Zira (character) - photo, "king lion", scar, cartoon, simba


Character History

Zira is a negative character of the sequel "King Lion: Simba pride." The lioness from the Sprawle group became the leader in the clan, planning to overthrow the King Praid. However, the power of love and this time prevented insidious plans.

History of character creation

The cartoon came out in 1998, becoming a logical continuation of the first part. It was the success of the "king of lion", it was a difficult task before the director Darrell Rooney - to show the world a decent development of the plot.

The main antagonist of the painting - the scar - dies in the final of the story. His place occupies a yaraya sequence - Lioness Zira. According to the director's statement, in the initial scenario, this heroine was planned as a friend of the Simba brother. However, such a version would have made it impossible to develop a romantic line between Kiara and Kovu, because in this case they would have come to each other relatives.

Therefore, in the midst of work on Sicvel, it was decided to reconsider the role of Zira and make it a ideological sequence of the former king. In connection with the changed concept, problems have arisen with the definition of kinship. Young Lionan became a chosen heir during the lifetime of the scar, but at the same time he was not his son. By the way, these questions remained unanswered. And the Cartoon creators decided not to give information about the real father.

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It is also known that initially a cunning lioness planned to call Bianca, which means "fair". According to the tradition, the names in the cartoon reflected the essence and nature of the characters. Therefore, the authors of the project decided to follow the already established reception and turned to the Language of Swahili. So the name of Zira emerged - in the literal translation of "hatred".

The appearance of heroes is also largely predetermined by a characteristic character. If you look at the lioness from Praida - Sarabi, Nalo, Kiarau - everyone has smoothed shapes, expressive and kind eyes, warm gamut in the wool color.

Artists painted ziru, emphasizing her cruelty, alertness and danger. Therefore, in the appearance of the heroine there are dark colors, narrowed pupils and an angular figure. Thus, the avenge leader of the Clan of the Otchentsev became a worthy substitute for the main antagonist "King Lion" in 1992.

Helen Mirren and Bett Midler tried to the role of this character. Casting also chose the actress Susann Plecett. In the "Guardian Lev" Mother Kovu was voiced by Nika Fistherman.

Image and Biography Zira

Zira - Supporting a lioness, requiring unquestioned subordination. The angular appearance is not devoid of feminine damn. An elongated face, reddish-brown eyes distinguish her from representatives of Praid.

In favor of combat nature, a torn ear - traces, probably, the battles for leadership. In addition, the leader of the leftouts were released claws - it means she is always waiting for an attack, does not believe anyone from the environment and ready to rush into battle at any time.

Sometimes bliss appears on her face, bordering the insane celebration. And this cunning smile does not promise anything good. Revenge is the only emotion that drives the leader of the rogue clan.

Despite such a social role, the lioness gave birth to three young - sons of Nuku and the Neck and the daughter of Vitani. True, her maternal feelings are blown before the main goal. Even the pet - the successor of the scar - she brings up in rigidity, from the very childhood by investing his hatred in him. And in the lullaby song, which sings the lioncet, is heard a setting about the accomplishment of revenge.

The voice of the heroine also reflects the essence of her personality - rough and lever. The result was a awesome character with an unusually strong spirit. It is bad that Zira is not ready to say goodbye to the past, so applies his own children, although in fact he loves them very much.

After the death of the scar, his sequence began to protest climbing the throne of Simba. However, the legal heir was poisoned by the fact that the kit could not become the king due to the deception of the scar. Zira was not present at the last battle between the nephew and Uncle, so she believed that she was inspired by the scar.

In trying to establish the fairness of the Lioness attacked Simba, for which he drove her from Praid along with a bunch of followers in Alien. There, in isolation, the heroine continued to save hatred, for many years shelled the return plan. And when her son Ku is getting acquainted with Kire, he understands that I found a loophole for a cunning attack.

In the "Guardian Lev" the situation differs from the canon. The villain is trying to deceive Kaiona, the Son of Simba, but he will find out the truth about the "Allied" and defeats the traitor.

In the "King of Lion: the pride of the Simba" lioness pays a bet on the top. He, chosen by the Scar itself, will have a great mission - to defeat the king. A small sprawle grows together with this thought, not knowing the feelings of maternal love and care. Therefore, when I get acquainted with Kiara, it begins to doubt the justice of maternal arguments.

Meanwhile, Zira feels that the Son hesitates and is trying to press him more and more. It finally finishes the carpet, and he decides to leave to live on the land of Praid. However, the king does not trust the renewal, and when an attempt is performed on it, then a friend of Kiara becomes the first among suspects. For Simba, the safety of the daughter is primarily. Therefore, he is expelled and tries to establish contact with Kiara. The heiress does not make the arguments of the father and go to search for a beloved.

At this time, the villain realizes that her plans rushes. Instead of lingering and come up with something new, it gives back to emotions. The lioness collects a squad and goes into the attack on the Simba and his family. By this time, Kiara and Cove, who managed to reconcile two warrant clans to the battle of the battle. Zira sees how everything she fought, it turned out to be useless. Her followers unfold and go, not wanting to fight into a fight with the true king.

The decision comes lightning. Solemnly lever, the desperate Avenger rushes to Simba, however, I was jumping to Kiara. The young heiress manages to prevent a fatal blow, but they both fall into the gorge. The princess is held on the ledge, but the vengeful heroine is in front of a terrible choice for her - take help from the enemy or crash. There was no time on the meditation - the sequence of the scar was broken and fell into the stormy river.

Initially, the creators planned a final scene a little differently. So, Zira was to be consciously abandoning help and dismiss claws with the words: "No, never!". However, the suicidal scene was decided to remove, and the death of the heroine became the consequence of her confusion.


"Keep your eyes! Pull the mouth! Kill them! Kill! Perform your duty! "" These land belong to the scream! "" What are you doing? Who made us with renegades? Who killed the scar?! What did I tell you about any of them? "" Oh! You do not know my son's Son? He chose his successor Scar. So he is not a simple lion, he is the future king! "

Interesting Facts

  • The death of the heroine remained behind the scenes, so the fans of the Disney franchise are still waiting for the magical resurrection of the antagonists.
  • In Russian doubles, Natalia Surkov (in Sikvel) and Anna Vavilova (in the guardian Lev) voiced the role.
  • The prototype of the failed mother-in-law Kiara became Lady Montecca from the play of William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet".
  • Suzanne Plecett nominated for the Annie Award in a better sounding category in an animated film.
  • In the sketches to the plot, the creators of the cartoon were introduced by hyenas as the minions zira. Later, their mission took on the same lioness expensive in alien.


  • 1998 - "King Lion: Simba Pride"
  • 2016-2019 - "Guardian Lev"

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