Sophia Anufriev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Russian actress Sophia Anufriev loved the viewer for the role in the popular TV series "Soldiers". With the end of the project, she disappeared from the screens, switched to a new job. Now Sophia is engaged in visualing cartoons and duplication of foreign tapes.

Childhood and youth

About the biography of Sofia knows a bit. Actress was born in 1981 in Moscow. Classes of music and dancing gave space for the realization of creative potential, which eventually led the girl to the school-studio MCAT. Here Anufriev studied until 2003, and then began to work in the capital theaters.

The actress has cute appearance and modesty, which predetermined her professional path - the girl played predominantly pleasant and kind heroines. In an interview with Sofya, it was recognized that they were not boring at the positive characters at all. On the contrary, it is necessary to really try to not "releasing" the role and make it convincing. Spectator love testified that Anufriev coped with this task perfectly.

Personal life

By choosing closures and nonpossibility as tactics, the actress prefers not to spread. It is not active in social networks, and even in the era of "Instagram" to get the news about it is not so simple. Space fresh photos, not to mention the pictures in a swimsuit, also not easy.


A year after release from the Studio Studio, MCAT Sofya pulled a happy ticket and received a role that gave her fame and audience love. She was the character of a rustic pre-mines Vari, Sokolov's beloved, who subsequently became her husband. The creative Union of Anufriev and Ivan Mokhovikov turned out to be so convincing that their on-screen love was extended on the air of 16 seasons.

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During this time, Varvara and Kuzma managed to grow up, overcome life adversity and become parents. Their duo "Women's Happiness", performed on the New Year holiday, is still popular in the network. The actress confessed in love for his heroine, noting her kindness, softness and wisdom in conjunction with a strong rod. In parallel with the shooting in the "soldiers", Sophia appeared in other projects, including the "Children of Arbat", "Law and Order", "Personal Life of Dr. Selivanova".

One of the last acting works by Anufriev became the short chief Yuri Bykov "Head", in which she starred in 2009. By the time the woman was already engaged in duplication of foreign cinema, cartoons and serials, among which "Hanna Montana", "Mission Darwin", "so-so vacation."

Sophia Anufriev now

The last time on the screens actress was seen in 2009 in the 16th season of the series "Soldiers". Since then, Sofya has suspended the acting filmography, switching to the sound. From time to time, a woman goes to the theatrical scene, for example, in the play "Idiots" on the play Gelena Piegovoova, where Irina Kireeva, Anton Eldarov, Ivan Mokhovikov and Vladimir Kanukhin became its partners.

Career actresses Dubbing develops successfully: Anufriev voiced several projects a year, among the last "Avengers: the final" and "How to Train Your Dragon - 3". The viewer was already used to that Astrid, the main heroine of a popular cartoon, says her voice. For the first time for this role, Sophia took in 2010. In the 2020s, she worked on the sports series from Netflix "clinging for the ice" dedicated to the dramatic fate of the skaters. Anufriev duplicates the heroine named Jenn.


  • 2004-2009 - "Soldiers"
  • 2004 - "Children of Arbat"
  • 2004 - "Narrow Bridge"
  • 2007 - "Law and Order: Department of Operational Investigations - 2"
  • 2007 - "Personal life of Dr. Selivanova"
  • 2009 - "Head"

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