Anton Nut - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Journalist 2021



Anton Nut began to work on the radio still in the student and has since remained the faithful profession. He was remembered by listeners with sharp statements, scandalous reviews and witty comments.

Childhood and youth

Anton Nut was born on May 14, 1972 in Moscow. At birth, the boy received the name Andrei Kravchenko, but later began to use a pseudonym. He grew up in the family of the famous Soviet journalist and media modelier Leonid Kravchenko. After the divorce of parents, Andrei retained a warm relationship with his father, who had a decisive influence on the choice of his life path.

Already in the school years, the nuts demonstrated the ability to work. He received good estimates on the subjects of the humanitarian profile, but did not understand the technical. When the study came to an end, the young man resolutely filed documents to Journalistic Faculty of Moscow State University (Moscow State University).

In the student, Anton was also not an excellent student, he was often interrupted by the top three. But he has retained his gratitude to the teachers who taught the Azam profession and helped to reveal the creative potential.

Personal life

Information about personal life journalist does not hide. He is happily married on his colleague Irina Merkulova, a couple raises her daughter. According to unconfirmed information, the girl is called Veronica Kravchenko.

In his free time, a man is interested in sports, but only like a fan. According to the celebrity, he early began to support Spartak, but rather from pity, because the players constantly lost. Over time, the team began to play better, and Anton retained her loyalty for subsequent years. The observer itself is trying to remain in the form and weighs 90 kg with a rise of about 190 cm.

In addition to sports, the journalist loves to read, admires verses of Alexander Pushkin. In music, he considers himself convinced Bitoman, and regarding culinary preferences admits that he can drink tea with lemon with liters.


A young man began to engage professionally in his youth, when he studied at the 2nd year of the university. He went to work as a regular journalist Radio "Echo Moscow", and over the years I got my own blog and a devotional public.

At that time, the browser took the pseudonym, who made it famous. During an interview for Radio "Freedom", he admitted that he added a solid sign at the end of the last name, because then it was common and reached the absurdity: "Joke over a joke."

Soon Anton began to make issues of own programs "Replica Walnut", "Russian Bombardir", "Tabel about ranks". Together with a colleague, Vasily Ducky man was led by the morning air on the "Echo of Moscow", later they worked on television together with Mikhail Shaz, were leading the transfer of "our football".

Over the years, journalist, the journalist was famous for the journalist, sharp and sometimes compromising statements about famous personalities and resonant events.

In 2010, he published the article "Lord, you are animals", written after the capture of a gang, who arranged a reprisal of law enforcement officers. Before this, the browser conducted a survey on the radio, following which he learned that most listeners sympathize with the detainees. It shocked and outraged a man.

Another loud publishing "Hymn is loneliness" was made after the fall of "Boeing" in the Donetsk region. In it, the journalist criticized the actions of the Russian authorities, in particular the President of Vladimir Putin, who was devoted to another sensational article "Tsar and King". About dissatisfaction with the policies of the head of state, a man expressed repeatedly before that, and even joined the project "Putin should leave."

Anton Nut now

In January 2020, the browser in the framework of the "Walnut Replica" issued an article "This is not your victory!", Which negatively responded to the celebration of May 9 in Russia. Prior to that, in the publication "Pampers in camouflage", he criticized the tradition to dress up children in a military form for the Victory Day.

Today Anton continues to work on the "Echo of Moscow". It does not apply to active users of social networks and does not post photos in "Instagram", but publishes news in the Telegram channel.

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