Dorothy Gail (character) - photo, pictures, country, oke, heroine, emerald city


Character History

Dorothy Gale is a fictional character of the cycle of the American writer Lyameman Frank Bauma about the magical country of Oz. Fearless girl travels with friends, trying to find a way to return home.

History of character creation

The plot of the cycle was born 2 years before the publication of the first book. A neighbor's neighboring bauum gathered in the living room, and Lymeman came up with magic stories on the move. When the owner at home was asked what is the place where it all happens, he glanced at home card files with letterpoint signs. A sheet with the inscription "O - Z" was glued on the lower box, and Lymen solemnly said - "Country Oz".

Gradually, improvisation began to gain clearer shapes and borders. At first, the writer did not give values ​​to such evening expression, but the grateful listeners insisted on the continuation of history. The second book "Wonderful Country Oz" was born 4 years after the release of the first fairy tale. It did not turn out to be the main character - Dorothy, but there were her friends - ironwood, a cowardly lion, scared. Subsequently, the orphan from Kansas appeared on the pages of new books, which came out with enviable regularity.

Researchers Lyamena Bauma claws claim that the author to create a young gale inspired another literary heroine - Alice from the works of Lewis Carroll. The same judgments went on a writer. Lymen himself did not agree that Alice is the prototype of his character, although noticed the similarity in the nature of these girls.

But with the name of the orphans from Kansas no ambiguity. Baum called his heroine in honor of the wife's niece - Dorothy Louise Gage. Unfortunately, she died back in infancy, and the writer decided in memory of the little Louise to perpetuate her name on the pages of his books.

The biography of the heroine may have influenced the disaster in Irving 1879. According to unconfirmed information, Baum read a message about Tornado in Kansas, where the names of the dead were also mentioned, including some kind of Dorothy Gale.

The elements of the character of the girl are taken by the author from the grandmother Louise - Matilda Hosling, as well as his own wife. So it turned out a certain collective image that combined the features of several people at once.

In total, 14 books about the magical country of Oz are written in total Lymen Baum. After the death of the author, the Ruth of Plamlie Thompson seized Ruth Plamlie, who continued and developed the plot by adding new characters in the narration.

The popularity of the cycle went beyond the mainland. In 1939, Alexander Volkov published a fabulous story "The Wizard of the Emerald City" in the USSR. In the center of history - Ellie Smith, which, unlike the literary prototype, is parents.

In general, these works are similar, although the Soviet author not only adapted the fairy tale, but also brought many new details into it. The brave Lion Volkova in the original source remains a cowardly lion, despite the acquired courage, the wizard of Oz - the worshipers, and Goodwin - actor.

In the descriptions of Lysena Bauma, dark shades prevail, while Alexander Volkov sought to a more positive narration.

Image and Biography Dorothy Gale

In the books of Bauma Dorothy, uncle Henry and Aunt Em are brought up. Where are the real parents of the heroine, do not reveal in fairy tales. In the author's view, the place of her residence is a huge steppe, and the only friend's friend is the dog Totomka.

Uncle and aunt did little by upbringing and forming a niece, unlike Ellie, who a lot and gladly read cognitive books. When a hurricane fell on the city, Aunt Em shouted the girl, so that she climbed into the cellar, but he managed to escape, but there is no Gail with a house.

When a little heroine reports that it wishes to find a way home, then the first speech is due to the return to the homeland, under which he understands a gray and lifeless steppe. And it is still experiencing that because of her funeral, the aunt will have to spend money on a mourning dress.

Falling on the ground, the house together with Dorothy in a ridiculous chance crossed the evil wizard. As a result of such an incident, the freedom of chevube was gained - the benevolent people of the country of Lake of low growth.

Zhevuny in their own way expired the event, deciding that the girl from Kansas is great, and most importantly - a kind wizard. In confirmation of this testified and the outfit guest - a blue-white dress. So dressed and the indigenous people.

When the "worn hurricane" met a good wizard, he received a prediction that it would be able to send her home to a magician. On the way to him, she met the cowardly lion, the ironwall and the terrible, who decided to help in a good wave. In the work of Volkov, Ellie was obliged to fulfill the desire of three magical creatures to return to Kansas.

The journey was safe for her, because she got a protective kiss from the northern wizard. Interesting fact - in the future this technique "Potkey" on the forehead Harry Potter as a scar in the form of a zipper.

