7 interesting facts from the life of Nikolai Lukashenko


On August 31, 2020, the son of the President of Belarus Nikolai Lukashenko celebrated the 16th anniversary. The heir to Alexander Lukashenko has already managed to conquer the unofficial title of sex symbol of the republic and conquer the girls from Russia. In addition, now the network is gaining popularity of memes with Nikolai.

The editorial office of 24cmi decided to collect interesting facts from the biography of Son Lukashenko, who in the future does not plan to follow in the footsteps of the Father and head Belarus.

1. Mom

Until now, it is not known that the mother of Nikolai Lukashenko is not known. The media has several versions. During one of the interviews, Alexander Grigorievich volunteered that his mother was working as a doctor and sees him only on TV, he did not participate in the educational process. From this concluded that Nikolai Irina Abelsky gave birth, which was a personal presidential doctor of Belarus.

Irina Abelskaya and Nikolay Lukashenko

According to another version, the second personal doctor Alexander Grigorievich Svetlana Konoshenko can be the mother of Lukashenko-Jr. Mother. She began to notice with the head of the republic at the beginning of zero, just when Nikolay Lukashenko was conceived.

2. Conflict with a stewardess

Alexander Lukashenko told that his youngest son had a complex character. According to the head of Belarus, Kolya is difficult to obey the president himself. Once the boy even threatened the shooting stewardess because she forbade him to close the door of the plane. According to the Forbes edition, Nikolai bit the girl by the hand and noted that as soon as he became the minister, she would not be short.

3. Studies

Nikolai Lukashenko does not waste time and stretches to study. A young man studies languages: now speaks English fluently, also knows Chinese and Spanish. In addition to the school program, Kolya masters and creative activity - he takes the piano lessons. Once the boy even played with Russian President Vladimir Putin in four hands his favorite composition.

4. Social School

Due to the downloaded schedule, Nikolai does not have time to sit on the Internet. As his father stated, the guy strictly is forbidden to start the pages in social networks, so all accounts in "Instagram" and "Twitter" are fake.

5. Oppositionist

Alexander Lukashenko used to say that if he will prepare someone from sons to the presidency, then only the youngest, Victor and Dmitry are not suitable for these purposes. But now he has changed his mind and notes that he would not want the Son to led Belarus. It is noteworthy that the Kolya himself does not want to lead the country. A few years ago, in an interview, he noted that the heads of state had a hard life, and he had more about the career of a doctor or military.

6. Personal life

Nikolay Lukashenko constantly appears in public in the company of beautiful girls, thousands of Belarusian and Russian girls sighs about him. However, there is no information about the privacy of the Son of the Belarusian President. It remains unknown if there is a beloved at the "Crash of All Russia".

7. Master

In addition to studying, additional classes and business trips with the Father, Nikolai does not forget about the economy. Alexander Grigorievich told that he loaded his son's work at home: he carries for cows, goats, geese, chickens, sheep, rabbits, etc. As a child, Kolya knew the principle of the milking device device, and also knew how to manage the combine. Every year in the summer and autumn together with his father he is sent to remove the harvest from the fields.

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