Nikolay Burdenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Surgeon



The famous Soviet surgeon Nikolai Burdenko, who became the founder of neurosurgery during the USSR, made a huge contribution to the development of modern medicine. Today, the name of this person is hospitered, universities and specialized sanatoriums, and the methods of his treatment are taught in universities and use during complex operations.

Childhood and youth

In the summer of 1876 in the village of Kamenka Penza province in the family of the priest, a boy was born, whom Nikolai called. The future doctor since childhood has been interested in studying, and at 5 years old without the knowledge of the parents even went to school, so he wanted to learn. Seeing the baby under the doors of the class, the teacher sent him home, but it did not help. Persevement Burdenko could be envied, he returned daily to there until the director was complicated and finally allowed him to attend lessons.

School Kolya graduated in his native village, then moved to Penza, where he entered the spiritual seminary. There showed no less interested in classes, and therefore he was sent to the St. Petersburg seminary. For what reason, his interests changed, everything remains a mystery. At some point, Burdenko decides to become a doctor, and since the royal laws prohibited the seminarians to study in the capital's universities, he went to Tomsk to the profession. The direction for which will learn, Nikolai chose quickly. Inspired by the work of Professor of the Native University of Erast Salischev, he realized that he would become a surgeon.

Since the basis of surgery at all times was anatomy, Burdenko plunged into the study of this subject, quickly mastered the art of autopsy. His zeal noticed and already on the 3rd course were appointed assistant to the Vice-Rector. However, it was not possible to take care of the guy: due to participation in the revolutionary demonstration in 1901, Nikolai was excluded from the university.

Personal life

Despite the incessant work, Nikolai managed to build a happy personal life. His wife became Maria Emilevna, who was subsequently not only his wife, but also a faithful friend, assistant and support. In marriage they had a child, he was called Vladimir. There is no information about other children of the surgeon. He did not go in the footsteps of his father, instead decided to devote himself to the service. Vladimir Burdenko was captain II rank, he taught in the Riga Naval School, and during the Great Patriotic War, he commanded a submarine.

The medicine

For the first time to express yourself as Dr. Burdenko chance only with the beginning of the Russian-Japanese war in 1904. He went to the front, where, together with the soldiers, he spent a lot of time in the trenches, and when it was required, endured the wounded on himself, provided first help, made dressings and simple operations. The time spent there was a strong impression on him, which was even more forced the young man to follow his destination.

Returning to home in 1905, Nikolai immediately went to retire, for this he chose Yuryev University. A year later, he successfully passed the exams, defended his diploma with honors and he received the title of Lekary. Work remained in the same university, began to prepare for the protection of the dissertation. According to the advice of teachers, the study of liver functions chose as the topic.

At the same time, the first serious operations began to appear in the biography of Burdenko. Also, the doctor studied the subject of the consequences of the dressing of the portal Vienna and in 1909 he defended his dissertation on this topic. On this, he did not stop improving knowledge, reinforcing them with research and experiments, until the virtuoso technology has reached when performing operations. A year later, in Yuryevsky University, he became a private professor of the Department of Surgery, and in 1917, an ordinary professor at the faculty surgical clinic. An interesting fact: ignoring the traditions of the Russian school of surgery, to receive knowledge on the anatomical peculiarities of the brain, he went abroad, and in the future his research was published in different magazines.

When the First World War began, the name Burdenko as a surgeon already knew many. Having collected his own detachment, he went to the front. Becoming a surgeon-consultant army and organizing a hospital in Gerardov to treat neurosurgical wounded, he made a huge contribution to medicine, saving soldiers who have wounded in the head. The survival after its operations has increased greatly, this achievement of the surgeon later covered in many meetings in regional, army and front-line offices.

In 1918, Burdenko became a professor of the Voronezh Institute, part-time headed the surgical clinic, and after 5 years he moved to Moscow and "got up at the helm" the departments of topographic anatomy in the capital's university. In the Soviet army, he was also not forgotten, and in 1937 appointed the main surgeon-consultant. And with the beginning of World War II, he was at all the main operating surgeon.

Over the years of work, Nikolai Nikolayevich wrote more than 300 scientific papers, the topics of which concerned different problems. He regularly conducted research in histological, physiological, anatomical and biochemical regions. He studied the work of the stomach and pancreas, duodenum, as well as the liver. For brilliant work and new discoveries, a man did not even become the owner of premiums, ranks and awards. For many years, he was engaged in the editorial office in medical publications "Surgery", "Issues of Neurosurgery", "Military Medical Journal" and others.


In 1942, Burdenko returned to the capital, where he continued to work hard, writing scientific works and to investigate crimes committed by the fascists. After 2 years, the opening of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences was initiated, whose president became. In 1945 he had a second stroke (the first was in 1941, after contusion during the crossing of the Neva, from which he recovered in 2 months), and another year the third. Being chained to the hospital bed, the doctor did not leave work. Nikolai Nikolayevich wrote a report to the next All-Union Congress of Surgeons, however, with his student he read from the stands.

The Great Surgeon died in the fall of 1946, the cause of death was complications after the three postponed heart attacks. Instead of photo, the grave at the Novodevichy cemetery adorns Bust Nikolai Nikolayevich, established on a high pedestal.

In memory of Nikolae Burdenko, many streets were named in different cities of Russia, as well as hospitals, universities, institutions and medical institutions.


  • Nikolai Burdenko named Voronezh State University and the Chief Military Clinical Hospital in Moscow are named.
  • On the territory of the Central Neurosurgical Institute, Bust N. N. Burdenko is installed.
  • Square Specialized Burdenko Sanatorium Specialized Sanatorium works for spinal patients.
  • Nikolai Burdenko named streets in Moscow, Penza, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Volgograd and other cities.

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