Sergey Pisarenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, KVN 2021



Sergey Pisarenko - Artist, Showman, a former member of the KVN team "County City". Happing thanks to the club cheerful and resourceful, over time, the humorist changed the qualifications. He tried himself on television as a lead, and also began to receive proposals on cooperation as a comedian actor.

Childhood and youth

Sergey was born in Magnitogorsk on July 22, 1968. He was a child from an ordinary family, spent leisure in the courtyard with other boys and often turned out to be the boat in games. The boy demonstrated progress at school. Most student liked physics, mathematics and drawing.

Pisarenko did not plan to associate biography with creativity. In the example of the brothers, he wanted to build a military career and even went to St. Petersburg to enroll in the school. Having handed over the first exams, the guy discovered that he lost the Komsomol ticket, and without him, it was impossible to become a cadet. Sergey had to return home and come up with a spare plan.

The young man entered the Pedagogical Institute and studied at the Faculty of Drawing and Labor. This period, the artist remembers with pleasure. In addition to new knowledge and friends, he gained a hobby, which later turned into a profession. At the Institute, Sergey became a member of the local KVN team. The attention of the audience visiting the speeches, he met with Azart. Having enjoyed the outputs on the stage, the student did not forget about study.

After issuing a diploma, Sergey continued his studies and entered the faculty of psychology. By defending his thesis in a few years, Pisarenko began teaching to Alma Mater, and the students became respectful to call him Sergey Nikolayevich.

Personal life

Sergey raises five children. Son and daughter from first marriage, Nikita and Daria Pisarenko, live with mother. In the second family of artist, three children, Eduard, Anna and Varbara.

Having played a wedding with the first spouse Natalia, Sergey was sure that he found happiness in his personal life. He lived with his wife for 20 years, and this relationship from the side seemed perfect. The overwhelming part of the time Pisarenko spent on tour, providing a family and taking this opportunity to be implemented as an artist. Natalia was engaged in business. In Magnitogorsk, the family had its own home.

In 2008, Sergey decided to transport relatives to Moscow to be closer, since the shooting most often took place in the capital. He faced fears of his wife and received a refusal. At first, the humorist had to live in two cities, constantly coming home in the interruptions between the filming. Then followed interesting offers, which were impossible to abandon. It turned out to be destructive for family life, so a divorce took place in 2013.

Despite parting, Sergey managed to keep the confidence and love of children. He constantly supported his son and daughter, turned out to be near the right moments, and this was the key to strong relationships.

The second spouse of the artist Marina Gorodetskaya worked on television, where the couple acquaintance occurred. The woman has already brought up two children whom Sergey accepted as relatives. The actor often spends time with sons and daughters from both marriages, giving them attention to equally. He goes with children to the mountains and shares interests, arranges joint trips on vacation abroad and managed to shove them. Propaging the idea of ​​a big family, Pisarenko communicates with his ex-wife, her parents and supports a warm friendly atmosphere in the house.

Television and films

In 1997, in the creative biography of Sergei Pisarenko, there was a takeoff. In the KVN team, he met the future partner Evgeny Nikishin. More precisely, Pisarenko noticed the charismatic student at the institute and invited him to the co-office. Having created a duet that attracted attention to the team "County City", pleasures picked up peculiar costumes, which became their business card. Men preferred classic images of sarcastic jackets and infantile spaces.

The team was lucky to shine on stage in the golden age of KVN. Most humorists who went on the scene of the club cheerful and resourceful at that time were managed to realize in the cinema, on television or in alternative humorous projects. As part of the "county city", Pisarenko was repeatedly becoming the owner of Kiwin, the prizes of musical festivals organized by the club. In 2008, the "county city" won the title champion of the Higher League of KVN.

From 2004, Sergey combined participation in performances with solo work in the company with Nikishin. In 2009, the humorist debuted on television in the TV series "Tourists", and then in the company Comrades for KVN, starred in the film "Lopuhi: Episode First". The tape was successful at the box office, which attracted interest in the actors. Pisarenko was invited to participate in the creation of the series "Happy together", where he performed an invited star episode. A similar task stood before the artist and in the University project.

2010 brought Pisarenko and Nikishin work on the show "Laughter in the Big City", in which humorous competitions were held between the stars. The transfer had low ratings, so one season existed on the air. This television experience of the artist does not end. He led the transfer "Who is against blondes", "Want, sing!", "Parade of Soviets" "Tells of sound".

In Ukraine, Pisarenko and Nikishin were demanded as showmen and actors. Sergey replenished the filmography of Kinocarten "Jam from Sakura" and "lit up". In 2018, he starred in the series "Souvenir from Odessa" and from the same year is a member of the "diesel show". He also repeatedly turned out to be among the members of the KVN Premier League jury. Duet Sergei Pisarenko and Evgenia Nikishin realized and as a radio host.

Sergey Pisarenko now

The artist is active in social networks. He has accounts in Vkontakte and In Stagram, where Sergey will often post a photo from performances. Now the humorist continues to cooperate with the partner Evgeny Nikishin, is open to communication with the press and gives an interview. Sergey's tour traveled with touring many countries, and everywhere invented by them and comrades are in demand and loved.

In 2020, Pisarenko is removed in the comedy episodes as a member of the "diesel show", and also participates in live performances in the company with Victoria Bulitko and other Ukrainian stars.


  • 2005 - "Tourists"
  • 2009 - "Lopuhi: episode first"
  • 2006-2010 - "Happy together"
  • 2010 - "University"
  • 2012 - "Big Rzhaka"
  • 2018 - "Once in America, or a Pure Russian Fairy Tale"


  • 2010 - "Laughter in the Big City"
  • 2011 - "Who is against blondes"
  • 2011 - "Want, sing!"
  • 2012 - "Parade of Soviets"
  • 2012 - "Be a man"
  • 2012-2013 - "Ural dumplings"
  • 2015 - "Sound Tamper"
  • 2018 - "On the protection of mental recreation
  • 2018 - "Diesel Show"

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