prestige and wealth is a marriage with a decent man. The French writer Ann Golon confidently broke this myth. Yes, she became famous with his spouse (under the pseudonym Ann and Serge Golon), but in fact 13 adventure novels about the beautiful adventurist Angelica belongs to her Peru.

Childhood and youth

Anne Golon has a lot of names, but the present only one thing is Simona Shannie. She was born on December 17, 1921 in Toulon, France, in the family of Captain Fleet.

Attention to the wonderful Simona SHAHEO has shown even in early childhood. Beginning from art: the girl draws good landscapes and portraits, revived with bright colors more than 500 copies of paternal work on aircraft.

His first novel "Country for my eyes" (1944) Frenchwoman released under the pseudonym Joel Dantern. Then it became clear: the literature is its true vocation.

The Second World War forced Simona Shanvoy to go on a journey. The purpose of the trip was Spain, not touched by bombs. In 1941, the girl sat on the bike, sending the wheels to the border. She was arrested and could shoot as a spy, but Safulya, with his youth fearless, introduced himself as an artist, showed her drawings and said that he wanted to enjoy the beauty of the world, so that after transfer her to canvas. The girl was released. Moreover, they supplied the pass so that there were no problems at the border.

Returning to France, Simona S.Nozho created the magazine "France 47", where it was published mainly. She did not quit literature: the novel "Patrol at Fontana San Innoan" (1949) even awarded award. The money reward was enough for a journalistic trip to Africa. Here the Frenchwoman met the love of life.

Personal life

The only husband of the writer was Vsevolod Sergeevich Golubinov - a native of the Bukhara Emirate (now the territory of Uzbekistan), a geologist, a beginner writer. By the time of exploring Simono Shanvo, he already released the novel "Gift Reza-Khan" (1947) under the pseudonym Serge Golon. After the wedding, the Frenchwoman took this surname without meditation, finally becoming Anne Golon.

Four children were brought up in the family. The name of only one daughter Nadin Golubinoff is widely known. It was she who made statements in the press, when Ann Golon was absorbed old age and poverty.

The personal life of the wife of Golon was not hidden, would be photographed with newborns - babies and novels.


Angelica's story served the salvation of Anne Golon and her spouse from the economic crisis. However, the novels were written consciously, thought out: each book was preceded by a long-term study of the life of the XVII century, in which events took place. The historical material was collected by Serge Golon, and the Frenchwoman thought out the storyline and endured on paper.

The first of the 13 novels about Angelica "Angelika, Marquis Angelov" (1956) demanded 3 years of research. He was awarded mad popularity as in his native France and far beyond. Readers were trembling the courage of the heroine, its liberty and thirst for adventure.

In less than 5 years, Anne Golon wrote another 5 novels. Each Edition of the WMIG prompted at least 20 countries around the world. The popularity of the stories about Angelica pushed directors to the idea of ​​adaptation. The first film was released in 1964. Michel Mercier played the main heroine, her wife Joffrey de Peiiraka - Robert Ossen.

There are six films about Angelica. In the 1960s, french director Bernarr Borders were filmed five of them. There are also fresh screening of 2013. In the center of the plot - the novel "Angelica, the Marquis of Angelov".

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In 1972, when the light saw nine books about Angelica, Serge Golon died. The cause of death became a stroke. The writer was hardly worried about the loss of his native man, but managed to take himself in his hands and continued to create. Since then, she has written four more novels. Final - "Victory Angelica" - published in 1985.

In the 1990s, Anne Golon turned out to be almost in distress: novels about Angelica continued to be popular, but the fees did not reach their legal owner. Then the Frenchwoman filed to the court. The legal battle lasted for almost 10 years, ending in 2004 by the triumphal victory Anne Golon. She became the full owner of copyright.

In 2012, the Frenchwoman was preparing to release the final novel "Angelica and the Kingdom of France", but the idea was not crowned with success. Probably, all guilt health: By that time, Anne Golon stepped over the border of 90 years.


Anne Golon's biography ended on July 14, 2017 in Versailles, France. Despite the hardly transferred peritonitis, the Frenchwoman went to the autograph session and the conference until recent days, the novels were read about Angelica and introduced edits.

In addition to 13 stories about Angelica, in Anne Bibliography, six novels released under the pseudonym Joeel Danterns, one book, written and published under the name Linda Bod, and 10 volumes, composed together with Serge Golon.


  • 1956 - "Angelika, Marquis of Angelov"
  • 1958 - "Path to Versailles"
  • 1959 - "Angelica and King"
  • 1960 - "Insurprise Angelica"
  • 1961 - "Angelica in the Mother"
  • 1961 - "Angelica and her love"
  • 1964 - "Angelica in the New World"
  • 1966 - "The Temptation of Angelica"
  • 1972 - "Angelica and Demon"
  • 1976 - "Angelica and Conspiracy of Shadows"
  • 1980 - "Angelica in Quebec"
  • 1984 - "Hope Road"
  • 1985 - "Victory Angelica"

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