Gosha Kartsev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Age, Stylist 2021



Create fashion images from the affordable things Gosha Kartsev learned even in childhood and since then continued to improve the skill. He became famous as a talented stylist, designer and the star of the Internet.

Childhood and youth

Georgy Kartsev was born on October 18, 1986, from the Russian city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Information about the presence of brothers or sisters stylist does not disclose, but it is known that he has a nephew.

When the collapse of the USSR occurred, the guy's parents began to look for additional earnings. His mother became a shine - drove clothes from China to sell in the local market. Little Gosha often worked as a seller at the point and already at that time thought about how to hang the thing so that it was best selling. This is what the young men have an interest in fashion.

The first education of the guy was not connected with the feshene-industry: he mastered the profession of computer equipment. Then he entered the St. Petersburg State University for a journalist, but did not come in handy diplomas.

Personal life

On the Internet, it is often possible to see the speculation that the star stylist, like many representatives of the profession, is gay. But George prefers not to comment on information about his personal life and sexual orientation.


Cardseva had to make a lot of effort to become an authoritative expert in the field of fashion. He wrote a letter to the chief editor "Dogs.ru" and asked for a job by a friend of coffee. Soon, the young man was commissioned to write an article on the group "on-on", which was later repeatedly returned to refinement. So Georgy realized that he could not be a journalist.

But the guy managed to get out of the assistants of the regular stylist. At that time, Gosha lived in the St. Petersburg communal, sometimes spent the night in the editorial office in order to manage to perform work on time. The efforts were rewarded, and soon the young man received a fashion expert of the magazine.

Cardsell began working with such stars as Ksenia Sobchak, Andrei Arshavin and Ivan Urgant, helping them to pick up clothes for photos and public events. Gosha decided not to stop and thought about creating his own collection. His brand "GOSH" was first presented at Aurora Fashion Week.

Three topics were revealed in the debut designer collection - gray athletic, denim and black and white knitted. The creation of George's clothes spent a lot of strength and time, but managed to present comfortable and affordable things that received enthusiastic feedback from buyers.

Without unpleasant moments, it also did not cost: the publication "Interview" compared the collection with the clothes of Goosh Rubchinsky, who did not come to show. Commenting on an article, Cardsell said that they have different goals of creating things that are achieved in various ways.

The next step in the celebrity career was the holding of master classes to create style in the cities of Russia, and then the opening of the GOSH's own school, in which anyone can teach work in the fashion industry. The main thing is to be ready to work a lot, listen carefully to teachers and be interested in profession.

In parallel, the man began to develop a blog on social network. He registered the Youtyub Channel and released the author's project "Mom, I am a stylist!". Within the framework of the George program, he told about the key moments of his biography, thought about modern trends and showed the process of working with clients who appeal for help in creating a basic wardrobe.

In an interview with Hello Blogger, Kartsev admitted that Elena Krygin inspired his blog, after he took the post of director of the girl. The main rules for the development of their own page, he chose brevity, humor and aesthetics.

Over time, the topics of the blog began to expand, the vlogs began to appear on the English channel, which he recorded during trips to Tbilisi, New York and London. Ivan Dorn, Alena Vodonaeva and Alexander Rogov, Alena Vodonaeva and Alexander Rogov were among the star guests of the Canal, which helped a man to attract new spectators and increase the audience.

Gosha Kartsev now

The 2020 stylist began with productive work: together with Masha Novosad, a review released on the collection of famous foreign designers. Now George continues to develop pages in "Instagram" and "Twitter", pleaseing the subscribers with news and photos. Cardsets take care not only about the appearance of customers, but also about their own: he often looks younger than its age.

And at the end of the same year it became known that Channel TNT announced a casting to participate in the new show "You_Top-model". The leading project was chosen Anastasia Ryttov. Her coppings became Gosh Kartsev and Alexander Gudkov.

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