Konstantin Borovo - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Politician 2021



Konstantin Borovoy - Russian businessman and politician, consisting of the opposition to President Vladimir Putin. He served as chairman of the Economic Freedom Party, and also ruled the "Western Choice" party. Having left the native country, the politician organized a business in the West and lives there on an ongoing basis.

Childhood and youth

Konstantin Nathanovich was born in Moscow on June 30, 1948, in the early years of the post-war period. The boy's grandfather turned out to be a revolutionary who was subjected to Stalin's repression, and after rehabilitation, he was friends with Nikita Khrushchev and Leonid Brezhnev.

Konstantin is a junior and late child in the family. Father Nathan Efimovich had a professor of mathematics. Elena Konstantinovna's mother held a prestigious post in the district office of the CPSU. The status of the parents could not but affect the biographies of the son. The boy received a good education, had everything you need, but more often than with his parents, spent time with his grandmother. She drove the grandson on museums and theaters, acquainted with literary works.

Konstantin Borovo in youth

At the age of 12, the young man became a listener of lectures at the Polytechnic Museum, and soon began to attend educational events in physics, astronomy and other subjects. Together with classmates, Konstantin organized a secret society for the spread of Samizdatovsky books.

In 1965, Borovoy graduated from school with a mathematical bias. In order not to have problems with enrollment in the institute, he joined the Komsomol organization. He was enrolled at the Faculty of Computational Technology of the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, Kostya had a prosperity and defended his diploma.

In 1974, the young man became a graduate of the Mechanics and Mathematical Faculty of Moscow State University, and in 1983 he defended his master's thesis. In the status of associate professor and candidate of technical sciences, Borovoy worked in research institutes and was engaged in pedagogical activities in educational institutions.

Konstantin Bovov became known in scientific and creative circles. Attractive outward and intelligent, in his youth, he attracted the necessary people as a magnet.

Personal life

For the first time Borovo married in 1967, while still a student. It was not possible to build a happy family, so a divorce took place, but Julia's daughter remained. Repeated scientist married in 1972. His chosen was the teacher from the institute, which also gave birth to his wife's daughter. The tragedy in the personal life of the man became the death of the firstborn in 2008. But the bitterness of losses managed to brighten the children - three granddaughters, in the upbringing of which Konstantin Nathanovich participates.

Career and politics

The period of restructuring changed the life of Borovoye. The economy of the country was in doubtful position, the scope of science ceased to receive subsidies from the state. Researchers, teachers and scientists searched for additional ways to gain income, as the months have not seen a salary. At the same time, the lack of ban on entrepreneurial activity turned out to be happiness for those who knew how to think strategically.

Konstantin Borova has placed the necessary grip and calculation. He left the Research Institute and organized deliveries to enterprises of important software for electronic computing machines, a variant of modern computers. By creating a solid foundation for business, Borovo participated in the development of various directions in the country. He has given acquainted with banking organizations, participated in the creation of TV channels, was interested in the activities of investment funds.

The impressive income is a former scientist spent on charity. Borovaya sponsored the restoration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, supported the elderly people who were confronted with the need, made investments in the development of the Modern-Opera theater. By this moment, the entry of Borovoy, who did not hide affiliation to a particular nationality, to the Jewish Union. It made a circle of his communication even wider and influential.

The decision was gradually a decision on the creation of the Russian commodity exchange, the main activity of which was wholesale. Having worked as a platform for further development, the boron handed over the business in reliable hands, and he himself began to develop new projects.

In 1992, Konstantin became Chairman of the Board of the Russian National Bank, and a year later he headed the television company VKT. Each stage of the career brought him new employment. In 1994, Borovo led the Lightning company, and in 1995 organized a "boring trust" and a radio station "Boomerang".

The 1990s became a convenient time to practice. Konstantin Borovaya participated in the coup of the GCCP 1991. Later he joined the Council on Entrepreneurship under the President of the Russian Federation. The politician created a batch of economic freedom and as its representative tried to participate in the election of the mayor of Moscow. The attempt turned into a failure, as well as passing to the Supreme Council. From 1995 to 1999, Borovaya was a deputy of the State Duma from the Tushinsky district and represented the opposition of power, mining acquaintance with the Chechen separatist and militant Johar Dudaev.

Continuing the business of the business from 2000 to 2003, Borovo published America Illustrated magazine and he himself performed as chief editor. Konstantin maintained relations with representatives of the introductory opposition by Irina Khakamada, Valeria Novodvorskaya and the Masonry God. Borovo was among the authors of the petition demanding the resignation of President Putin. A businessman filmed provocative videos, published them in a blog on Yutiub-Channel and in Facebook's profile.

The politician was the initiator of the creation of the West Choice party, which encouraged European values. The association was not registered, but continued to actively. Being a representative of the party, Borovoy performed in the radio "Echo of Moscow", arguing about the political situation, as well as describing his opinion on the "Russian fascism". He also turned out to be a provocateur in a fight that broke out during the shooting of the transfer "Two against one" on the federal channel.

Immigration in the USA

In 2014, Konstantin Borovaya fled from Russia and asked asylum in the United States. The politician believed that at his homeland, a surveillance was organized by representatives of the FSB due to its communications with Chechen activists. In 2019, he gave an interview with Voice of America, in which he told where he now lives, what are the causes of emigration and further plans.

Konstantin Borovo now

Borovo believes that Russia stands on the verge of the "Left Revolution" and in society is brewing a request for social and political changes. Despite the permanent finding in Los Angeles, he continues to participate in the life of the country.

Speaking against Putin's policies, Konstantin commented on the construction of the Crimean Bridge, calling for the return of Crimea to Ukraine. Konstantin Nathanovich, being an oppositionist, did not encourage the actions of some like-minded people. So, he called Alexey Navalny "Kremlin project" and a kind of marker to attract attention.

2020 Borovaya began with comments about the death of General Kasem Suleimani. He performs in the media as an expert and often communicates with journalists. Business men flourishes in the United States.

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