Trust in Relationships: How to Return, Methods, Methods, Actions


Human relationships - the thing is intricate and sometimes fragile so much that the crystal vase will envy. Especially when it comes to feelings - any careless action or a near-minded act of a partner is able to overlap the years lived together. And it's not limited to the change only - enough lies, and other reasons to lose confidence in the relationship the mass will be detected. But it's not so easy to return it: about how to try to do it - in the material 24cm.

1. Waiting

If the trust in the relationship is lost, then the ways are available, how to return everything to the previous positions, it is possible to come up with many. The only problem is that it is not at all that any of the methods will work at all - human resentment is able to drown out the voice of the mind and heart, especially at first. Moreover, even when the partner later himself will regret that he did not go to reconciliation.

Therefore, the best tool will be waiting - it is worth a pause for a while. It is better to restrict himself to brief apologies and give a "slightly cool down", while not letting go far, not allowing you to deepen in your own thoughts - in the upset feelings, you can think about it, to be able to inflect, then we will understand and get together.

It is worth understanding that this is not only an option how to give a person to come to myself after unpleasant revelation. This is at the same time to "prepare for the offensive" - ​​go to the next stage of the establishment of the conflict. Or decide to leave attempts to return everything as it was before.

2. Frankness

The next chance to return confidence in relationships is frank conversations: it is useful to communicate with your loved one on the topic, why was this or that or another, which pushed to treason, deception, betrayal.

The awareness of the opposite side of the partner's motives is extremely important, because the guilty man could have made a mistake, so to go on his own delusions. Or he wanted to take revenge upon the insanity caused to him before, - the faults can be mutual, and such should be an apology.

In general, communication inside the pair is the key to the prolonged and strong union. However, if the awareness of this was soaked so much that mutual trust suffered, it is better to start late, than not to start at all, leading to the final crisis of relations.

3. Calm

People, make misconduct, under pressure from the outside tend to move into a counterattack, building their own protection in counter-prosecutions. This is a natural and common reaction, because I do not like to "stay in fools" by anyone, having silently listen to reproaches. However, if the joint "we" means it is still more than a personal "I", from a similar behavior will have to abandon.

It is better to silence at all and go away, how to start yourself to justify, when it is a partner. Then it will be much easier to go to a constructive dialogue.

4. Control

If we are talking about treason, then the effective method returns confidence in the relationship - to allow a partner to control: give access to the phone, social networks, mailbox, regularly convened for verification, etc. It seems difficult, because it implies the invasion of that sector of personal Life, which is considered purely intimate - even the closest people are not accepted in such a "debris."

This technique, although it implies a certain subordinate interaction style, but sufficiently effective. Yes, and there is nothing to hide a repentant person - if he actually wants to correct the situation.

5. Originality

In order to return trust, any means are good, so it is not worth limiting. You can - and even need! - Show originality to convince the partner to come closer. For example, write a spare letter with apologies (not electronic) and throw in your pocket when your favorite person is going to work. Or prepare a sudden surprise - worse already will hardly be, and any positive shake is capable of raising a positive effect.

Any of the listed ways of how to return trust in relations, it is impossible to call the panacea. Therefore, it is worth remembering - if you do not allow irreparable errors, the type of treason, do not offend the partner, not to betray, then to settle the conflict with the risk of losing a dear person will not have to lose.

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