Hector Berlioz - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Composer, Cause



The French romantic Hector Berlioz has gained fame in the field of music, creating a number of original operas, symphony, overturer and choral plays. The composer met misconceptions in his homeland, but in other enlightened European countries, his work was popular and caused a living interest.

Childhood and youth

Hector Berlioz was born in France on December 11, 1803, and his early biography was connected with the Commune La Côte Saint-Andre. He was the eldest child of Catholic Mary Antoinette Josephine, a woman who grew and brought up in a traditional religious family.

The father of the future composer did not share the views of the spouse, being a convinced atheist and a progressive physician. It was believed that he was the first of Europeans to practice acupuncture and in parallel with extensive practice was engaged in a scientific letter.

Agnostic with liberal views was a popular member of society, so the wife was engaged in the upbringing of the younger generation. It was she who instilled in hectober love for ancient myths and folk art and provided love and care that in childhood everyone needs.

Hector Berlioz as a child

The head of the family was engaged in the formation of the eldest son and his brothers and watched the main time the boys spent on reading books. Berlioosis loved the lessons of geography, especially the section on travel, and often dreamed of distant countries, instead of teaching French.

Even before the birth of children, the spouses decided that the sons would take medicine, therefore comprehensive creative development was not part of the curriculum. Nevertheless, Hector has mastered the music literacy and a number of tools and often performed on the flute and guitar folk melodies of the French Yuzhan.

Sisters, whom Adel and Nancy, were delighted with the game of Brother, and Berlioz, who experienced tender feelings for them, composed a number of non-good plays. The principles of building harmony teenager took from the tutorial, who explained in popular form what a bembre and dieza.

Over the years, the guy almost did not have time left for musical creativity, as the father from morning to night forced to teach Anatomy and Latin. In the free time of these lessons, Hector read the philosophical works and collected for the lessons of chemistry a chamber, meadow clover and wormwood.

In 1821, passing the course of strengthened training, Berlioosis has resist a number of exams that allowed the university. Father insisted on studies in Paris, where Hecector was recorded from the first time to a prestigious educational institution for the medical faculty.

In the youth of Berlioz, greatly learned the large volumes of theoretical information, and the famous metropolitan teachers believed that the provincial guy Nehlup. The situation has changed when the future composer in the anatomy lesson had to come to the local hospital and independently operate the corpse.

Knowledge ceased to be absorbed due to disgust for medicine, but Hector continued to gnaw granite science because of respect for his father. The efforts were compensated by the manual, regularly coming from the house, which the student spent on clothes suitable for the figure and face.

Soon, in the wardrobe of Berlioz, there were orders for visiting the opera, and he met the work of composers who admired the Parisian light. The works of Christophe Willibald von glitch, distinguished by original orchestral parties, who were emphasized by the original orchestral parties, who were emphasized by the dramatic plot.

Inspired by the overtures and arias, Hector was recorded in the conservatory library and made copies of the fragments liked for full immersion in the musical world. Over time, he began to distinguish between the national characteristics of the authors and realized that modern Italians were taken in vain for a landmark.

After lectures on medicine, the young man studied the composition, but attempts to compose a worthy work invariably tolerated collapse. Berlioz decided to seek help to the teacher Zhana-Francois Lesouør, who was the creator of the opera, widely known in the capital's circles.

With the mentor Hector managed to comprehend a challenging theory for understanding and wrote one of the debut works that were not preserved until today. He also published a critical essay that defended national music from Italian competitors glorified in hundreds of newspaper articles.

By the time of the end of the Paris University, Berlioz firmly decided to become a composer, despite the fact that his father demanded that the heir worked as a doctor. Disobedience led to a decrease in the content and conflict with both parents, but the sake of creativity Hector was ready to eat with a worm bread and milk.

Personal life

Because of the ardent nature in the personal life of Hector Berlioz, novels were present with artistic beauties, as well as ladies from aristocratic childbirth. One such women was Marie Mok - a young talented pianist, which the composer was fond of in the early 1830s.