The porcelain country of Bauma never entered Soviet adaptation, although this minor episode on the journey Dorothy played a big role. When Gale offers a porcelain princess to move to her in Kansas, she answers that it would be unhappy, standing motionless on the shelf. So the girl understands one important truth - because of his whims you can make an unfortunate person.

The American heroine does not have remarkable appearance and outstanding knowledge, but in his actions is guided by the issues of conscience and morality. And the "Oz" Bauma demonstrates the process of growing up. Dorothy is the usual, even a rustic girl growing in the middle of the desert and not burdened with difficult life issues.

Finding into a magical country, it is subject to tests, and only a series of the right solutions leads it to the desired goal. Her friends are some symbols. He scared personifies the mind, iron rover - feelings, lev - courage and courage. Heself, Dorothy is the core of the person, what a person comes to this world.

Folding all these characters together, the heroine forms in itself. So, at the end it turns out that she is kind and responsive, loves their homeland and his family, respects the desires of others and acts disinterestedly.

Dorothy Gale in movies

The classic fracture of Lyamena Bauuma was the film-musical 1939 "Wizard of Oz". The main role was played by the actress Judge Garland, who performed the song over the Rainbow (which later became the best musical composition of the 20th century).

The film turned out to be innovative because of the technique of Tricolor. Cute, quite a cheerful fairy tale with incredible scenery and bright pictures remembered to the audience with a feeling of immersion in the magic world.

A peculiar adaptation of the original history of Tarissem Singha gave Dorothy a new image. In the American TV series, the "Emerald City" of the heroine (Adria Archon) appeared on a 20-year-old girl who will have to make a difficult choice between science and magic.

In the series "Once in a fairy tale", the heroine Bauma turned into a brave warrior, a fighter for justice. Her goal is to free the country from the evil witch of green.

Dorothy (voiced Lia Michel) starts at a dangerous journey to save his friends in the American cartoon "Oz: Return to the Emerald City". Now she will defend one more villain of Jester, who is trying to receive domination with the help of black magic.


"There is nothing better at home." "Toto, it seems to me that we are no longer in Kansas." "Sometimes a real life is worse than fairy tales." "Who, I?" I'm not a fairy at all. I am Dorothy Gale from Kansas. "

Interesting Facts

  • Walt Disney pulled off to the story of Lyamena Bauma 1900 "Oz: Great and Horrible", so young Gale is not present in it.
  • The name of the heroine is called Crater on Pluto satellite.
  • In the series "Once in a fairy tale", having matured Dorothy finds his love in the face of a red hat.
  • Another version of the origin of the surname of the main character is related to the translation of GALE - "Storm".


  • 1900 - "Amazing Wizard from Oz"
  • 1907 - "OZDA from OZ"
  • 1908 - "Dorothy and Wizard in Oz"
  • 1909 - "Travel to Oz"
  • 1910 - "The Emerald City of Oz"
  • 1913 - "Loskutushka from Oz"
  • 1914 - "Tick-current from Oz"
  • 1915 - "Scared from Oz"
  • 1916 - "Ricitink in Oz"
  • 1917 - "Missing Princess Oz"
  • 1918 - "Iron Wood Road from Oz"
  • 1919 - "The Magic of Oz"
  • 1920 - "Glond from Oz"


  • 1939 - "Wizard of Oz"
  • 1961 - "Fairy Tales of the Wizard of the Oz"
  • 1972 - "Return to Oz"
  • 1980 - "Dorothy in Oz"
  • 1985 - "Return to Oz"
  • 1987 - "Dorothy meets IAS from Oz"
  • 1987 - "Amazing Wizard from Oz"
  • 1987 - "Visa"
  • 2000 - "The Adventures of Lion in the Magic Country of Oz"
  • 2007 - "Enchanted Kingdom"
  • 2011-2018 - "Once in a fairy tale"
  • 2011 - "Witches from Oz"
  • 2011 - "After the Wizard"
  • 2011 - "Tom, Jerry and the Wizard from Oz"
  • 2013-2014 - "Oz: Return to Emerald City"
  • 2015 - "OZ: the invasion of volatile monkeys"
  • 2015 - "Lost in Oz"
  • 2016 - "Emerald City"
  • 2016 - "Tom and Jerry: Return to Oz"
  • 2017 - "Dorothy and Wizard in Oz"

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