Stars recognized in treason: 2020, Russian, Hollywood, reason


"Who is not without sin?" - so or about this so reason the celebrities, the decorated to promulgate the betrayal and publicly repent of the second half in the eyes of the public. Stars recognized in treason, and their response to Ajulter - in the material 24cm.

1. Justin Timberlake

"I apologize to my stunning wife and in front of the whole family," from such words began recognition of the musician Justin Timberlake, whose marriage with Jessica Beil was threatened. The reason for the disclaim was the actress Alisha Wainwright, with which Justin was filmed in the film "Palmer".

The case would be "Shito-indoor", but the paparazzi spread compromising personnel on the network, to which the wife reacted decisively and evicted the belief in the guest house. Two weeks later, the wrong husband repeated in social networks and explained the obscene behavior of alcohol. Such a revelation, the singer pushed the sorry from the spouse, and the pair closed the topic of betrayal.

2. Vlad Sokolovsky

The fact that the Russian singer Vlad Sokolovsky changed the spouse with women from a close environment, they knew everything except the deceived wife Rita Dakota. When the truth pops out, Vlad refrained from commenting and silent. The offended woman filed for a divorce.

Six months after parting, Sokolovsky found the strength to apologize to the ex-wife. "Without everyone there" around "yes" about "I ask for forgiveness," the musician wrote in a personal blog. However, the repentance did not melt the heart of Rita, which in response to a public statement emphasized that in the place where they betrayed it, she would not return.

3. Jay Zi.

Stars recognized in treason are capable not only to repent publicly, but also transform feelings into creativity. In response to betraying the spouse - Rapper Jay-Z - the Queen of the Beyonce scene released the Lemonade album, where she shared with the listeners with mental suffering, in which he sang about "Becky with beautiful hair."

In response, the wrong spouse released the album "4:44", where he asked for forgiveness from his beloved woman. Later, Ja Zi scored courage and commented on the situation, explaining that creativity was a session of family psychotherapy. Who is such Becky, the fans did not know, and the musical albums went for the benefit of the family budget, which helped the pair to acquire twins.

4. Elena Plotov

In 2017, the actress Elena Podlov is unexpectedly, decades later, repented before the wives of famous beloved. In an interview, the celebrity admitted that rethought of the actions of the past years.

The widow Micah Volunteer was insulted by the news about the treason of her husband, which did not believe. Larisa Golubanka - the widow of Andrei Mironova - for a long time I forgave the rival. And Follovers noted that the clerk revelations were inappropriate and injured their loved ones.

5. Kevin Hart

Full Kevin Hart, familiar with the role in the film "Jumanji: Call of Jungle," was seen embracing with an unknown girl in Miami. But then the Hollywood actor denied treason.

Only later, Hart admitted in treason and asked for forgiveness from his wife with a standard set of phrases. And to revelations it was pushed by extortion from a woman on the side.

6. Tarzan

In mid-September 2020, the dancer Sergey Glushko confessed to instagram account in the treason of singer Natasha Queen. The incident occurred in the state of "full inadequate", in addition, valuable things were abducted. Later, Tarzan called on federal media to remove publications about the scandal, which concerns his family.

In response to the act of her husband, Natasha Koroleva stressed that love can pass any tests and it does not intend to destroy the family.

7. Kristen Stewart

Saga "Twilight" ended with the novel by Kristen Stewart's main roles and Robert Pattinson. However, the director Rupert Sanders intervened in the relationship between Vampires, who was married to Liberty Ross actress. And the quartet hit the secular chronicles in the heading "Stars, recognized in treason."

The director brought public apologies to the spouse with the wording "this is life." And Pattinson forgave the girl with a rhetorical question "And it pegs me?". The attitudes of the actors who demonstrated love in the public did not recover.

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