Series about Middle Ages: 2020, Russian, foreign, interesting


The Middle Ages is a rich period of history that Showranners and directors are used in new projects. Despite the fact that the plot of paintings is not always documentary, they are popular with the audience due to the leitmotives of adventures, intrigue, love and valor. Series about the Middle Ages - in the selection of editors 24cmi.

1. "Robin Hood" (2006-2009)

Opens a list of British adventure melodrama "Robin Hood". After the premiere of the third season, Jonas Armstrong, who played the main role, left the project. Fallen because of this incident rated forced the creators to stop working on the project.

It is noteworthy that the film crew was not chased for realism, so the audience will see many inaccuracies beginning with costumes of different eras and ending with the conversations of heroes in modern English. And at the base of the plot of the British work - the narration of an archer known as Robin Hood.

2. "Empty Crown" (2012-2016)

The "Empty Crown" project is a cycle of the screenings of theatrical plays William Shakespeare, telling how the fate of the rulers form a story. The audience will continue ups and downs, intrigues and love of English monarchs: Richard II, Heinrich IV, Heinrich V, Heinrich VI and Richard III. The series was nominated for the Award "Choice of Television Critics" for the scenery, the impeccable game of actors and costumes.

3. "Pillars of the Earth" (2010)

The series "Pillars of the Earth" was removed based on the eponymous pseudo-historical work of Ken Follett, talking about the life of England in the XII century. In the center of the story of the director Sergio Mimika-Gazan - confusion in society because of the consequences of the death of the heir to the throne, the son of King Heinrich II, and the subsequent civil war behind this event. In parallel, the creators are talking about the wandering of Tom Builder and his acquaintance with the Witch Ellen.

4. "Last Kingdom" (2015-2019)

The historic series about the Middle Ages "Last Kingdom" is the adaptation of the literary cycle of 12 books called the Saxon Chronicles of the English writer Bernard Cornwell. The action of a television historical drama unfolds in the second half of the 9th century, when instead of modern England existed several Anglo-Saxon kingdoms that were captured by Vikings. In the center of the plot - Congre Bebbourvburg, the adoptive son of Ragnar's Yarl with Anglo-Saxon roots. Because of the war, the young man is supplied before the choice: to protect his people or give it to giving up it?

5. "Vikings" (2013-2020)

The Canadian-Irish historical drama "Vikings" covers events in Scandinavia VIII century. Mougared Ragnar Labrok plans to combine the tribes under its banner and send them to conquering ancient Britain. In the Scandinavian leader, the mind was concentrated, foresight, the ability to persistently lead bloodshed battles. According to legends, he is a descendant of one.

At the end of 2019, it became known that the series to the 2020th spin-off called "Vikings: Valchhall", 24 of the episode of which was ordered by Netflix. The release date of the project is not yet known.

6. Sofia (2016)

Russian series about Middle Ages - rare in cinema. Shots of Sofia film shot in the Novgorod Museum "Vitoslavlitsa". According to the plot, the action takes place in the XV century, when Rus was under the oppression of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Wanting to strengthen the position of the state, Ivan III marries the Byzantine Princess Sophie Paleolog. The boyars, the mother of the ruler and the Metropolitan oppose the Union, in addition, the Moscow Princess did not meet the hopes of Pope, who wanted to influence the Catholic Church on Rus.

7. "Fall Order" (2017-2019)

The next overseas series won hard 6 out of 10 stars on the site "Film". The painting "Fall of the Order", as noted by the writer Dan Jones, successfully combined real events with the legends about the knights-Templars. According to the plot, the mysterious and powerful Order, under the leadership of fearless Sira, Landry was in a step from the disappearance due to the disappearance of Holy Grail. Now their task is to find a relic.

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