The film "Evdokia" (1961): actors, fate, roles, then


In 1961, the film "Evdokia" was released on the screens of Soviet cinema, filmed by the director Tatyana Lozinova. The plot of the picture layered the same name of the faith of Panova, telling about the fate of Evdokim and Evdokia Chernyshev, whose family life was threatened due to the fact that the main character is unable to forget about his past love. What were the performers of the main roles then and how their fate was formed now - in the material 24cm.

Lyudmila Kittyaeva (1930)

Lyudmila Kittyaeva - then and now

The role of Evdokia Chernysheva - Women, who failed to forget about their maiden love, - in the picture I performed Lyudmila Kittyaeva. The film "Evdokia" fell on the period most popular actress, which continued from the beginning of the 60s to the end of the 70s. In this time interval, the artist managed to appear in the tapes "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka", "Strayaku", "Privalovsky Millions", "Finist - Clear Falcon" and a number of others.

Starting from the mid-80s, the name of the actress has ever less often in the credits. Lyudmila Kittyaeva was last starred in the paintings of the "winter bread" and "District Maschatab's Detectives - 2" in 2008. Also, the actress performed as the leading show "Your Business", which was published on the first channel. Now Kittyaeva has moved away from affairs, but does not complain about loneliness - there is enough society of friends and fans.

Nikolay Lebedev (1921)

Nikolay Lebedev - then and now

The image of Eddokim Chernyshev, who is not ready to forgive the main heroine of a dream about the former lover, Nikolai Lebedev embodied on the screen. For the artist, the film "Evdokia" became one of the brightest work in cinema, which is capable of comparing only the role of Mitrofan Savelyev in the "Eternal Call".

In the late 80s, the actor stopped being removed. And recently appeared on screens exclusively as a guest guest in various TV projects. So, in 2011, to visit Nikolay Lebedev, living in the family of the adoptive son, came the film crew "While all at home". And in 2019, on the channel "Nostalgia", the transfer "Born in the USSR" was published with the participation of the artist.

Ayrat Arslanov (1928-2010)

Ayrat Arslanov - Then in recent years

Ayrat Arslanov, who played in the picture of Tatyana Lozinova Ahmet (about which years, dreams the main character, which was lost due to the old novel, the opportunity to have children), appeared in the movie screen. In addition to Evdokia, in the artist filmography, there is only one film - "26 Baku Commissioners" of Audar Ibrahimov.

During the rest of the time Arslanov in the republics of the USSR, and abroad knew as a speaker and masters of the artistic word that had been broadcast from the scene of the work of Soviet poets and writers. In 2010, Airat Gareevich died.

Vladimir Ivashov (1939-1995)

Vladimir Ivashov - then in recent years

The role of the adopted son of the Chernyshev family, Paul, in the tape performed Vladimir Ivashov. In the filmography of the artist after "Evdokia" there were a lot of memorable work: Pechorin in the "Hero of Our Time", Adjutant Kudasov Perov in the "New Adventures of Elusive", Captain Afanasyev in the "Front Without Flanges" and others.

In the 90s, the artist managed to play Colonel KGB in the militant "thirtieth destroy!" And Mr. Lowe in the adventurous comedy "Felix's Device Bureau". In 1995, Vladimir Ivashov died during an operation to remove the stomach ulcers - the heart of the actor could not stand.

Olga Narovchalova (1942)

Olga Narovchalova - then and now

Olga drew the role of another "acceptance" Chernyshev - Natalia - in his youth. The film director of the artist turned out to be a short: The filmography of the poet Sergey Narovchatov's daughter has only 11 works, the last of which in 1966 was the picture of Yuri Chulukin "Royal Regatta".

The rest of the time, Olga, who came at the footsteps of his father, paid more attention to poetic activity, actively printed in various magazines, collections, as well as almanachas dedicated to the memory of the famous parent.

Alevtina Rumyantseva (1929-2011)

Alevtina Rumyantseva - Then in recent years

If the vocabulary had to embody Natasha's image on the screen in young years, then Ageltina Rumyantsev was able to portray the daughter of Chernyshev Adult. After filming, Tatyana Lioznova has repeatedly invited the actress in his projects. So, for example, Rumyantsev appeared in the pictures of the director "Three Poplas on the Ivy" and "Carnival".

Since the beginning of the 90s, Rumyantsev disappeared from the screens. Only in zero actress returned to the industry again, playing several episodic roles in the TV galleries, the "end of the world" and "tender monster". Alevtina Rumyantsev died in the summer of 2011 after a long illness.

Natalia Protertina (1939)

Natalia Zainypina - then and now

Catherine, another receptional daughter of the main characters, played Natalia Protertina. The film "Evdokia" became the eighth in the list of filmmakers, in which the defender took part as an actress. Although the actress and starred later, even in zero ("Veronika will not come," "toys"), much better know her by the voice, which in the 90s they spoke Miss Kryvia from "Duck stories", chip from the animated series "Chip and Dale rusually To the aid, "and many other Disney characters.

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