The film "Man With Capuchin Boulevard" (1987): Interesting facts, actors and roles, where they filmed


In the summer of 1987, the film "Man With Capuchin Boulevard" came out on the screens of the Soviet Union. An Allah Surikova comedian-musical Western shot by the director, who was indifferent to the hearts of the audience, won folk love and recognition. The picture and now causes a pleasant footprint when viewing, forcing the talent of the director and the amazing game of actors. About where the film was filmed, and on interesting facts, with the film connected, in the material 24cm.

1. This miracle town

The film "Man With Boulevard Capuchins" was removed mainly in the Crimea. Externally, Santa Carolina, built by cinematographers, especially for filming on the shores of a quiet bay, which is located between Koktebel and Feodosia, looked like a real town from Westerns. Although in practice only the facades were under-stopped with beams.

One day, all these structures almost took the wind into the sea, after which there were discovery poles to strengthen the sloping buildings. The film crew asked for Goskino after the end of the work to preserve the erected "city" for the future, but the scenery at the top decided to destroy - burned.

2. For the Airborne Forces!

Alla Surikova on the set repeated the famous reception of the airborne fighters, breaking the bottle about his own head. And did not even suffer, because the bottles for filming were cast from a special resin, thanks to which they blurred beautifully into pieces, but could not imagine anyone.

3. Theater of one actor

Oleg Tabakov In order to make a characteristic and memorable Hero, the owner of Salun, inserted a tubule in the nostrils, why the character of the character became noticeably wider and added to the expression of Harry McKew, according to the definition of the artist, "plushness" - cunning with admixture of good nature.

Moreover, due to severe employment, the actor was removed separately from the rest - close-ups with the artist then added to the picture. And to harmoniously work with colleagues on the site "remotely" Oleg Tabakov allowed the authentic acting skills and a striking feeling of partners, even those who were at a distance.

By the way, the film "Man With Boulevard Kapuchin" replenished the filmography and son of the rector of the MHAT Studios - Anton Tabakov played the role of a young ticket.

4. Military cunning

Mikhail Boyarsh agreed to act as a black jack after Alla Surikova told him that his friend Andrei Mironov, with whom Soviet d'Artagnan jumped in Mexico - the actors were soused them together for the Soviet football team, - I would like to see a friend on Playground. Of course, it was just a female cunning, but she worked as it should. Boyarsky agreed to pop up from Svetlana Druzhinina - the artist then was very busy on the filming of "Gardenaryarines".

5. In the case of the beautiful visiting

In the picture, the same cascaders "performed for both fronts", first dressed up with red-friendly and performing the required tricks, and then reincarnated into the cowboys. The director worried that the viewer would notice the same persons in the Indians and their opponents, but in vain - the make-up artists tried to fame.

Nikolai Karachentsov performed all the tricks in the picture on their own, and even after he managed to break his finger on his leg.

But Natalia Fateev, who was removed in the role of the wife of the leader's redheads, duplicated four cascaderal during one trick. The artist only accelerates on his own, but on the wall instead of her climb already a double. On the roof of the house and there was a man at all in the dress, the other then performed a jump from the roof, and then the next trick was completed at the bottom.

6. Lord of Konya

Horses for filming filmmakers had to be assembled around the surroundings after the cavalry regiment had fallen into part due to the quarrel of the commander with the director. The captain-cavalurist distinguished by the Samoduga periodically interfered with the workflow, apparently, hoping to get at least a small role.

Once mentioned the original in the officer's chains, planted to manage the soldier's diligence instead of a cascaderal. And hardly happened to the tragedy - horses suffered, almost threatening and diligence, and the unlucky cat. Then Surikov and sent the captain to the way away.

7. For the soul to unfold

The film "Man With Capuchin Boulevard" is distinguished by an abundance of musical scenes. It is curious that only Mironov and Boyarsi singing themselves in the picture. But Nikolay Karachentsov was allowed to fulfill only one line. Well, the Vocal Party of Diana Little sang instead of Yakovleva Larisa Valley.

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