Anastasia Zavolokina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



About Anastasia Zagolokina speaks as a custodian of Russian folk culture, a popularizer of folk creativity and a man gifted in everything. The singer and TV presenter is the leader of the "Chastushka" ensemble, the executing composition, known from the distant times.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Anastasia Gennadievna Zavolokina began in the Russian city of Novosibirsk, where she was born and grew up in a talented musical family. In his youth, the Father, carried away by music, became a collector of folk songs, so he traveled a lot on the immense Russian land.

After the appearance of the desired daughter on May 14, 1974, the head of the family came to the local philharmonic and created a chastism duet. Together with his brother Alexander, he introduced the public with folk creativity and acquired hundreds of followers in less than 5-6 years.

Concerts left the time to raise a little Nastya, as well as the son of Zakhara Zavolokin, formerly a second child in the family. Children with the mother of Svetlana Dmitrievna shared the interests of the head of the family and respecting his outstanding work.

In the house of the head of folk songs, there were interesting people who influenced the worldview of the future singer and her brother from an early age. The kids often emitted adults in the chorus an ancient composition or a friendly multi-voiced chorus performed by a favorite venue.

At school, Nastya became the star in the lessons of music, but did not abandon the rest of the items. On vacation, she accompanied the dad on trips through the cities of Russia, which was often delayed for several weeks.

When the question arose about further education, no one doubted that the Zavolokin would deal with some kind of creativity to continue the traditions of the family. Anastasia entered the theater School of Nizhny Novgorod, and since then nothing could knock it out of the selected gauge.

In the student years, along with director and scenic art, the girl mastered the tools - Bayan, Harmon and Accordion. When she began to study in a specialized music studio, none of friends and close relatives were truly surprised.

In the early 1990s, the Zavolokina in the status of the graduation settled on Novosibirsk television with a sound engineer of a number of programs. Then, thanks to the father's relations, she became the editor of video footage and joined adult intelligent journalistic circles.

Over time, a former student of the Nizhny Novgorod Theater School began to draw plots about culture for thematic gear and news. She was a nightlife chief in local branches of central channels and managed a broadcast grid intended for children.

Personal life

Anastasia possessed a pleasant appearance, but the figure did not differ in the figure and with a height of 165 cm weighed about 70 kg. She found happiness in his personal life with a classmate Vladimir Smolyaninov and once presented a legitimate husband to relatives and friends.

The father approved the choice of her daughter, because he knew the guy who was the guitarist of the "Chastushka" ensemble for several years. The young family united the love of folk creativity, and they went along towards tour.

In the late 1990s, Vladimir acquired a house in the Moscow region, and Anastasia seriously began to think about the birth of children. As a result, Grigory Smolyaninov became the long-awaited firstborn, and then the daughter of Elizabeth and three more sons appeared in the family.

Now the younger generation matured, but did not leave the parents, judging by the photographs published in "Instagram" and other social networks. Gennady, Ivan and Fyodor cooperate with the Father and Mother, appearing in their author's programs in the main and secondary roles.


Self-realizing on Novosibirsk television, Anastasia was seriously engaged in music and in the program "Play, Harmony Favorite" began to perform with the Father. She participated in folk festivals with a repertoire from Russian folk songs and received prizes at the urban level, and after time and on the regional one.

Since 1992, the discography of the talented singer was replenished with solo albums, estimated highly. The girl was noticed by people of art and together with Mikhail Evdokimov invited to play in the picture, which became the hit of the new Russian cinema.

The tape "Do not Valya Fool" turned out sincere, funny and touching, and the image of the carved milking gave her an additional flavor. Then the audience did not suspect that in front of them a non-professional actress, the father of which in the musical world is also in demand and famous.

The Zavolokin itself was coolly reacted to the success of the comedy Valery Chikov and decided not to participate in the shooting and making money for life. The fans supported a woman, because the songs in her execution instilled in people faith in the future, hope and optimism.

Especially lovers of folk art liked the compositions of the Lilac Branch, "The night of deep", "everything will be arranged!", "Autumn Romance" and "and the sky is waiting." Original arrangements and original support argued that Anastasia, trying to save the original past, has its own author's approach.

In the 2000s, along with participation in programs on the Russian First Channel, Zavolokina gave a number of solo concerts in the state halls of the country. In an interview, she talked with confidence that such numbers like "Winter Song" could collect stadiums because they are loved and need.

In the summer of 2001, after the tragic death of the Father, Anastasia with Brother Zakhar continued the work of the family. They became leading popular program and heads of the People's Ensemble "Chastushka", and then created the Foundation Gennady Zavolokin, who was engaged in the folklore of the Russian Earth.

The song "Harmon Borbs does not recognize", filled in the television air, the singer united the eaven people under the flag. She was supported by such performers as Vladimir Gaydukov, Alexey Khodakovsky and other stars of the National Folklore.

The enthusiasm of these and other participants in the transfer of "Play, Harmony Favorite" infected the viewers who were collected from the screens on Sundays at 7 am. People gladly watched the speeches of the Kuban Cossack Chora and in the Internet comments discussed how much the masters talented.

Anastasia Zavolokina now

In 2020, Anastasia Zavolokina with his native brother continued to lead the popular transmission of the first channel "Play, Harmony". Songs and romances in her execution, who sounded in one of the last issues, showed that the youth fire is still burning in this energetic woman.

Between the shootings passing in different parts of the vast Russia, the custodian of the folklore with numerous relatives trains the people's team. The participants of the "Chastushka" ensemble say that the rehearsals feel how encouraging positive comes from executives.


  • "My motherland"
  • "Hello, Russia!"
  • "Go!.."
  • "Yes, again! .."

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