The girl answered reciprocity, and it came to the engagement, but then it turned out that her heart was taken by the French publisher and musician. Berlioz began to care for the actress of the theater, which was called Harriet Smithson, and at first he wrote her gentle letters, exalted skill and talent.

Hector Berlioz and Henrietta Smithson

By the time of marriage concluded in the fall of 1833, the feelings of lovers reached the highest point and promised many happy days. The son of Louis, which appeared after a while after the wedding, became the heir of the composer and the only one of the children.

Gradually, life with his wife began to resemble the unpredictable worried sea, and Berlioz, lonely and upset, looking for consolation on the side. He met Marie Revio, who, being a famous singer, accompanied the man on tour.

After death, Harriet Hector married his mistress, and this happy marriage lasted for 10 years. But then the disease broke the spouse, and she left the composer whose name was to appear on the pages of French newspapers.


In 1825, Berlioz submitted to the public "The Celed Mass", and then created the opera "Secret Judges", fragmentaryly preserved until today's days. "Marsh Guards", later used in "Fantastic Symphony", caused the approval of musical critics and attracted the attention of famous people.

The young author decided to get academic education in the prestigious Paris Conservatory, at which there was a male choir. Combining studies with performing activities, Hector deepened superficial knowledge, and soon it turned out a professional singer, composer and conductor.

In the graduation rate, the Frenchman received a Roman Award in the field of art for the orchestral vocal and instrumental work called "Sardanapal". Grant allowed me to go to Italy at the end of 1830 and get acquainted with Mikhail Glinka, who lived there and performed.

In the capital, located on the shores of Tiber, Berlioz learned the poems of William Shakespeare, striking the brightness of images, rhythmic pattern and simplicity. He put them on music in a number of innovative works, and then returned to his native land as a triumphator and hero.

However, the demanding Parisian public was coldly reacted to the so-called "melologists", but well adopted the "Mourning-Triumphal Symphony" and the overture of the "King Lear". And when "Harold in Italy" and "Lelio, or a return to life appeared," a progressive world spoke about the success of the young French composer.

The author has strengthened popularity by contacting publishers of newspapers and magazines, which gladly published several critical works. With its light hand, such terms, as a musical image and expressiveness, began to be used by the authors and gradually entered the use.

Based on them, Hector composed a dramatic legend "Condemnation of Faust", the symphony of Romeo and Juliet and the Roman Carnival overture. The orchestra of the Paris Conservatory under the control of the composer learned these works and very successfully imagined them.

Among colleagues, who recognized the lyrical-classic style of Berlioz, were Niccolo Paganini, Richard Wagner and Georges Biz. Cantata, waltzes and choral opuses sounded in Germany and Russia, demonstrating the author's commitment to the chosen romantic path.

The ubiquitous worship exceeded the expectations and dreams of the French composer, who became a preservatory librarian and a member of the Academy of Fine Arts. According to newspaper reviews, the public met the hector of ovations, because melodies, full of life, could not but cause stormy feelings.


In 1867, Berlioz found out that the only son of Louis died on the territory of Havana from the yellow fever epidemic. It shaken the health of the composer, heavily worried the tragedy, and significantly reduced his last bright days.

Trying to distract, Hector toured in France and European countries, and also attended Grenoble at the competition of the classic choir. As a result, the stroke caused the death of a talented Parisian romance, the author of Syt, operas, symphony and literary work.

The composer was buried in Paris in early March 1869, and then there were the remains of legitimate wives next to a modest grave. In the middle of the Frenchman, a century later, a festival of symphonic music was held and opened the museum and a monument in place where his house was standing.


  • 1825-1834 - Opera "Secret Judges"
  • 1826 - Overture "Secret Judges"
  • 1829 - Cantata "Cleopatra"
  • 1830 - Overture "Storm"
  • 1830 - "Fantastic Symphony"
  • 1830 - Cantata "Sardanapal" ("Death of Sardanapal")
  • 1831 - Overture "King Lire"
  • 1834 - "Harold in Italy"
  • 1840 - "Mourning-Triumphal Symphony"
  • 1846 - Opera "Condemnation of Faust"
  • 1863 - Opera Trojans
  • 1864 - Marsh Trojans

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