Irina Pechechennikova: biography, personal life, in youth, now, children, films


Her audience adored, covered with the actress with hundreds of letters with gratitude for the roles in the films you like and recognition in love, however, the trouble fell pretty - no wonder she lived secluded, not seeking loud glory. She was attributed to novels with artists and directors, but more often such rumors had no soil.

On September 1, 2020, Irina Pechechennikov died, without having survived only a few hours before his 75th anniversary. The causes of death are still unknown. On the remarkable details of its personal life and creative biography - in the material 24cmi.

1. Children's wonderful

In childhood, Irina Pechechennikov was astounding forth and stubbornness, and he also capricious - the behavior often became the reason why the future celebrity was punished by educators in a kindergarten. It happened that they were expelled for pumping.

Already from the 3rd grade, the future actress became the wardwitch in the courtyard, with which parents strictly-setting were banned to communicate with their offspring. After all, the bastard after the restricted girl was held in construction, it conquered the expanses of the water filled with water, which was located next door, then came up with other entertainment - the guys had no time to miss the ledity of a little "Atamani" with such irrepressive energy.

2. Limits required

When the future artist learned that her neighbor in the house was the famous Soviet actress Rufin Nifontov, then, strolling for decency with suddenly manifested modesty, still decided to ask the last question of what is needed to become a real star.

Nifontova, slightly slipping from the arrogance of an unfamiliar girl, answered concisely: the actress is obliged to be able to know everything. The decision did not make it possible to wait: trusting the recommendations of "over", Irina immediately chosen into all the circles and clubs, which only was able, starting with the dramatic and musical and ending with fencing and motorcycle.

3. Dependence

In the early 90s, due to the creative crisis, the actress began to abuse alcohol. After the death of the director Mikhail Tsarev, who at one time persuaded the actress to play in the Small Theater, Irina Pechechennikov and so felt his own unnecessaryness. And then the situation was aggravated by a heavy position in the country when the movie and theater experienced no best times.

At first, the drink was just a way to overcome constant stress, and then became the need at the level of physiology. Nevertheless, Pechersnaya managed to take himself in hand and not go even further along the path of self-destruction, which in those years was not elected not one and not two actors, but many dozens.

4. Train safety profession

Working in Poland on the filming of the joint with the Soviet Union of the movie about the Great Patriotic War, Irina Pechechennikova managed to break both legs.

Cinematographers, preparing the platform, did not want to check the picturesque snowdrift for possible dangers - did not want to spoil the striking whiteness and neat the snow. As a result, when, according to the scenario, Pechecnikov jumped into the mentioned snowdrift, she made his own limbs that the presence of stumps in an unplanned place could adversely affect the state of the musculoskeletal system.

The right leg of the performer was collected literally in pieces, after which they were sent to their homeland. And the picture was purely Polish, since the contract was terminated, and in the place of the injured Irina, which no one else was bothering to insure, took another actress.

5. With a big delay

One of his main films - "We will live to Monday," Pechechennikova saw only in 1988, when he bought a TV. 20 years before that, Irina could not decide on the view - too much the soul had his own face on the screen during the voice acting. The actress then it seemed that she was falked in the role and looks monstrously.

6. Hydia

Irina Pechechennikova argued that she calmed down only with age, and in his youth was distinguished by the presence of a fair share of adventurism. Once the actress even pulled 10 buttons in a Swedish store to complete the knitted jacket personally connected for the first husband. Furniture prices were too "biting", so the artist decided to get the necessary items by aging hands. Of course, then it was terribly ashamed of his own act.

7. Three failures

The actress was married three times. For the first time - for the Pole-musician named Zbigniew Bizon. In the second - for actor Boris Galkin. However, in both cases, family bonds turned out to be very fragile, quickly inspired and turning to divorce.

The third chosen, with whom Pechersnikova, in her words, was lucky in terms of feelings much more, Alexander Soloviev became. True, this union was short-lived - the beloved husband at the actresses in 2000 took death. Children during the years of life Irina Pechechennikov never started.

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