Plague party - photo, biography, personal life, news, telegram channel 2021



The party of the party dreamed of shine into the movies, but in the end found himself in creating a rating show. She loved the audience thanks to the bright image, the natural charm and the ability to treat everything with humor.

Childhood and youth

Plague party does not hide his age - she was born on June 23, 1994 and is a cancer on the sign of the zodiac. The real name of the blogger is Victoria Chumanova. Her sonorous pseudonym appeared from the nickname she received in childhood.

The early years of the biography of the girl spent in the north of Russia, not far from the shores of the White Sea. Already then, Little Vika was interested in fashion, which is not surprising, after all, her mother worked as a director in the theater. The girl could have disappeared behind the scenes, looking at numerous costumes and dresses. And on the matinee, the parents sewed her amazing outfits from the rest of the fabric remaining when creating clothes for artists.

Being a teenager, Chumanova began to make the first steps as a designer, creating his own outfits. During this period, she studied in an ecological biological lyceum, but he thought about working in media space. Soon she was offered a job on the radio, and at the age of 14, the teenager led the program together with the co-support.

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The selection of the profession of Vika approached with the mind. She was creative since childhood, played in school productions and hit the family artistry, so I dreamed to go to study at the actress. But at the same time, the girl sought to independently and understood that she would not work at the acting department. As a result, the choice fell on Zhurfak, followed by moving to St. Petersburg.

In student years, Victoria was activist, always in the first roles. She herself came up with the idea of ​​the transfer, which led on the fifth channel. The girl took an interview with the stars of show business and always tried to ask questions that did not sound anywhere before.

When she began to get, Chumanova decided that she was no longer interesting for journalism, and entered the fashion historian. During this period, she continued to conduct a program on television, but soon realized that he did not want to remain a microphone girl, she would need to start implementing new projects.

For some time she walked on auditions and castings, seeking to continue the creative path on television. So she was in the clip of the group "Pilot" on the song "There is no other paradise" and made friends with the operator who advised her to move to Moscow.

Personal life

About the personal life of the party prefers not to frankly, pronounced in response to questions. The fans attributed a novel with the glory of Ji, but the girl repeatedly said that they were not found. In an interview for "Petya likes to drink" the plague admitted that he could fall in love with a person regardless of his sex.

In 2019, rumors appeared in the network that the celebrity will appear in the new season of the Bachelor project. In a conversation with the blogger of the channel them. Ilona Mask girl did not confirm this information.


Before creating an account on Yutubeub, the plague managed to work for the scene of other Internet shows and explore the creative cuisine from the inside. She also led the telegram channel about fashion, where he got the first devoted fans.

Soon there was an idea of ​​the author's project, which was called the name "Louis Car". The party has implemented the party together with the team, but the Star of the Canal has become exactly. The girl led the heading "What is dressed ...", in which she approached the random passersby and recognized the cost of their things. Most often, schoolchildren and students got into the frame, but sometimes the plague managed to interview celebrities.

The audience of the page gradually grew, and at the same time the theme of the heading was expanding. On the "Louis wagon" came the rollers with makeup ideas and how to distinguish the brand thing from the fake. Victoria has created his own documentary about how clothing from China is brought to Russia and sell under the guise of brand things, for which there was a lot of threats.

Plague party in the show

Over time, colorful leading began to attract the attention of representatives of other channels, and she was invited to make reviews in the "Podium" show for Friday. She then created the project "dressed" at the site "Yandex.Dzen", which was engaged in the search for talented fashion bloggers.

In 2019, the party was invited to shooting the MTS advertising along with another star of the fields from a tree. In the rollers that make fun of modern marketing trends, girls talk about a new tariff for young people.

In the same year, the plague shocked fans with the news about what leaves "Louis Wagon". The decision was due to the fact that she wants to move on. The girl positions itself primarily as a showranner, not a blogger, and considers the channel to be implemented. Therefore, Vika created a new project on Yutubeub, where he continued to embody the ideas.

Plague party now

2020 The party began with new video on the Yutiub-Channel. Now she continues to delight fans with original ideas and bright photos in "Instagram". Despite the fact that with a height of 170 cm a girl manages to stay in a healthy weight (about 65 kg), shots in a swimsuit she prefers not to publish.

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