Master Fu (character) - photo, pictures, cartoon, "lady bug and supercot"


Character History

Master Fu (master Van Fu) - Character from the cartoon "Lady Bag and Super-Cat." The keeper of stones wonders chose Marinett Dupen-Chen and Adrian Agret as superheroes that will defend Paris from the villain's villain.

History of character creation

The creator of the main characters of the cartoon, including Masters Fu, is Thomas Astryuk. At the heart of the plot - ordinary adolescents who have honored to reincarnate in superheroes and fight with villains, protecting their own city.

Lady Bag and Super-Cat get superpackers with the help of magic beings called Kway. But the origin of these little helpers is just closely connected with the grandfather-Chinese master Fu. He voiced the role of keeper of stones wonders Actor Diomid Vinogradov.

The word "Fu" with Chinese translates as "happiness" and "learning." Probably the choice of such a name for this character is due to the second embodiment of the interpretation. In the cartoon, the long-liver carries an educational function. In addition, it seems to be a wisest man who knows much more than his involuntary pupils - Marinett and Adrian.

Despite the fact that the Master Fu is a secondary character, his appearance in the series explains a lot: where did Kway come from and how to deal with the Bringerh. After the old man fulfilled the purpose and handed over the knowledge of Marinett - the next keeper of wonderful stones, he lost his memory and ceased to exist within the cartoon, leaving Paris.

The prototype of the Master Fu is not, although there are assumptions based on the similarity in the external description that Japanese Miug from the American film "Karatist" became. Most likely, Master Fu is a collective image of the eastern wise men who have known the truth and the knowledge of the knowledge with the young generation.

Image and biography Masters Fu

In the cartoon, the hero is represented by the elderly man of low growth. He has a neat beard and mustache, brown eyes and gray hair. The clothing of the character does not highlight it among other residents of Paris: he wears shortened pants of a bodily color and a red and white shirt in Hawaiian style. In the hands holds a staff on which it rests when walking.

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As a child, Van Fu was released among other children. Meanwhile, he, like peers, just wanted to live with her family and run on the street with friends. However, at 14, the boy was chosen as a successor to the "Order of the Guardian of Miracles". Childhood ended, and now the task of Fu was to sit and guard the casket with magical stones.

This lesson was pretty boring for a teenager, besides, for long hours in a fixed state, he was forced to starve. Once the boy came to mind the idea of ​​using a peacock stone to get food. But the monster began, on the contrary, all eat and even tried to eat a casket. Fu saved magic artifacts, but was forced to run because it was too young to stop the monster.

On the way Fu arose an obstacle from Lava, and he had to join to avoid death. As a result, the box fell to the ground, and the stones wake up. The guy managed to collect them back, but still two artifacts disappeared. One of them, Peacock Talisman, the audience was seen from Gabriel Agret in a cache.

Due to damage, this stone sucks energy and turned people into villains. The mother of Adrian Emily visited Pavlin's costume, then the secretary of the family of aggress Natalie.

Master Fu and Marinett Dupen-Chen

Realizing that he did, Fu decided to correct the mistake and devote his life to the service of good. He thoroughly looking for people who could cope with the role of superheroes. Therefore, he subjected to Adriana and Marinett tests. It was important for him to see that the guy chosen by him and the girl disinterested, kind and selfless.

Master Fu is a wise guardian who carefully monitors the talismans, because it understands what force they are able to give a person. However, trusts Marinett and Andrian himself choose who to put down superpowers. The first three recruiters become the closest friends and classmates - Ala Cesar, Nino Lahiff and Chloe Bourgeois.

Despite the old years (at the beginning of the cartoon keeper of 186 years old), he does not consider himself an old one. Moreover, his "satellites", quay, is calculated by thousands of years.

In the life of Master Fu - a healer who specializes in therapeutic massage. He also has its own cabinet, in which he takes both people and Quay. Despite the awareness of the responsibility and his role in the life of humanity, Fu is able to have fun and joke and even sometimes gives itself the opportunity to be frivolous.

Quay Masters Fu - Waizz, with the help of which he becomes jade turtle. After reincarnation, Fu is almost invulnerable to physical damage. And even the problems with the back cease to disturb him. The secret of the jade turtle is to create a power field in the form of a sink. Such a barrier is able to withstand any damage, including to reflect the superlodes attacks.

The keeper also has a book of miracles that went to a man inheritance from the Order. On pages - pictures and cipher, which only Fu Master Fu. Taking advantage of the information received, it prepares the potions that give special strength by Quami. The keeper is divided by secrets and spells with Marinett and Adrian. They also prepare drugs for Tikka and the Plagg, mixing them in favorite pair of quay - cookies and cheese.

In the biography of the master there is a romantic line. His beloved - Marianna Lenoir, a long-time acquaintance, whom he revealed his mystery of his destination. However, due to the threats of villains, they had to part. For the farewell of FU gave Marianna Brooch and promised to find when to stay with him next to be safe.

And even when the keeper lost his memory, then seeing Lenoire, felt that this woman was all the time in his heart. Together they left Paris and went to London.

Master Fu spent his life for the service of good. The mistake of youth, because of which the monster appeared, he taught the main thing - to be responsible for his actions. In Marinette, the keeper saw a decent succession, because she tried to be useful in every situation and did not have his own life above all.

The keeper honestly followed the vocation over a hundred years until his lady bug passed. And the loss of memory allowed the old man to become an ordinary person next to the love of the whole life - Mariana Lenoir.


"Do not forget who is to blame for the disappearance of Atlantis!" "Tell me: Do you put noodles in the water before it boosts? That's it. Because everything is your time. "" Burning from impatience of a hot pocket will not eat. "" My forces are no longer dependent on time, like yours. Obviously, you still do not know anything about the talismans, brahnik. "

Interesting Facts

  • The longevity of the character is explained not to the knowledge of the ancient secrets, but a special way of life.
  • Initially, Thomas Astryuk conceived the hero as the keeper of the sphere.
  • In Russian dubbing long-liver is 106 years old.


  • 2015-2019 - "Lady Bag and Super Cat"

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