Yuri Tavrov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Death, Actor



Since the beginning of the 20th century, Soviet filmmakers were interested in the story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol called "Night before Christmas". In one of the shields made by a talented and prolific director Alexander Row, the role of the in love for a bouzner Vakula was performed by actor Yuri Tavrov.

Childhood and youth

Yuri Petrovich's biography began on July 2, 1938 from birth in the village of Luchin Zhytomyr region in an unremarkable working family. The ancestors of the future actor information was not preserved, there is an assumption that they participated in the Great Patriotic War.

After the end of the hostilities, the father and mother moved to Kiev, where the little Jura went to school and after a while received a certificate. At that time it was rare, so the boy continued his studies, after choosing a prestigious profession, where external data and talent were required.

The institution, who was preparing professional artists, operators, screenwriters and directors, was located on the Odessa film studio created on the basis of Atelier Mirographer. Workers who have become teachers have made an invaluable contribution to art and added many meaningful chapters to the Soviet filmography.

In the 1940-1950s, the studios came out the paintings "Shadow at Pierce", "Mysterious Island", "stronger hurricane", "Sea Hawk" and "Derbent" tanker. Yuri tried to watch the filming and work of eminent performers, barely appeared a break in classes and fell out his free moment.

Probably, the acting students were attracted to large-scale shooting, but the list of early projects of Tavrov was not preserved until today's days. It is also unknown with whom from classmates a talented Ukrainian, who smeared the only major role in the heart of millions of Soviet people.

Personal life

Judging by the photos and frames from the films, Yuri possessed an attractive appearance, but in his personal life was not happy with any of the legitimate spouse. Women appearing on the horizon, in most cases turned out to be unknown: did not belong to the film industry, were not included in the creative circle.

Because of the first spouse that appeared in youth, the bras stopped appearing on the screen, but none of the acquaintances guess why it happened. Yuri has become the father of the girl of Lada, born in the Odessa Hospital, which, most likely, was proud that the family of the patient of the famous was connected with the cinema.

After the divorce and a new marriage of the actor with Raisa, Malcuk, a grazing daughter never met in his life and did not correspond with his father. The artist worried about this and, according to a few acquaintances, stopped appearing in society, pouring longing wine.

The addiction to alcohol laid an end to the official relations, and in the old age of brands, no one needed, it remained quite alone. Friends who claimed that he was a good, caring and honest person, over time left the actor for a number of reasons.


In the early 1960s, Yuri began a professional career in the film "Evening on the farm near Dikanka" on the fabulous story "Night before Christmas". At the view of the director Alexander Row, the young man from the Zhytomyr region was the perfect Ukrainian type.

Refusing to view other candidates who wanted to play a blacksmith vacuum, the author of the painting officially approved Tavrov for the role. A recent graduate of acting courses arrived at the M. Gorky film studio and from the first days came to Row under full and undivided control.

At the end of the preparatory stage, Yuri with partners Lyudmila Maznikova, Sergey Martinson and George Millar went to the north of the country. In the Murmansk region, under the city of Kirovsky, the Ukrainian village, full of national flavor and original items of antiquity, was recreated.

At first, performers of the roles of vacules and Oksana are the main characters of the Gogol plot - due to lack of practical experience, they are seriously accustomed to the film. But thanks to the support of the elder comrades, Alexander Cryly and Lyudmila Kittyaeva, soon he was morally strengthened and began working with professionals on a par.

The leading operator Dmitry Surensky insisted on close-ups, where he was required to transfer the emotions of the facial expressions, eyes and expression. Yuri coped with a difficult task and won the necessary scenes perfectly, because he loved creativity and gave him to the end.

The actor was especially successful to the beloved, who sent a guy for Cherevichki from the Ukrainian farm in St. Petersburg. After the release of the film, according to acquaintances, Tavrov acquired numerous fans, and also caused admiration of relatives, friends and girlfriends.

The episode of the flight on the back of the trait was made with the help of combined filming, and in the process of setting with the participants of the picture there was not one funny episode. For fabulous events in an improvised village with a fading heart, children were watched, who were along with adults represented a rural people in the extras.

In 1961, the work was safely completed, and the film "Evening on the farm near Dikanka" went to the Soviet screen. Spectators crowded in the premiere in the Kirov Palace of Culture. People are still admired by the ribbon renovated by the union "Close-up".

Critics and the audience highly appreciated the skill of the young actor, but noted that in some complex scenes, the brands were not open enough. However, after the tape shows in Moscow cinemas, a graduate of the Odessa Creative Studio realized that he was famous.

It seemed that such a good start of the career would lead to its continuation, but the directions for some reason ignored Tavrov and refused to shoot him. An episodic role in the film "Meaching High Breads" with Evgeny Leonov and Margarita Crintein was everything, about which at that time the talented actor dared to dream.

In 1973, the series "Old Fortress" appeared, where the artist played the working tourand in one of the 3 story parts. "The city by the sea" talked about the fight against the counter-revolutionary formation, which robbed the border settlement, tormented and killed people.

Later to the filmography of the Ukrainian actor added a picture "Farewell, Pharaohs!" According to the play, which Alexey Kolomiets created is a Soviet writer and playwright. And after the tapes "Port" and "Spring of the twenty-ninth", central cinematic studios have crossed out Tavrov from lists and refused its services.

It was rumored that this happened for unknown personal reasons, and also because the man did not graduate from the Kiev Institute of Theater Arts. But those work that appeared on the screen in the 1960s and 1970s, deserve a valid relationship and cause the warmest and tender feelings.


Few people know how the fate of the Ukrainian actor has developed. They said that he served as a builder, plaster and malar. Over time, a man has become a professional in a non-cinema region and forgot that his true vocation was art.

In old age, Tavrov acquired numerous health problems: familiar argued that due to disease, it was completely flames and land. The causes of death and the location of the grave have not yet been established, it is known only that the actor died alone at the age of 72.


  • 1961 - "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka"
  • 1964 - "Our honest bread"
  • 1970 - "Meaching High Breads"
  • 1973 - "Old Fortress"
  • 1974 - "Farewell, Pharaohs!"
  • 1975 - "Spring twenty-ninth"
  • 1975 - "Port"

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