Kirill Lavrov: 2020, biography, personal life, movies, children, death


On September 15, 2020, the famous Soviet and Russian actor Kirill Lavrov could celebrate the 95th anniversary. Unfortunately, fate ordered otherwise, and death took the great artist much earlier. In honor of the commemorative date, the editorial office of 24cmi decided to collect interesting facts from the biography and personal life of Kirill Yurevich.

1. Dreams of the sea and tanker

As a child, Kirill Lavrov dreamed of the sea. In an interview, he told that he always experienced an exciting thrill, being near the ships or seeing them from afar, he was admired and ordinary boats. Being a boy, Kirill Yuryevich began to visit the marine circle, where he studied the basics of shipment and knit naval knots. When it became older, I decided to enter the maritime technical school, but the war intervened in the plans.

Nevertheless, in some extent, Lavrov managed to realize his dream - after the Military School, he was sent to work with aviation technician to the Kuril Islands, where he was pleasing and flew away, and flew. In addition, the tanker is named after the artist.

2. Parents and creativity

Kirill Yuryevich told that in the family differently treated his desire to become an artist. Mom, Olga Gudim-Levkovich, calmly looked at the passion of his son and did not seek something to prohibit something, since herself had to do with the work. At the same time, the father, a well-known actor Yuri Lavrov, was categorically opposed to the young man acted in the theater, considering that the sibling does not have sufficient data for this.

3. Front

Lavrov recalled that when in 1943 he went to a volunteer in the army being a 17-year-old guy, the parents calmed down, having considered that it would not be sent to the front. A large scandal broke out before this house - working at the Military Plant, Kirill Yuryevich almost fell to the School of Radiers, which were thrown to the Germans. Mama and grandmother did not argue this alignment, and the father could not affect his son at that time, since he himself was at the front.

4. Strong women

Kirill Lavrov confessed that it was afraid of strong women. According to him, the wonderful half of humanity should be the object of protection and support, in it a man should see the need for his own strength. That is why when the actor saw in front of him strong women, he always felt some confusion.

5. Attitude to autobiographies

In the account of Kirill Yuryevich more than 100 roles in films and the same on the theater scene. Among the most famous tapes are: "Quarrel in Lukashakh", "Brothers of the Karamazov", "My tender and gentle beast", "Deadly Power", "Gangster Petersburg", "Master and Margarita" and others. In addition, the actor could remember the mass Baek from theatrical life, for which journalists have repeatedly offered him to go for writing the book.

To such an idea of ​​laurels, it was skeptical: "I won't like to swim in the overall stream. When everyone starts to do something, I don't want to throw in this thread from the feeling of contradiction. All now write books who are not too lazy. Although I really persuade me ... "

6. Star disease

The artist noted that he never suffered a star disease, neither at the beginning of a career, or in recent years, being already a people's artist. Even when he became the head of the Big Dramaater. G. A. Tovstonogov, his relationship with colleagues remained the same, without any official. Kirill Yuryevich told that he was never entered and even in the most "Star" clock tried to remain a person. The only thing he could do is slightly increase the voice while working with actors, and then not with evil, but because "the position obligated."

7. Family

Even before Kirill Lavrov married, he had an affair with Elina Bystritsky. The couple even planned to get married, but before the wedding did not come. Once, Elina Abrahamovna came to the station to spend his beloved and saw him with another girl. She turned out to be a future wife and mother of two children Lavrova Valentina Nikolaev.

In marriage, spouses lived for almost 50 years, until the death of Valentina Aleksandrovna in 2002. Two children appeared in this tandem - Son Sergey and the daughter of Maria. The last years of life next to Cyril Yuryevich was the costumeumer of his native theater Anastasia Lazovskaya. The woman was 52 years later than the people's artist.

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