Neil Blomammp - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Neil Blomamp - a director, whose works immediately fall into the number of the best films of the fantastic genre. A man organically combines elements of militants, documentary films, fiction, which makes projects with spectacular and unforgettable. Despite the fact that the heroes of the ribbons together with people become robots and aliens, refused to have references to the problems of modern human society - xenophobia and social segregation. Neil now is among the most influential people of Africa.

Childhood and youth

About childhood and youthful years in the biography of the Creator little information. It is known that he was born in Johannesburg on September 17, 1979. The director's father died when he was still a child. The raising of children (the scenario has native sisters Liz, Stephanie and Brother Nile), together with their mother, he was studied.

Being a teenager, Neil seriously carried away by computer animation. Having become acquainted with the young Charlot Kopli, who later played in the films of Blammak, the young man began to work in the company of the future screenwriter by an animator with an animator. In the late 90s, the guy moves to Canada, where it becomes a student of the Vancouver school of computer graphics and special effects.

Personal life

Personal life of the author of fantastic films is harmonious and bright. Director in marriage with Terry Tatchell. Neil, together with his wife, formed not only a family, but also a creative tandem - a woman acts as a scenario of her husband's projects. In 2006, the Canadian debuted with a scenario to the short film "Yellow Drugstalky", removed by Blomakp. Like the director, the lady has awards in the film industry. Neila has Padder Kassidy Wheathcroft, Terry daughter from the first marriage.


In the early 2000s, the guy removed several short protrusions, among whom was particularly noticeable to "survive in Yoburg". The film is stylized for documentaries, which creates the effect of the reality of what is happening on the screen. In the center of the plot - the conflict of aliens-refugees, which found themselves on Earth, and People of White and Black Race. At first, the arrival of "immigrants" causes delight among earthlings, but with time the relationship is heated.

The picture of the painting unfolds in 1990, when apartheid reigned in South Africa. In the film as oppressed, not only Africans are oppressed, but also aliens. The originality of the short film is attached to real interviews with the inhabitants of Johannesburg, who express their opinion on the refugees from Zimbabwe who arrived in the country. The main role in the project was performed by Charlot Copli.

The creation of a young author caught the eyes of Peter Jackson. Assessing the potential of the Nile, the Master invited the guy to act as director of the painting "Halo". The film based on the game of the same name was already in the process of creating - Guillermo del Toro worked on him, which then left the shooting. Blossamp was included in the process, however, in a short time, the production of tapes suspended. To compensate for the works of Nile, Jackson offered him $ 30 million.

It was decided to remove the fantastic fighter "District number 9" for this money. The basis for the project was the work "Survive in Yoburg", which was supplemented with details and plot lines. The main role was again invited by Copley. In an interview, the young director admitted that when creating a film was inspired by such blockbusters, as a "stranger", "Terminator", "Predator" and others.

The fantastic plot is also put in the center of the "ELISIUM" painting - not on earth. " Before the audience, Nile draws the world of a distant future, when on the planet due to the overpopulation of war, epidemics and poverty found a giant scale. Rich residents left the earthly "hell" and moved to a space station with ideal living conditions. The rest live in dirty poor quarters, are engaged in hard work. There are such weekdays and at the main character of Max and Costa performed by Matt Damon.

Working in the factory, the guy on the fatal chance receives a deadly dose of radiation. He remains a few days, and the salvation is only on "ELISIUM". Access to the station is simple mortal unavailable, but there are ways to penetrate there with illegal methods. Max has nothing to lose - the character uses any opportunity to cure. The film, despite the fantastic genre, raises many issues of ethics and morality.

In 2015, there was news that Blomammp will become the author of the film "Alien-5". It was planned that the actions in it would unfold between the events of the 1st and 3rd parts of the franchise, and the main characters will play Sigurney Weaver and Michael Bean. This was confirmed by the Nil in the "Instagram" post depicting Ellen Ripley in a space jockey costume. However, after 2 years, the producer of Project Ridley Scott reported that the film would not be released.

The fans of the cickel wrote a lot of petitions for "salvation" of the series, but these actions have not changed anything. In the spring of 2015, it was stated that Neil and Simon Kinberg will perform the producers of the fantastic blockbuster "Leviafan", the director of which will be Ruari Robinson. After 2 years, a teaser of the picture was laid on Yutiuba, but before entering wide screens the project did not reach.

In 2017, the director returned to the short torch genre. Each of them has an original story and demonstrates a well-recognizable Blomampa style. So, the film "Support Point" tells about the confrontation of the Vietnamese Farmer and Sergeant Heins. The first, having survived the terrible personal tragedy, is reincarnated into the demonic essence - the river God endowed with amazing abilities.

A mini-series "Adam" was equally interesting for the fans of creativity, which included parts of the "Mirror" and "Prophet". In the 1st part, it is told about the group of android, among which Adam. They go through the desert to meet with other robots. Having reached the goal, the characters are found with a telepath called the mirror. He tells the heroes about who those were in the past life and what crimes committed in human doors. The second series tells how Maryan kills his brother - Jacob's robot to get from the Prophet who can cure diseases, help.

In 2018, notes appeared in the press that Nile will perform the director of the new part of the movie "Robocop". But soon, Canadian himself made an official statement, in which he said that he would not work on the continuation of the painting. The reason for changing the decision was the new project promising to replenish the filmography of Blomampa.

Neil Blomammp now

In early 2020, the director continued to work on the fantastic horror "Inferno", the shooting of which began in 2019. Photo from the shooting platform Nile lays out in "Instagram". In the center of the narration - investigation by the police officer Kitch killing. The more details recognize the hero about the case, the more strange it seems.


  • 2005 - "Survive in Yoburg"
  • 2009 - "District number 9"
  • 2013 - "ELISIUM" is not on earth "
  • 2015 - "Robot named Chappi"

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