Theophratcher - photo, biography, personal life, philosopher, cause of death



Theophrast was a philosopher and scientist, a naturalist and theoretical music that laid the foundations of modern nerds in a number of outstanding work. The follower of Plato and Aristotle was considered a born speaker, who headed the school of peripatetics, which threatened many light minds.

Childhood and youth

Information about the early biography of the theofora reached the descendants by the efforts of contemporaries and were taken from the notes of Diogen Lanertsky dedicated to the acts of great people. In the work on life, teachings and sayings of the famous ancient philosophers, the lateant historian reports information about the events of the past days.

In his opinion, the theophrast was born about 371 to n. NS. In the village of Ereso, located on the northern Aegean Islands. Initially, the native of Greece was called Tirtham, the son of Melante, but then he was given a nickname, fading, secured in the centuries.

The family that was engaged in suction, apparently, lived in prosperity, because the Son was sent to Athens to one of the classic men's schools. With the help of Plato, fragmentary quotes remained from whose works, the young man, endowed with the abilities, ascended to the scholar throne.

When the respected mentor died, the theophrata moved to the class of Aristotle, the former teacher of Alexander Macedonsky and the master of natural and philosophical sciences. Since then, the native of Eresios did not part with the founder of the peripatetic lyceum and near his modest housing did lessons and spent his leisure.

The researchers believed that the son of Melante joined the teacher in exile due to conflict with Tyran Hermia, in whose jurisdiction was ATARNEI and ASSOS. But then the ruler agreed to stay a philosopher on the island of Lesbos, the Earth, where the theophrast was born and first brought up.

The nature of the ancient Greek archipelago contributed to the occupation of natural science, so Aristotle watched animals, and his student is behind the flowering of herbs. Then, by unconfirmed information, men moved to Macedonia and arrived to the court of King Philipp II.

Personal life

Information is not preserved about the personal life of the theofratest, but it is known that he worked as a teacher, and then led the Athenian lyceum. When after the death of Alexander the Macedonian Aristotle left the ancient Greek capital, his student and a devoted supporter became a guardian of orphaned children.

The closer to the head of the peripatetic school came across the young man to whom the father dedicated the book "Ethika", which did not live up to modern times. Also, a native of Eresios was inherited by the teacher's library, and, according to some reports, Aristochene Tartan was indignant to this fact.

Science and philosophy

According to Diogen Lanertsky, the theophrast wrote more than 200 works, but the prevailing majority was lost, and the content did not reach today's days. There is an opinion that in books on philosophical topics the author developed the teachings of Aristotle, therefore was considered an interpreter and a supporter of academic ideas.

An ancient Greek scientist was engaged in history and research in the field of zoology, and also wrote works on the state of the state and a number of religious problems. Excerpts from work on metaphysics, mathematics and music theory, where a very wide range of worried society was considered.

Theophrasta was valued for contributing to biology, because in an extensive bibliography of the world of natural phenomena and plants, Greek devoted 10 volumes. He was called the father of botany with the Swede Carl Linneiem, the author of the famous uniform classification and owner of premiums and orders.

In the works of Historia and de Causis Plantarum, the Aristotle student described the physiology and systematics of shrubs, trees and colors. By calling more than 500 species of the green inhabitants of the planet, the naturalist created the doctrine of the smells and functions of roots and fruits.

In the 10-volume treatise "Plant History" translated into Latin in the XV century, the theophrast presented its own classification based on the life of life and useful properties. He allocated agricultural crops and the necessary wild herbs, which were used in medicine and helped from a number of disorders.

The discovery was the allocation in the objects of the external and internal part and the introduction of such concepts such as fibers, cores, core and juice into the botany. Also, the practice and theoretics listed decorative species, calling them garden flowers, from which the wreath can be soaked.

The merits of the theofora in front of modern science was considered to study issues related to the environment, and specifically - the influence of external factors on diverse flora. Humidity and drought, heat and cold, the characteristics of the soil and climate Scientist used in studies as a defining guide.

Botany, who continued the case of an ancient Greek scientist, noted that the issues subjected to study were recognized as pressing so far. Therefore, since the Renaissance, the personality and labor of the theofora was interested in every person who wanted to expand the horizons.

The popular work of ancient scientist became the treatises "ethical characters", where he described the common types of people in terms of philosophy. They were to a certain extent influenced the development of an ancient Greek comedy, which was considered in demand by the genre among representatives of intelligent families.

Such sciences such as logic and rhetoric were also not focused by the art. He divided the objects of speech on basic and subordinate words. The work has reflected a description of direct and metaphorical expressions that have become an integral part of emotional human nature.

Greek, following Aristotle, disassembled in detail the types of judgments, denials, allegations and syllogisms in a number of literary works. He put forward a hypothesis about the existence of ambiguous proposals, which developed philosophers during the 100s and 200s.


At the post of Scholharch, or the school leader, the theophrast stayed for decades and raised the Demetrius of Falersky, Menandra and a number of other well-known people. Tsar Cassandr, who became the successor of the great Alexander Macedonian, favored the philosopher and scientist and supported most of his ideas.

In the 85th age, the student of Plato and Aristotle did not become, but about the circumstances and the causes of death, none of the biographers wrote. The funeral in Athens was pompous with the colossal cluster of the people, because the successor of famous Greeks loved everyone and respected.

Lyceum and a house with a luxurious garden handed over to the Lampsak, who participated in the creation of a library and Museyon and therefore, I knew. According to Diogenes, Lanertsky, the theophratist before the death of the phrase, translated as "we die just when we start to live."


  • "Plant History"
  • "Causes of Plants"
  • "Ethical characters"
  • "About stones"
  • "About the soul"
  • "On music"
  • "On the first principles"


"The biggest waste that can be done is a waste of time." "If you are not raised and silent, then raised, if you are raised and silent, it's great." "We are dying just when we start to live." "I barely start living, we are dying; Therefore, there is nothing worthless than the pursuit of glory. "

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