Cory Monteith - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Actor



The life of the actor Corey Monteith was devoted to show business, in series and art films, he played a number of bright roles. Also a talented young man sang in the Canadian musical group and engaged in charity in children's organizations.

Childhood and youth

Corey Allan Michael Monteith was born in Albert's province, becoming a long-awaited gift to parents in 1982. Early childhood he spent in the northern cities of Calgary and Victoria, in a family, in which he relative to education and labor.

Father, a milestone of light infantry, loved measles and his brother Sean, but when the boy reached 7 years of age, for unknown reasons left the house. Mother, interior designer, took up the education of children into their hands, but because of the workload at work I saw my sons only before bedtime.

The lack of male control affected the behavior of Montete, who skated the lessons at school, upsetting and annoying teachers. He changed 16 educational institutions, not tuned in the team, therefore, being a teenager, did not start real friends.

By spending most of the time on the streets, the young man tried alcohol and drugs, acquiring them first for money received from the mother, and then to the means from small theft. The consequences were not worried about measles, because by taking another dose, he felt internal freedom, satisfaction and courage.

Before the end of the 8th grade of the Middle Education Institution, the future actor at the insistence of relatives was held a special rehabilitation course. Then, looking at reality in a new way, he received a maturity certificate and decided that it was time to leave home and try adult life taste.

In the biography of young Montete, there was a moment when he worked as a taxi driver, a school bus driver and a roofer in a number of Stroybrigad. Music passion led a guy to a Canadian little-known group that did not have contracts with studios and never received awards.

Personal life

In the youth measles, Monteith had a bright attractive appearance, with an increase in 192 cm weighing about 80 kg. Before meeting the only girl, who became a companion in his personal life, he circled his head to naive schoolgirls and broke the heart unmarried ladies.

Canadian had a novel with Taylor Swift, the American Country Popper, but because of the constant touring a couple in the end fate. Monteith returned to work in the cinema, and the singer continued to record albums, release clips and give concerts for fans of her skill.

In early 2008, at the sets of the famous series, a native of Calgary met an actress, having learned to become famous in the United States. On the relationship of Lii Michel and Corey immediately recognized photoconducts who wrote that the case goes to the wedding and the birth of the baby.

It turned out to be a half-truth, but to the greatest regret, the history of love Star Pair was waiting for the tragic final. After the death of Corey, the actress said that he was a wonderful, but closed man, able to open the soul only to those who knew him well.

Heavily surviving the loss of the chief, Lia dedicated his memory a series of touching lyrical songs, such as Hey You and If You Say So. And friends noted that drug addiction and addiction to alcoholic beverages prevented a talented guy to fulfill the best roles in the movies.


Corey cinema came in the middle of 2004, starting with secondary roles in television films "Young Musketeers" and "Murinery". He liked being with professionals on one set and a fairly simple work to receive a decent fee.

The first time of the actor did not care what he does not acquire fans, and in the series "Supernatural" and "Secrets of Smallville", almost no one noticed his presence. But after the fantastic projects "Whistler" and "anomalies", Canadian and American directors began to invite Cory more often.

In 2006, a Thriller "Blood Mary" and the horror board "Destination-3" with the participation of Montetta came to the screens. The images of secondary characters gave Canadz creative freedom, he managed to demonstrate the skills of a psychologically mature acting game.

However, the guy did not reach the stars of world cinema, and he was advised to go to the courses of oratori and scenic skills. Corey entered the director's workshop and the Anthony Mindla screenwriter and got into the class where Sasha Alexander and Samanta Mumba studied.

The help of a professional teacher helped Canadz in the development of a career, and in the Kyle XY teenage drama, he was given a prominent role. In a 43-serial story about an extraordinary boy, Monteith showed that he was a potential lead actor and the main character.

Director Elena Lanskaya appreciated the metamorphosis occurred and invited Corey to the center of the story of the science fiction thriller "Beast". The image of Aaron Skate, semi-turn with superhuman abilities, opened a new promising door for a native of Calgary.

Hearing about the set of actors for the youth music series, Monteith removed a small video for casting on one of the main roles. The authors are interested in a young man who drummed pencils on plastic containers, and invited him to audition, in which dozens of people participated.

For the "choir" project, singing and dance skills were needed, and Corey did not attend the lessons of choreography and strong vocals did not possess. Nevertheless, he fascinated producers naive, but not stupid appearance and, together with Jane Lynch and Markom Salling made his way to the selection in the final.

After long discussions, measles joined the project and played the role of Finn Hudson from the first to the fifth season. On Ellen Degensheres show, he told about how he was fascinated from the very beginning.

The guy liked to attend the satellite and Golden Globe awards, where the "choir" repeatedly received awards for the best acting. He also rejoiced that he learned how to manage his own voice and could now take notes in the three octave range.

Montetite during filming in the series was invited to join the touring group, but he rarely participated in living concerts, preferring artistic cinema. In the course of working on the ribbon "Embodiment", he appeared in a reality show, following the acting portfolio to be updated in a timely manner.

In the second decade, the 21st century Corey replenished with the Montte Carlo comedy filmography with Selenaya Gomez, Leighton Mr. and Pierre Blaunge. The romantic picture of Thomas Beechain received good reviews of critics and, judging by the comments on the Internet, most viewers had to do.


For 15 years, Monteith was treated from drug addiction, but heroin still caused his death in 2013. The employees of a fashionable hotel in Vancouver on July 13 discovered the body, and then in the hospital, friends and relatives identified a movie star.

At first, the press wrote that measles himself brought the scores with life, but these statements immediately denied the family. After the opening about the fact that his heart did not cope with the load caused by external influence, Canadian and American reporters with sorrow reported Friends.

It turned out that on the eve of the tragedy, the actor passed the rehabilitation course and promised his beloved and close in the root to change his life. But, having broken down, he accepted alcohol and a dose of the prohibited chemical drug, which dismissed a drug-purified organism.

Monteith cremated in Vancouver, so there was no official funeral, a dozen close people gathered at the farewell ceremony. And then on the film studio in Los Angeles, the actors and producers of "choir" commemorated the departed colleague and pronounce a couple of speeches.


  • 2005 - "Young Musketeers"
  • 2005 - "Supernatural"
  • 2005 - "Secrets of Smallville"
  • 2006 - "Destination-3"
  • 2006 - "Star Gate: SG-1"
  • 2006 - 2007 - Kyle XY
  • 2007 - "Beast"
  • 2007 - "Missing"
  • 2007 - Flash Gordon
  • 2008 - "The embodiment of fear" ("Fair as it is")
  • 2009 - 2013 - "Choir"
  • 2013 - "All the wrong reasons"
  • 2013 - "Maccan"

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