Penny (character) - photo, "Theory of the Big Explosion", Actress, Leonard Hofsteter, quotes, hairstyle


Character History

Penny - Up to the fourth season, the only permanent character of the female in the TV series "Theory of the Big Explosion". Bright, kind and not quite educated blonde perfectly complemented physician scientists.

History of character creation

The plot of the American Sitcoma is built around friendly relationships between several physicist scientists - Leonard Hofstedter, Sheldon Cooper, Howard by Volovitsa and Rajhesh Kuturaptpali. These four characters are dedicated to comics, video games and, naturally, science.

At the same time, Fiasco in social skills suffer, for example, thoughts on communication with ordinary people on the street causes a stupor. Therefore, the appearance of a heroine, which turned out to be a bright opposition of geniuses, was inevitable.

So thought the creators of the painting - the pilot series begins with the fact that the girl from another world is broken into the life of asocial personalities. It is not difficult that it causes genuine interest among friends, and Leonard falls in love with her at first glance.

Interestingly, the initial idea of ​​this heroine has undergone fundamental changes. In the first series, Katie appeared in the performance of Amanda Walsh. According to the scenario, this character was a woman who had known a lot of "on the streets", who had a hard character in themselves, but at the same time not clerk with hysterical attacks.

However, it is an amplua, and the appearance of the character did not taste the editors of the CBS TV channel. Thille thinking, Chuck Lorri and Bill Priedi rewrote the script, and another actress was invited to the role of girlfriend Leonard. Corrections were fatal in the very good sense of the word. A pretty blonde pennies appeared on the screen performed by Keiei Cococo, instantly caused the sympathy of viewers and editors' approval.

"The theory of the Big Explosion" - the series, who received a considerable number of awards in the field of cinema. In addition, this Sitka put the record for the number of series. Commercial Success and Spectator Love managed to win with nontrivial plot lines, bright images of heroes, unique sparkling humor and sarcastic quotes.

Shaw about geniological physicists replete with scientific terms, equations and calculations. For help in these aspects, the scenario was invited by Professors of the Department of Physics and Astronomy David Salzberg. Therefore, in loyalty to theories demonstrated in the series, do not doubt.

A bright opposition of the whole of this scientific fabule is penny. Being the exact opposite of the key characters of the picture, it dilutes their lives with their sincerity, "youth of the soul" and extraordinary.

This role for Kayley Cococo became a sign in his career - not only a prevalence in demand and fame, but also the second place in the Forbes list among the highest paid actresses of television serials of 2018.

Image and Biography Penny

Motherland Penny is the city of Omaha, located in the state of Nebraska. A little information about the family of the heroine is given, besides the one that her father Wyetht dreamed of the birth of the heir. Up to the puberty daughter's daughter, a man brought up her like a boy. This determined its fighting character and the ability to stand up for himself. The Miloid Blonde has a native brother who is serving a punishment for the spread of amphetamine.

The girl stands out against the background of other main characters of hopeless inappropriation. Among the doctors of science and engineers, she feels alien. Penny did not even finish college, so the "professional" jokes of Sheldon and Leonard can not understand. But it is often easily solved by the issues that are shifted for them because of social limitations.

The reason why Penny decided to leave studies - the dream to become a great actress. According to the "life-affirming" plan, six months later, her star career shone. In the meantime, it did not happen, the blonde was forced to get a waitress in a cafe.

In the field of view of scientists' friends came when she moved to a neighboring apartment with Leonardo and Sheldon. Before that, she met with a boy Kurt, and after parting he took off her housing and began a new life. However, life went not by "clearly" scenario. A pair of commercials, compromising topless shooting, unsuccessful experience of participation in the Broadway musical - that's all the "commendable" items in the summary of the failed actress.

True, such obvious misses are not becoming a reason to lower the hands and despair. Penny affects the neighbors community, smelting and, of course, an attractive appearance. And the viewer in this girl sees the island of common sense in the bunch of scientific theories.

The kind and responsiveness of the heroine turns out to be real tiger, if someone decides to pour it out. Moreover, this character was traced from Penny back in childhood - the girl received the glory of the Zadira at school.

It almost immediately begins to meet with Leonardo, but they quickly disagree due to inconsistencies in intellectual plan. In addition to the fact that Penny did not understand anything in comics, fantastic films and physics, a strange guy in glasses was far from the American football adorable to the girl.

However, this pair was destined to come together again to secure the Union officially. And they made a wedding twice. The first time - together in Las Vegas with direct broadcast to friends, and in the second - traditionally, in wedding costumes and relatives. At the end of Sitkom, the audience will learn that a pregnant's heroine is pregnant quite sharply.

The audience was even more interesting to observe the development of the relationship of Penny and Sheldon. The guy often ridiculed the uneducation of the girlfriend, however, it did not remain in debt, sarcastically commenting on the lifestyle of the "botany".

Despite the bright opposition between them, the girl took care of the neighbor when he sick. And he, in turn, lent the waitress money and helped when she won his shoulder. At Christmas Penny gives Sheldon a napkin with an autograph of the legendary Leonard Nimoy, in response, the guy barks it with numerous baskets with presents.


"Do not irritate those who have access to your food!" "Yes, sometimes I just do not listen. Sometimes I just look like your jaw moves. "" God, I adore him. Large boring dolonvonchik. "" I'm a shooter. And it already says more than you should know. "

Interesting Facts

  • At the beginning of the series, the girl has a hairstyle with long wavy hair, but in the season 8 she makes a short haircut. It was caused by the fact that Keyli Cococo was filmed in parallel in another picture and was forced to change the image.
  • The creators of the series left the name of the character in secret by Maiden. True, attentive fans claim that the girl has a surname London, having studied the inscriptions on envelopes.
  • Penny works as a waitress, but several series stood behind the barman stand. And all because the actress broke the leg. And it happened imperceptibly mask gypsum.
  • On the refrigerator in the apartment of the heroine glued magnets with photos from the film series.
  • Kayley Coco received an unusual chameo in Spin-Off the "Theory of the Big Bang" called "Children's Childrenhood". The actress voiced the voice of water from the pool, in which the boy was afraid to jump because of the abundance of microbes.


  • 2007-2019 - "The theory of the Big Explosion"

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