Series "Punishment without a crime" (2020): Release date, actors, Roles, Russia-1


There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped ... So I thought the main heroine of a new melodramatic project: a woman could not imagine that fate prepares her even more cruel test than the absence of a husband in the 35-year-old age.

About how they filmed the series "Punishment without a crime" and which artists were involved in work - in the material 24cm.


Natalia is 35 years old, and everything that she dreams about in life is a healthy, strong family. However, the prince on a white horse on the horizon did not appear, so the woman continued to have a hard way of becoming.

Once, an aggressive drunk man began to pester on Natalia on the street, but the Savior was nearby - Lars. The impressive man was a Finnish businessman, and the woman lost her head. Love relationships approached the logical final: the couple got married, Son Misha was born soon.

However, one peculiarity of Lars did not give Natalia rest - his addiction to games. Once the spouse was so much played that the financial stability of the family was at risk. The cunning plan was ripe in the head of Lars quickly: to arrange a rich aunt, who lives in Finland, so that she left the inheritance. For this, the man is ready to deprive Natalia, including the son. For the help of a killed grief, a woman will come from whom Lars saved her.


The main roles were played:

  • Alla Yuganova - Natalia. 35 woman, and she still dreams of finding a loved one and make a family;
  • Sergey Gorobchenko - Lars, businessman from Finland. Male Galanten, causing, but everything crosses his terrible dependence on games;
  • Sergey Zotov - Victor Isaev, a former operative. The man was fired from work for drunkenness and aggression. Wanting to get rid of pain, resentment and humiliation, decides to help Natalia to bring his own son Misha.

Minor roles performed:

  • Anatoly Borisishevich - embroiled;
  • Ivan Zhukovsky - Misha, Son Lars and Natalia.

The series also starred : Tamara Mironova, Vera Alexandrova, Sergey Ivanyuk, Natalia Greenspun, Elena Barsukova.

Interesting Facts

1. The release date of the new melodramatic series "Punishment without a crime" - September 12, 2020. The episodes combined into the feature film showed on the air "Russia-1" TV channel.

2. The director of the project was Elina Soney, which for a long time concentrated over dramatic, historical and social paintings, for example: "My best friend" (2017), "Veronica will not come" (2008), "Man in a case, man in a coat and man In Frace "(2005).

3. In the filmography of Sergey Zotov, only 7 works, however, the actor has already played the main roles in two paintings: "Punishment without a crime" and "Innocent Siberians ... Help me ... I'm scary."

4. Ivan Zhukovsky, playing by Natalia's son, became the most young actor on the set. The boy with admiration responded to work on the project in the personal Instagram account: "How cool to act with such famous and wonderful actors. Yesterday you saw them on TV, and today you will be removed with them! "

5. The serial "punishment without a crime" was filmed in Minsk in the summer of 2019. On the first shooting day in the Instagram microblog, Ivan Zhukovsky reported on July 22. For the fact that the process ended, Alla Yuganova, who performed the main role in the series was told: "Thank you for the warm calm job! All group! See you!"

6. The episodes in which Spouse Natalia plays, was filmed in the present casino: Alla Yuganov was shared in the gambling institution.

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