Jean-Christoph Gring - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Jean-Cristof Grinc - Writer, Writer, author of detectives. The plot for his books he borrow from many years of journalistic experience. The French little girl became popular in the late 90s, after the release of the Baghrov River Book.

Childhood and youth

The future journalist and the writer was born in 1961. Childhood passed in Paris. From an early age, Jean-Christoph was engaged in music and read a lot. In the 70s in France, the books of representatives of the detective genre were widely popular: Zaprizo, Baual-Nursa. Jean-Christopa was interested in such literature. And in childhood, and in youth.

Studying in Sorbonne a classic prose, he read out with the works of modern authors, looked forward to the release of a new film in a detective genre. Now Gring says that he writes the books that would not mind read.

Writer Jean-Christoph Gring

In the mid-80s graduate Sorbonne settled to work in an advertising company. Gring, like his compatriot Begbeder, in his youth worked as a copywriter. But, unlike the author, "99 francs", Jean-Christoph in the advertising business did not longer long. At the age of 25 became a correspondent. Three years later, thanks to cooperation with famous publications, fame in journalistic circles was known.

Gring still in his youth realized that he did not want to go on a latter road. Study, stable work, good pension - this way is not for a creative person. In order to become a writer, he believed, should be purchased by life experience.

Jean-Cristof Grine

The profession of a journalist involves acquaintance with new people, traveling for megalopolis and cities. In airplanes and trains, in order to pass the time, the correspondent read modern detectives. Thus, he decided on the genre of his future books.

Grinda shortly collaborated with periodic publications. In 1989, he created his own company and went to Freilance. From now on, the correspondent himself paid his trips. A grune visited the countries of Europe and Asia, delivered to current issues of modernity: extremism, terrorism, activity of prohibited organizations. Grind received two awards with considerable weight in professional journalism. In 1994 published the first book.


The debut work was the flight of storks. There were more critics about the book of the beginning of the author, rather than readers. The fans of the psychological thriller met the "flying of storks" later, when the "bugs rivers" came out.

Writer Jean-Christoph Gring

The second romance is attributed to readers, and critics, and cinematographers. In 2000, the film "Bagrov Rivers" came out. The image of the main character - the detective Nieman - on the screen embodied Jean Reno. The actor who became famous in the 90th role of the noble killer, played in other films on grind novels. The first books of the French author transferred to English, Italian, Spanish, German, Russian.

The main acting person in the flight of storks is a young scientist who, at the request of colleagues, is trying to solve the secret of the unusual migration of birds. There are murder in the book, and unexpected plot turns. However, as in the subsequent works of grinding.

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The author completed the "bugs rivers" in 1997. The output of this book, as well as the previous one, was not accompanied by an active advertising campaign. Nevertheless, the delight of the fans of the criminal-detective genre. In the center of the plot is a small alpine town, which occurs terrible and inexplicable crimes. Inexplicable people for ordinary people, but not for Nieman's all-in-service detective. For this book, the writer received a literary premium. After the premiere of the film-shielding readers, readers were looking forward to the next novel Grine.

Jean-Christopa Grine Books

The writer did not make long wait. Already in 2000, I was published a novel "Brotherhood of Stone". In Russia, grug-mixed products reviews. Magic and nuclear physics, and occult organizations are mentioned in the "Brotherhood of Stone". The heroine is in Mongolia, then in Moscow, where it easily enters the research institutes. Kurchatov.

Russian readers detect actual errors in the books of French Prose. This is characteristic of authors carrying their heroes into the country, about the traditions and the nrules of which have a superficial representation. Yet the grump in Russia, the admirers are enough. In 2007, the writer came to Moscow for the presentation of the book "Fogging Dreams".

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"Mizerer" - the seventh novel of the French master of the detective genre. Published in 2008. Five years later, the same picture was released on the screens with Gerard Depardieu in the lead role. In the novel, the abundance of scene lines and characters.

Each hero "Mizerer" is a rich biography. Detective - Elderly Armenian, at the same time a French retired policeman. His assistant is a leaving of Russia, which suffers from drug addiction and collaborating with the department for the struggle for minors. These heroes are destined to unleash the tangle of crimes, in which the sectarians and the Nazis, and Latin Americans are involved, and bureaucrats.

Jean-Christoph Gring and Jean Reno

In 2005, another film was released on the writer's book - "Empire of Wolves". Renault appeared in front of the audience in the image of the police captain. By the way, with a famous author of the author Romana binds a long-term friendship.

Six years after the entrance of the "Brotherhood of Stone", the director G. Niklu removed the same picture. The main roles were performed by Monica Bellucci and Catherine Denev. Gring positively responds to the screening of the second book.

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The "Forest of the Dead", published in 2009, keeps in fear during reading even sophisticated fans of thrillers. French Stephen King is so called grump. He himself considers this statement in the root incorrect. The "horror king" creates fantastics. There are no mystical villains in grind books. For each crime there is a person.

In 2011, the French Belletist published a novel "Passenger". The main character of the work is a psychiatrist, seeking the cause of his own illness and in terms of revealing bloody crimes. In 2012, the light saw the Roman Kaiken. After the workman of the Master of Triller, a three-year break came. Some of the latest books Grind - "Lontano" and "Congo Requiem".

Personal life

In the vulgar french belletrist, two marriages that cannot be called unsuccessful. He has two daughters and two sons. For the first time Gring married soon after the end of the sorbonna. It was necessary to contain a family, so and took up reports.

The first wife - Virginie Luke - in 1994, Prosais was dedicated to the flight of storks. The second - Priscilla Telmon - the "Empire of Wolves". Now Gring is not married.

Jean-Christoph Gring and Lika Minamoto

New Chief - Lika Minamoto - Writer also did not adopt attention, devoting the penulty novel. It is possible that the girl is a prototype of the heroine of the book "Kaiken". Minamoto played in the "Substitution" picture, shot on a grump scenario. There are no accurate information about the development of the novel of the popular Belletrist and a little-known model.

Jean-Christoph gring now

In an interview with Russian journalists, Grind spoke about the choice of the place of action of the future Roman. The French Belletist describes only those regions in which he had to be.

Jean-Cristof Grine in 2017

In Russia, the writer visited for the first time in the early 90s. He communicated with the staff of the Mausoleum, pollization specialists. In those days, rumors were rumored about the cooperation of people engaged in the Mummification of Lenin, with organized crime. So the writer had an idea of ​​the novel. Perhaps soon in the bookstores will appear a GROF Book, telling about Moscow in the "Liche 90s".


  • 1994 - "Flight of storks"
  • 1998 - "Bagger Rivers"
  • 2000 - "Brotherhood of Stone"
  • 2003 - "Empire of Wolves"
  • 2004 - "Black Line"
  • 2007 - "Fighting darkness"
  • 2008 - "Mizerer"
  • 2009 - "Forest of the Dead"
  • 2011 - "Passenger"
  • 2012 - "Kaiken"
  • 2015 - "Lontano"
  • 2016 - Congo Requiem

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