Maria Bogomolova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Fans of Maria Bogomolova, trying to regularly replenish their discography and surprise listeners with musical compositions, this is not enough. Fans throw a favorite on social networks issues when a new track comes out, and the requests to publish singles as quickly as possible. The singer tries to combine professional activities with a personal life - her page in Vkontakte will literally break from touching family photos.

Childhood and youth

Date September 12, 1975 was a festive day for the marital couple of people from St. Petersburg - the only daughter of Masha appeared. From an early age, the child grew up in a musical atmosphere, because parents who marked March 4, 2019 porcelain wedding were graduates of the local conservatory named after Nicholas Rimsky-Korsakov. Mom Girls, Olga, was a pianist, and Father - Altist.

The head of the family, subsequently the famous jazz multi-instrumentalist, was at almost every corner of the globe on debt. He brought plates from different countries with a coil, disco, funk, rock and roll and classic works.

Maria Bogomolov in childhood with mom

The craving for singing in Mary originated in childhood - she adored sing, standing on a stool, firmly deciding that he would definitely become a singer when he would grow. Following the dream, along with the secondary school, the girl once visited the conductor-choir department of the music school, did not get out of numerous song contests, leaving the honorary certificates and rewards.

At the end of educational institutions, the graduate entered the Vocal Modest Musician School by the class of vocals, where he fell under the wing of Lyudmila Gaggiyeva. The energy of a talented bright female student beat the key, and by the completion of the first semester, it turned out to be the most discussed personality. The speeches of the girl at the reporting concerts produced Furore. For a long time they could not forget the classmates or teachers.

After the university Maria, the short time worked in restaurants, then fate than 15 years old abandoned it to the hotel business. Subsequently, the performer still returned to the origins.

Personal life

Slender Blue-eyed Blonde adequately cope with the role of not only the pop star, but also a loving mother and faithful spouse. The woman is not hesitating to disclose the facts of personal life on the pages on social networks, eagerly reporting fans, for example, about the 18th anniversary of the marriage with the second husband Roman Mesumayikin - a memorable date was noted on June 26, 2019.

Maria Bogomolova and husband Roman Reasonikin

In the same year, it became known about the 25th anniversary of the sole son of Alexander (perhaps from the first marriage) and the small holidays of a pet domestic pets - Laura Shepherd.

Judging by the published pictures, Bogomolov - a welcoming mistress, whose doors are always open to guests. Awnish relationship The woman supports not only with native people, but also with colleagues who have become close-looking friends. For example, the lady does not forget to find good words on the occasion of the birthday of Konstantin Kostomarova and his mother Irina Igorevna. She reports creative news and clips Denis Klyaver, Svetlana Fed and Gleb Matvechuk.


In the video interview for the Speed ​​Highway program, which appeared on the Personal Yutiub-Channel in the genre of Chanson in 2013, Maria confessed to the lead that about 6 years ago, she accidentally understood that music and poems came from somewhere over her, subsequently recorded and Court of listeners.

With many creations, Russian housewives got acquainted in the multi-seater films "At the River two shores" ("Late Love"), "Best Friend Friend" ("Snow"), "Polysevidelitsa" ("together forever") and other melodramas.

Maria Bogomolov and son Alexander

In 2009, the Single of St. Petersburg, entitled "Casablanca" cozy, settled in the collection "Megahit. POP STARS ", organically adjacent to the" First Spring Day "Sergey Trofimova, Lady Dima Bilan," resident "Anna Semenovich," Leathing "Lolita. The following year, Bogomolov pleased the fans with the release of a solo album.

In 2018, celebrity songs got to Yandex.Musy. Tracks "Happy Birthday!", "Bouquet of clouds" and "bitterly" entered the "Love without Rules" collections, "Summer hits", "Disco: Russian dance hits."

Additional confidence to the woman attaches the fact that her concert director is a beloved mother.

Maria Bogomolova now

Bogomolov, who marked the 45th anniversary in 2020, prone to experiments. In 2019, she recorded the composition "Let's dance" in Tandem with Alexander Smirnov (a little earlier, the duet was pleased with the track "Spikes from Roses") and composed a melody for the song "Night ... Slella ..." Svetlana Fed.

A year earlier, the star was responsible for the musical design of the "fortune-tailed" Risa Otradnaya and presented the premiere hit "In the arms of the night" Son Sasha, who makes the first steps in show business.


  • 2018 - "Love without rules"

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