Alexey Nechaev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Faberlik 2021



Alexey Nechaev is a Russian entrepreneur who "made himself". Without having a significant cash capital behind the shoulders, the businessman invests his strength to human capital. Work in the team, business designed for development and integration with the international community, became the key that led to the team of Nechaeva to success.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Nechaev was born in Moscow at the end of the summer of 1966 in an intelligent family. His mother Elena Vasilyevna Binat, Grekanka by nationality, all his life gave a school, where he worked as a teacher of drawing. She came from Ukraine, from the family of the first Komsomol residents of the 20s. Grandma with grandfather attracted the grandson of love for the ideas of communism and classless society.

Father Gennady Nikolayevich Nechaev worked at the factory. On the party line was nominated for higher education in the foreign trade academy, after which he often leaving abroad. He had to learn several foreign languages, with which he brilliantly coped.

Alexey was the only son from his parents, so he lived in love and care. His passion was reading, especially interested in Lesha books about adventures. In his youth to the life of the guy broke the romance of hiking.

In high school classes, the guy was carried away by the exact sciences, but did not receive the technical university, although the controls in mathematics always wrote on perfectly. Alexey planned to study at the school of the police, but at the insistence of the senior chose the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. The history of political teachings became a specialization of Nechaeva. The graduation work was called "Criticia Karl Marx Anarchism Bakunin".

However, the jurisprudence of the student was little interested. After the 1st year of the course, the guy was submitted to the pioneer-indices and together with the wards organized a multi-year team of "Dawn", which included in the time of 9 detachments. Alexey's sailing practice was held in Sverdlovsk, where the Karavella pioneer squad, created in the 60s, created by Vladislav Krapivin, was successfully implemented.

In Moscow, Alexey managed to find the room for the organization, where the boys of different ages began to flow. The wards of Nechaeva went under the sail, studied hand-to-hand combat, learned to extract the fire and prepare on the bore. Later, the growing generation took up adult problems: the guys participated in environmental promotions, restoring architectural monuments. Money earned up construction and as distributors of newspapers. Nechaev himself worked on a rubber plant.

After graduating from the University, Alexey remained in pedagogy. This decision influenced the further biography of Nechaeva: under his leadership, the backbone of like-minded people gathered, who later implemented not one project.

In the early 90s, the youth club broke up. Many went into free swimming, art. Nechaev stayed with the team. Together with other leaders of the movement Alexander Davankov, Mikhail Kozarinov Nechaev participated in the holding of historical role-playing games. Later, together with them, Alexey began his promotion in business.

Personal life

The personal life of a lawyer and the entrepreneur is hidden from curious views, although Nechay himself sometimes open the mystery veil. With his wife Elena he brings up five children. Natives somehow took part in the business Alexey Gennadevich. The interest of the daughter to the mother's cosmetic was pushed Nechayev to the idea of ​​the opening of the production of children's cosmetics.

And those presented at the celebration of the wedding day of the Spirit, in the development of which the spouse of Nechaeva participated, was based on Faberlik's perfume line.

Business and politics

In the early 1990s, Nechaev opened his own publishing house of children's literature "Master." At its base, the books "Lion, Witch and a wardrobe", "Chronicles of Narnia" and others were released. Later, together with co-founders, Nechaev took up investment projects, publishing the press. In 1994, Alexey's team was filed to Ukraine, where a successful investment company was created in 2 years. After returning to Moscow, Alexey caught fire the idea of ​​promoting network magnates.

Randomly Nechaev and his associates got acquainted with samples of oxygen cosmetics, which was created in the laboratory Umar Ahsyanov. A patent for the use of Perfluoron, the development of military doctors was acquired. Products interested entrepreneurs, and already in 1997, the Russian line was established, whose president became Nechaev, and Alexander Davankov's general director.

The principle of network marketing Partners borrowed from the Insurance Company "Fortuna". The first products of the corporation were biodendage, household chemicals, and only then cosmetics appeared. The initial capital of the company amounted to $ 3 million.

The business began with the distribution of products on offices, electricians, houses, but soon the company came out on a wider level. For 2 years, 50 representative offices were opened in the country. About the "Russian line" was spoken as a serious competitor in the cosmetic segment.

In 2001, the company survived rebranding. With the new name Faberlic, entrepreneurs were preparing to enter the international market. Over time, perfumery, children's line added to the cosmetic line, and since 2013 Faberlik began cooperation with Russian designers Valentin Yudashkin and Alena Akhmadullina.

Corporation's production bases are located in the Moscow and Ivanovo regions. In the creation of clothing, the company makes a bet on Fast Fashion, implementing 12 or more collections per year.

In 2004, Alexey Gennadyevich was invited to the Council on Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship under the Government of Russia. Businessman left this post in 2007. Later, Nechaev took part in the creation of an ecological organization of ECA engaged in planting trees.

In 2012, under his leadership, the Charitable Foundation "Captains" and the educational department "Captains of Russia" began their activities, which is based at the Institute of Management and Socio-Economic Planning of the Russian Economic University. G. V. Plekhanova. The Faberlic Faberlic FMCG Accelerator also operates on the basis of Faberlik. Every year, 2% of the annual income, the President "Faberlik" spends on the development of business accelerators.

By 2016, the company published on the level of annual revenue of more than 20 billion rubles, which was positively affected by Alexey Nechaeva. It is known that he owns a 99 percent stake in the corporation (1% is in his daughter Darya). Products "Faberlik" is represented in 40 countries around the world. The company has a personal site, social networking pages. In "Instagram" presents photos from product catalog pages.

Alexey Nechaev now

In 2020, a member of the All-Russian Popular Front, Alexey Nechaev, announced the creation of a new party in collaboration with a former business partner Alexander Davankov. Previously, the writer Zakhar Prilepin and the co-founder of the computer game World of Tanks, Vyacheslav Makarov, have already been announced. The first congress of the political organization was to be held in March 2020, and in September Nechaev planned participation in regional elections.

The news commented on political scientists who see in the Party of Nechaeva Competition to opposition organizations: both are aimed at the middle class of the age category 18-30 years. For Alexey Gennadievich, this is not the first experience in politics: previously he has already participated in state and public projects.

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