Robert Mugabe - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Zimbabwe Prime Minister



Robert Mugabe is the former head of the Republic of Zimbabwe, in the hands of which for almost 40 years the country is focused on the country. Starting his career as a teacher, he went to politics and led the Winebbvian African National Union Party during independence war from 1960 to 1979. Mugabe had support to his homeland and abroad.

Childhood and youth

Robert Gabriel Mugabe was born in the village of Kutam on February 21, 1924. His father was a carpenter, and the mother teacher. Father left the family when the boy was 10 years old, and the mother brought up children on their own. She introduced them to the Catholic faith.

Robert was educated at the Missionary School and the Jesuit College of St. Francis Xavier. In 1942, he received a diploma and specialty teacher. For several years, the young man taught in South Rhodesia schools. In 1950, he received a scholarship of the University of Fort Heir to South Africa. Becoming the Bachelor of Humanities, Mugaba combined pedagogical activities with remote learning and in 1953 he received a bachelor's degree in pedagogy, and 5 years later, a document confirming the status of a Bachelor of the University of London.

Personal life

Marrying in youth on Sally Heifron, Mugaba was faithful to her until the death of his spouse. Their only son died in childhood from malaria. In 1992, politician married Grace Mugaba, in marriage from which two sons appeared and daughter. The second spouse of the dictator is known for love for luxury and scandals. Since 2014, she led the women's league and consisted of political bureau of the party. Robert Mugabe was happy in his personal life. The children gave him grandchildren, and his wife supported management decisions.

The growth policy was 180 cm.


In 1958, Mugaba settled in Ghana and began to teach Saint Mary College. Here he met with the ideas of Panatricanism and found comrades in the face of the future wife Sally Heifron. The 1960th was marked for Robert the first political speech pronounced at a rally against discriminatory measures in South Rhodesia. Teachers invited to join the National Democratic Party, where he became the secretary of public relations and the leader of the youth wing. In 1961, the party was banned, but she quickly recovered as the entrance (Union of the African People of Zimbabwe).

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Two years later, Mugabe moved from Ran to Zanu (the African National Union Zimbabwe) and became its Secretary General. In 1964, arrest took place, during which Robert Mugabe was among the 800 activists in prison. There he spent 10 years. The main occupation of the policy in conclusion was self-education. In the period when freedom of his actions was limited, Robert managed to get three more university diplomas. He also organized training comrades in misfortune, led by educational activities and managed to remotely manage the partisan struggle.

In 1974, politics were released. From this point on, his biography was associated with the service. Mugaba reorganized the Union, won the authority among the fighters and after 2 years, together with the head of the launcher, Joshua Nomo formed a single "Patriotic Front". Parties still had different views. The post adhered to the post-Soviet course, and I focused on mahodis and interaction with China. Rhodesian government was looking for compromises with two associations. In the 1980s, the signing of a peace agreement was to sign, democratic elections were planned and the subsequent proclamation of the independence of the state.

According to the election results, Mugaba became Zimbabwe Prime Minister. In 1987, this post was abolished through the amendment to the Constitution, and the president began to possess the authorities. For a position for the elections, Robert Mugabi was appointed. In the 1990s, he conducted economic reforms, but they followed the crisis, inflation, decline in investment and dissatisfaction of the people. The dictator was forced to revise the management strategy. By the 2000th, the president himself was subjected to sanctions from the United States and the European Union. But this did not prevent politics again to achieve the presidential post in the 2002 elections.

In 2008, he no longer received such violent support by transferring the post Morgan Zvangirai. However, he gave way all the privileges and responsibility of the predecessor, remaining the Prime Minister. 5 years later, Mugabe again re-elected the overwhelming majority of votes. The president was popular among the population, had an image of a fighter with colonization and advocate of the rights of the people from exploiting the West.

Mugabe began to look for sources of internal financing of the country, but his activities put an end to the arrest, initiated by Emmerson Mnanegva and his associates. Mugabe removed from the leadership and declared impeachment. A voluntary resignation took place.


The state of the health of the former president was constantly discussed in the media. Journalists assumed that he suffers from the oncological disease, but the rumors were not confirmed, although politician regularly passed the treatment. With Robert Mugaba repeatedly occurred unpleasant situations like falling from the stands during the performance or reading of unplanned speech. This served as a reason for the spread of rumors and gossip.

In 2014, the politician was so rarely appeared in public that rumors were going to death about the death of the dictator. Mugaba dispelled reporters in official events. His appearance at the rally in 2017 was a real event. And soon the former president died. The cause of his death on September 6, 2019, as journalists assumed, turned out to be a malignant tumor.

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